My Sabrina turned nineteen on the 12th of this month, which means the state considers her an adult now. I don't know if she actually feels any differently, but I do know that she still looks like the same strawberry-haired baby angel that I fell in love with back in 1993. The only difference between now and then is that she isn't so much my shadow any more, following me from room to room, sucking her thumb and hugging my leg every time I stopped for one moment.
What a joy she has been to me.
We made quite a weekend of it in celebration, that's for sure! Sophie took the reins as the birthday party planner, and did a fine job of it. The only things missing were a headset and mic for her to speak her commands into, and our paychecks for doing everthing she commanded. "You are to stand here, and when I say 'POTATO,' you are all to yell 'SURPRISE!!!' Got it?"

Since Sabrina is a volunteer assistant zookeeper, Sophie thought it would be a great idea to have a zoo-themed party.

We even set up lots of little plastic animals around the table…

…And placed pictures of Sabrina in various animal get-ups around as well…

Mom told us about the iPad app Hey You, which you can see scrolling in the background of the photo below (it said "Happy Birthday, Girl!")…

And what party is a zoo party without Zoo Pals plates?

And of course party favors, which my dad employed to harrass my mother…

Sabrina's favorite cake is a good old-fashioned Betty Crocker lemon cake…

We had a big cookout as well, with burgers, hot dogs, and the rest of the usual stuff, and we were all thrilled that Bre showed up about half-way through dinner! After we ate and had ice cream and cake, we headed to a nearby bowling alley…
Here's my left-handed dad, bowling right-handed. All night long he kept switching hands, trying to figure out which side he preferred (he normally does everything sports-related with his right hand). I think I had more fun watching him scratch his head and try different techniques while switching hands back and forth than I actually did bowling. (Okay, truth be told, I didn't bowl that night; I just took pictures while Mom knitted next to me!)

Bean's boyfriend, Connor, came along as well. Connor is finally getting used to me stopping everyone every other moment to take a quick picture…

Did I say quick picture? Sabrina knows better. Connor hasn't quite gotten used to that part – which was especially painful while holding a bowling ball. (Notice Sabrina's neck muscles straining to keep her ball up.. there may have been a slight chance that I was deliberately taking a long time to get the picture, but that will stay between you and me, okay?)

For a burly guy, Mike is quite a graceful bowler…

But these two weren't very graceful at showing off when they got a strike for their team…

Btw, Connor is a super sweet guy, and he and Bean hit it off the moment they met.
(Dad is still in his own world, methodically testing various bowling techniques…)

We had a lot of fun at the bowling alley, but we weren't finished with her party yet. The next morning we headed to Kansas City to go through the haunted houses at Worlds of Fun. What a great time that was! The weather was dreary and wet, but that only added to the fun. When Sabrina and I were discussing the threatening weather situation, I was telling her that I thought that rain storms and snow storms always made the best memories when you think back on fun events. You don't hear too many people pipe up excitedly and say, "It was so nice and sunny out that day!" But you will hear someone say, "Wow, remember that crazy rain? We got soaked!"
Anyway, here's one from Worlds of Fun that just cracks me up bc of the looks on everyone's faces… one of the Corn-Stalkers that were roaming around outside of the cornfield maze sneaked up behind Bre to spook her. After a good laugh, she asked him if he'd pose for a picture, and surprisingly, he agreed.

I think we've all recovered from that weekend now. Sabrina, if you're reading this, I hope you had a fantastic time on your birthday! We love you so much, and we're so proud of the young woman you've become.

Now would someone mind going and telling Pops that we've all gone home?