• Critters,  New Designs

    We Have a Winner!

    Chrissy E, you were the first to guess it! Congratulations! I am so happy there are still people who are willing to stop by my blog to check on me. 🙂 Thank you so much to everyone who guessed – I got some amazing ideas from your guesses, that’s for sure. Those were so much fun to read through!

    Tired Trio cover

    I also want to say hello to Tracy C! Welcome to my much-neglected blog, and I’m so happy you like my designs!! Woohoo!

    And to Deborah – there will definitely be a Winter Delivery at some point, but the only patterns in the series available to date are Halloween Delivery, Harvest Delivery, Spring Delivery, and Summer Delivery. If anyone has any other delivery suggestions, I’m all ears. 🙂

    By the way, Tired Trio will be releasing very very soon, along with Sampler Lesson Four and The Beekeeper.

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    Thank you all once again for still reading… I sure am blessed by you.

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  • Crazy Kids,  Critters,  Family

    Leo and Bean

    This past December, when Sabrina came home for Christmas, she brought along both of her sweet cats (Kamaji and Dusty) and her gentle rescue boy Leo…


    She told me she had tried to get a picture of him several times before, but it had proven to be an impossible task; Leo is like most other dogs who know when a camera is pointed at them – which of course means he looks anywhere but the camera's direction. However, we were determined to get a good photo of him, even if it meant resorting to trickery, distraction techniques, or flattery…



    We clearly underestimated Leo's intelligence… by the way, his "proper" name is Leopold Rogue, so named because Rogue One: A Star Wars Story was just out in theaters when Sabrina adopted him.


    Almost! He almost looked!


    We had just about given up (mostly because it was freezing out), when Sabrina decided to give it one last-ditch effort: she hoisted Leo up in her arms to see if she could bodily turn him toward the camera… 


    Nope, but close….



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    I sure miss them.

  • Crazy Kids,  Critters,  Family,  Gardening,  Holidays,  Home,  Martha,  Photography


    Dear Paulette,

    Remember when it was January? Like, just yesterday? And everyone was telling you Happy New Year, and you were in your usual blissful state of all-things-are-new-again?

    And let's not forget all those New Year's Resolutions, which included this beauty:

    Blog more.

    And this one:

    Take pictures of things besides pets.

    It's probably best if you stopped resolving things. That's all.

    Yours Truly,



    I was going through my photos from 2017, and I thought I'd share a few of the in-between moments that either never made it to my blog, or maybe found their way to Instagram instead. Mostly though, they're just pictures that made me smile… and yes, the majority of them are probably of pets.

































    I hope you all had a really lovely start to your new year, and that the remaining eleven months are filled with lots and lots of moments that make you smile. Even if it's mostly your pets. Or fosters. (I don't actually own 1,284 pets, despite what it may look like.)

    I'll see you soon!




  • Critters

    Foster Babies!

    I love dogs.

    I love cats.

    I love anything with fur and four legs, and I always have. And Sophie is just like me.

    Since we have enough dogs and cats for one household, we have decided that the next best thing for Miss Sophie to do is to foster kittens for the Nebraska Humane Society. When we got the email, we were able to choose the ages and numbers we could work with, which means that Sophie now has four little six-week-old babies in her charge for the next two weeks or so.

    I've decided that if we don't actually name the kittens, we may not be as tempted to keep them, but I'm not entirely convinced this plan is going to work.

    Here is the one we call The-Black-and-White-One:

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    And this one is The-Orange-One:

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    And finally, laying beside The-Orange-One are his brother and sister: The-Little-Black-Cat-That's-A-Boy-And-Has-The-White-Spot and The-Black-Cat-That's-A-Girl (yes, that is actually what we call them):

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    I find it interesting that the little orange tabby doesn't even look like the same kitten in the two photos; sometimes his eyes are a bright blue, and other times they fade to a pale green. He is a true beauty, and a very calm little boy. The black and white kitten in the first photo is the only one unafraid of Martha, and is the most active of the bunch. And the little black brother and sister pair are exact opposites: the girl (on the right) is feisty and confident, while her smaller brother is very shy and timid. (Of the four, my heart may belong to him.)(But I shall not name him!)

    Thank you for stopping by to meet the little fosters in our home! Sophie has been a very sweet foster mom, and my hope is that in two weeks' time, they will be on their way to new families who will love them as much as she has.

  • Critters

    A Note from Me

    Dear 2017,

    I may be starting to like you after all.




    Do you know how often I think about writing something here? Every day. Every day!

    But then the evening comes, and I sit down on the edge of my bed, setting my slippers on the floor at just the right distance from my feet so that I can find them when the dark morning comes. 

    After that, I wonder where the day went. It seems like I was just putting those slippers on my feet and trudging down to the coffee pot. And now here I sit again.

    Twenty-seventeen has been a disjointed blur to me, but it feels like I may be settling back into the nice, steady rhythm of work. I love my work.

    Thank you so much for all of you who have been so incredibly supportive of it. I truly feel God has given Plum Street Samplers to me, and has allowed me to meet so many of you through it. I hope I can be better, once again, at staying in touch (so to speak) through my blog. 

    I'll leave you with a little bright spot in my day… the new Jingle Family, which has settled themselves quite comfortably in the Christmas wreath on my front porch. (I fell in love with a wreath on Etsy, so I ordered it, not taking time to measure it. When I received it, I found that it was much more enormous than I had planned for, and was far too heavy to hang on my front door. I had to hang it next to my door instead, which proved to be a nice, inviting spot for a little finch mother to build her nest. So if you happen to be in the neighborhood, you'll know why it still appears to be Christmas at the Stewart house.)

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    Thank you for stopping by!


  • Critters,  Family,  Home

    Meet Luigi

    My Marty-girl has quite an array of toys… my mother can't stop laughing when she comes over and Martha presents her latest acquisition. With names like Tan Man, Lunch, and Mad Bird Dog, Marty's toy chest has become full of some very odd characters. (However, the spoken word "toy" is reserved strictly for her Frisbees, and I always warn visitors to not use the "t word," as that single word will trip a trigger in her brain, her eyes will glaze over, and she will savagely bolt to all corners of the house, madly scouring for her flying discs in a take-no-prisoners fashion. Once the t-word has been located, she will return like a wrecking ball,  frantically begging to have it thrown for her. "No" is not an option.)

    We have a little dog-and-cat shop nearby called Three Dog Bakery, and when I happened upon a barrel of these frightening little Italian chickens while visiting the shop, I knew it would be love-at-first-sight for Marty…



    Of course, she loves Luigi, and the long, sad squawk he makes.

    I found a female version of Luigi a few weeks later (in a wild purple floral number), and I took her with me to give to my sister's dog, Ranger, when I visited her this past summer. We named her Isabella, but she is no longer with Ranger, as she did not survive his exuberant affection for her.

    I supposed I've yakked pointlessly enough for one day. I hope you all have a wonderful week – we're iced in here in Omaha, which makes Sophie a happy girl (no school!), but the dogs very sad, as they don't get to go on a neighborhood jaunt.

    Thank you for visiting!

  • Critters,  Home

    Beautiful Sunday

    What a lovely day it's been so far. After church, we headed to a favorite little restaurant for chicken crepes benedict, and then home to walk Miss Martha. The sun doesn't want to make up its mind about whether or not to shine, but regardless, I love good-mood-days like today.

    Here is Martha, always by her favorite window…

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    And here is sweet little Kamaji (or Maji, as we call him), who is usually very hard to get a picture of! Maji is Sabrina's little baby, and I don't think I've ever met a cat that loves dogs as much as this little boy. He and Martha are the best of friends.

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    One of these days, I may actually get a picture of them together!

    Back to my Sunday.. I hope you're enjoying yours as well. I'm off to stitch!

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  • Critters

    Gloomy Day

    Martha loves to look outside the window in our living room. There is almost always a squirrel outside, flicking its tail at Martha, knowing that the only thing Martha can do is to whine and pant furiously because she can't get to it through the glass.

    But today, it rained, and the squirrel did not come out to play.


    Maybe tomorrow, Martha.