• From My Kitchen,  Good Things,  Holidays

    Holiday Baking

    The shopping is done, the gifts are wrapped, and I've decided to spend the remaining hours before Christmas Eve baking to my heart's content! Here's what I have on the menu…

    Shrimp and Cocktail Sauce
    Honeybaked Ham
    Sweet Potato Casserole
    Summer Sausage
    Jack Cheese
    Sugar Cookies
    Reindeer Eyes
    Peanut Clusters
    Peanut Butter Kiss Cookies
    Cinnamon Rolls
    Zucchini Bread
    Pecan Shortbread Cookies
    Fleur de Sel Caramels
    Savory Meatballs

    I think that's it, but I can't guarantee it. I have no idea why I'm making so much food, bc much of it will end up in the freezer or taken to Mike's office. But I do love it all, and I feel very fortunate to be able to do it. (Plus, some of Frieda's staples every Christmas Eve were shrimp, sausage, crackers, and cheese, and I'd like to keep her tradition going for Mike and the girls.) I'll also be taking quite a bit of it over to my parents' house on Christmas Night, where I feel sure my brother will polish off the reindeer eyes!

    Here's what I have so far (most of it baked while listening to Christmas movies)…

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    I clearly have a long way to go. 🙂 I did bake gingerbread cookies as well, but I've eaten every last one of them. Sorry, Mom. I'll make more.

    Btw, I've been making the Reindeer Eyes ever since my good friend Chris sent them to me in the mail several years ago. Get yourself some round pretzels (I got mine at WalMart) and almond bark and Christmas M&M's. Melt the bark, drizzle it in the middle of each pretzel, and drop an M&M down into it before it hardens. Voila! They're sooo good!

    I hope you all have a beautiful Christmas Eve. We're expecting snow, for which I'm happy. I do love a good snowfall…puts me in the mood to bake!

    Merry Christmas!

    P.S. For those of you who wanted to learn how to make the snowflakes that Sophie made, she posted the video on her blog! Have fun! Paper Snowflakes

  • Good Things,  Holidays

    Wooly Snowman

    I received the loveliest gift recently from a very dear friend.  She asked Judy Bielec of Mosey 'n Me to create this needle-felted snowman, and it's truly one of the sweetest things I've ever seen!

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    I'd heard of felted wool before, but never really knew what it was. According to Judy, "felt making predates spinning, weaving or knitting." I had no idea! Here I thought it was a brand-new invention.

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    I love the details…

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    Breanna was the lucky recipient of one as well! She liked hers so much in the bag, she kept it there…

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    This made both snowmen very sad…

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    What a lovely surprise! Breanna and I thank you, dear friend.

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  • Crazy Kids,  Family,  Good Things,  Holidays

    How Did She Do That?

    Sophie has been terribly under the weather lately, coughing and sneezing and getting more than her share of aww-poor-baby hugs. Since she was tired of laying around, she decided to help out with the Christmas spirit around here and came up with a most beautiful decoration, now hanging from our dining room ceiling…

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    I love having this little elf around.

    Btw, Mike is also really sick, but he doesn't know how to make cool snowflakes. He does, however, remind me of an overgrown elf.

  • Holidays

    Tannenbaum Ampelmann and Joe

    I finally got into the Christmas decorating mood the other day – despite no snow – and decided to go ahead and make the cinnamon ornaments that Tanya made over at The Scarlett House. I've been wanting to make them for years, but the only recipe I had involved an array of ingredients that were hard to come by, so I gave up on that one. Hers was much simpler, and even though my dough wasn't exactly the same thickness all around, I still enjoyed making them. And the house smelled wonderful!

    Remember when Sabrina went to Germany and brought me back some Ampelmann cookie cutters? (Which, btw, are the coolest souvenir I've ever received!) I decided to use them as well as the traditional gingerbread men and stars…

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    I have a basketfull of ribbon spools, and I thought the red check was perfect.

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    When I hung them on the tree, I couldn't help but gaze at my favorite ornaments of all…

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    Magnificent…despite the neverending Japanese Chin hair that finds its way into everything. Grr.

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    Here is this year's edition…

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    Hi, Friday! I don't need your help boy, but thank you anyway!

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    Btw, I've had to move all of my Ampelmann ornaments to the top branches bc the Japanese Chin has decided that they look much better decorating the bottom of her kennel, all chewed into hundreds of pieces.

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    May your holiday season be filled with cutting cookies, and not cheese.

    That wasn't necessary, I know.

  • Holidays

    Dear Family…

    Don't you just love Christmas? The energizing chill in the air, the church plays, the lights… it's all so beautiful! Festive! Like a month-long celebration that Christ was born!

    Isn't it fun how we give gifts to each other? All the thought that goes into it… wonderful! And the stockings! Did I mention the stockings?

    Let's talk about those stockings. Each year you all tell me how the stockings are your favorite part. Ah yes, when I was a young lass, that was my favorite part too; one never knew what joys awaited them in that seemingly bottomless sock of wonders. And now that I'm grown, you (my loving family)  have continued to fill that sock. You remind me of the wise men, who gave frankincense and myrrh.

    What, you say? They gave more than frankincense and myrrh? Why, how could I have forgotten? Of course! THEY GAVE GOLD! I must have forgotten that part bc it's the one part you, adorable family, leave out of my stocking each year.

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    Each year I beg – BEG, I say! – for these shiny, gold-wrapped dark chocolate marshmallow Santas from Russell Stover. And each year, after pulling out all the fabulous trinkets and dvds you all get for me in my Sock of Wonders, I feel around in the bottom, waiting to discover the crinkle of my favorite confection's wrapping.

    And each year, all I hear is silence. It is then that I know in my heart that Kris Crinkle has forgotten me again; I am cast off to the Island of Misfit Toys.

    I love these dark chocolate marshmallow Santas from Russell Stover. I found a box of them in the store yesterday and  bought just one. I ate it immediately.

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    Do you see the calory label? I don't give a flying reindeer's bottom about that.

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    I eat them for the protein. Duh.

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    I would have eaten these milk chocolate ones, but I bought them for the children bc they like them almost as much as I do.

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    Do you remember those stockings I made for each of us? The ones that were stitched with love and then filled with enough stuff to warrant a second mortgage on the house?

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    This is what I wish mine looked like:

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    I love you, dear family. And I love everything about this season… most of all that you're in it. You complete me.

    (Gold… how could I have forgotten that part?)

    Love, Mom

    P.S. Please don't say you thought I already had plenty of marshmallows stuffed down the back of my pants, bc that wouldn't be very wise-mannish of you. After all, I would have no problem filling your stockings with what comes out of flying reindeer bottoms.

  • Good Things,  Holidays,  Just Cross Stitch,  Stitching

    Got Issues?

    I recently received in the mail 3 issues each of the Halloween and Christmas ornament issues of Just Cross Stitch magazine from their very sweet editor. However, I had already purchased my issues when they were first released, so now I have 3 copies of each that I'd love to give away.

    I'm sure those of you who wanted the issues have already purchased them, but just in case there are a few of you who haven't, just leave a comment here about which issue you'd like, and I'll draw names from there. If there are only a few of you, perfect! We'll draw the first ones in line. And if there is not a single soul out there who hasn't already gotten the issue they wanted, then I'll give the magazines as Christmas presents to my family. teeheehee.

    I hope you like stitching ornaments, honey!

    Jcs halloween issue

    Jcs ornament issue

    Btw, for January 2011's issue of Just Cross Stitch, I had the pleasure of being invited to be one of their featured designers! Woohoo! I designed a little piece called Winter Wind Sampler. I hope you like it!

  • Family,  Holidays

    Mike’s Heart

    Each year, for as far back as I can remember, Mike has participated in the police department's "Shop with a Cop" night. This is an annual event that is sponsored  by the OPD, and its purpose is to help children in shelters have a better Christmas – any Christmas at all, actually.

    The police officers who volunteer to participate are each paired with one or two children, and after a fun evening of pizza at the union hall, they're all off to go Christmas shopping at Wal-Mart. The Omaha Police Foundation gave each of the officers a $100 gift card per child, and the officers did their best to help their kids find the right balance of toys and clothing.

    Not an easy task when you have two 6-year-olds named Jacob and Samantha, paired with the Biggest Kid of the Universe, Mike Stewart.

    Mike said that although little Jake looked sleep-deprived and pale, his energy was boundless. And Mike's cell phone camera proves it…

    Mike and Jacob 3

    Joining Mike and Jake was little Samantha, whose smile could melt a snowman.. Even when Jake kept trying to kiss her coat in the police cruiser – despite her explaining to him that she did NOT want to be his girlfriend – she kept laughing and smiling, and learning at an early age that boys will be boys.  Especially when Jake insisted that she did, in fact, want to be his girlfriend…

    Mike and Samantha 2

    In the past, Mike has had kids whose main concern was to shop for their siblings or mother, which is always a mixture of love and heartbreak. With those children, Mike has made sure they get what they need – a coat, some underclothes (and of course a few toys!) – and then he helps them choose something for their loved ones. Mike is extremely tender-hearted toward children and those who aren't so fortunate as he has enabled his family to be.

    This year, however, all Mike had to do to please his little buddies was to find the perfect radio-controlled helicopter for Jake and a Dora the Explorer doll for Samantha. Add to that a Nerf gun, another baby doll, some Transformers gear and lots of underclothes and outerwear, and those kids finished the night with bigger smiles than they started with.

    Speaking of smiles, I had to show you this picture that Mike took, even though I'm sure he didn't mean to just photograph the bottom half of their faces… I thought it was adorable bc they have matching cheeks and chins!

    Mike and Jacob 2

    Mike always feels very blessed to be able to share a small part of Christmas with these kids. And I know he's one police man they'll never forget.

    Mike and Jacob

    What wonderful, kind people the police volunteers are. And a huge thank-you to the Omaha Police Foundation!

    Merry Christmas, Jake and Samantha.

    Merry Christmas, hon.

  • Family,  Holidays,  Home

    Thanksgiving Day

    Now that I'm coming out of my tryptophan-induced stupor, I can let you all know that our Thanksgiving was wonderful! My mother cooked a fabulous turkey, along with everything that usually goes along with it, and all I had to bring this year were a couple of side dishes and dessert. Sophie wanted cupcakes, so after hesitating a bit, I thought, "Well, why not?"  So we brought cupcakes (which Sophie made all by herself), chocolate cream pies, mint kiss cookies, and I think that's it. Mom had the pound cake and maple pumpkin pie.

    But she didn't have her famous orange punch, which we shall never forgive her for.

    And as usual, her centerpiece was to die for! Can you believe she made those candle holders? (Mike actually asked her, "Oh, so you've taken up glass-blowing?" Oh good grief. Men.)

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    Breanna became drowsy first, so up the stairs she went and crawled under my parents' heated blanket…

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    She was snuggled in and ready to dream about studly Pilgrim men when suddenly, who should appear but…

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    Needless to say, the Studly-Pilgrim-rescues-the-beautiful-young-lady-Pilgrim-from-the-clutches-of-the-Wampanoag-witch-doctor fantasy didn't last long.

    Or maybe that was my fantasy… moving on.

    Sabrina headed back downstairs to mind her own business, and along came her father, tired of the peace and quiet…

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    The picture below strikes me as odd, bc apparently Mike whipped Sabrina up out of that seat so fast, her left foot disappeared…

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    Sophie, who was sitting on a nearby couch, disapproved of the racket they were making. She was trying to play on my mother's iPad, and they were distracting her…

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    I really didn't take that many pictures on Thanksgiving. I was too busy eating and trying to keep the conversation going so fast that Mike couldn't get six words in edge-wise. These words in particular:

    "Who wants to play a game?"

    Happy Leftovers!