Crazy Kids,  Family,  Ramblings

Odds and Ends

I can't thank you all enough for your kind comments and emails, full of sympathy and encouragement regarding our sweet Friday. The support and friendship you showed to my family was incredibly heartwarming, and I was so surprised by how many people took the time to share their sweet condolences. Thank you!

I'm getting ready to kick off my fall season by heading to Park City, Utah tomorrow morning. I'll be attending the Shepherd's Retreat, hosted by the lovely Tina and Teri of Shepherd's Bush, and I'm very excited to do so! It's something I've wanted to do ever since they started them, but never got the chance to; imagine my surprise when they invited me to teach! I am very honored to have been asked, and I'm really looking forward to meeting those of you who are going. Hopefully I won't be too hopped up on caffeine when I get to the front of the classroom, but if I am, just touch your nose and that will be my signal to climb down from the table top.

Before I leave, however, I'd like to share a few moments from the summer… I know I haven't posted much at all, and I miss it sorely, but I'm still plagued with hip/hamstring issues that prevent me from sitting here overmuch. Anyway, here are a few things we did this summer… there was nothing spectacular, but I'm very okay with that; it was wonderful just to spend time at home with family… except for Bre, whom I missed very, very much. 🙁

Goodbye, Summer of 2012!

Des Moines 021 fb

Des Moines 018 fb

Des Moines 005 fb

Des Moines 029 fb

Des Moines 024 fb

Des Moines 014 fb

Summer tp-28

Summer tp-1

Summer tp-27

Summer tp-3

Summer tp-4

Summer tp-5

Summer tp-6

Summer tp-7

Summer tp-8

Summer tp-9

Summer tp-10

Summer tp-11

Summer tp-12

Summer tp-13

Summer tp-14

Summer tp-15

Summer tp-16

Summer tp-17

Summer tp-18

Summer tp-20

Summer tp-21

Summer tp-19

I hope your summer was marvelous, despite the intense heat, and that the fall brings you as many blessings as there are leaves falling to the ground.

See why I drink too much coffee? Bc if I don't, then I start waxing pseudo-poetic and everyone rolls their eyes.




  • connie adrian

    I’ve missed you, I really really miss you!!(said in a slightly creepy stalker fan sort of voice) You could make it up to me by taking me with you to the retreat! LOL!! I hope you have a wonderful time and enjoy the little get away.
    Fun pictures of summer which once again proves that the Stewart family does not take itself to seriously!! LOL!!
    Hugs my friend!!

  • Lynn Jones

    Marvelous photos!! It’s a bittersweet feeling when summer comes to a close but my favourite season has finally arrived and I’m so enjoying the cooler weather after all that heat.
    A SB retreat! Oh, you are soooo lucky!! Hope you’re having a fabulous time there.
    Sorry to hear you’re still having hip issues. Mine haven’t resolved themselves much either. Unfortunately all I can do lately is sit and it’s sure not helping my weight any!

  • Carol R

    Great pictures – thanks for sharing.
    Sorry to read about Friday. Our daughter has a disable dachshund who has wheelies and we just dread the thought of his passing.

  • Carolyn

    Have a great time at the Shepherd’s Bush retreat. Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos. You really captured the feeling of summer!

  • Sheryl

    Love all your pictures. Have a great time on your trip. Wish I could go. Hope your hip gets better soon. The summer was way too hot for me but fall is here now and I love it. Hugs to you and your family

  • karen page

    I am sorry you did not get a picture of My Brother’s Keeper’s frame. I had sent you a picture of the finished piece before I had taken it to Utah. Jill just surprises me and will not post pictures on her blog until they go out the door. Since I live in Colorado I tend to send and pick up in waves. I am glad you liked the piece over one and the frame Jill picked out.~Karen

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