• Stitching


    I just have to show you these fun photos that were sent to me… First up is from Bobbie at Stitching Bits and Bobs. She finished Olga on a fabric called Ancient by Picture This Plus. I love love love it!

    OlgaFramed bobbie

    Next is A Sweeter Love (one of my very first designs), finished by Lynn of Salt Lake City. She adapted it for her 40th wedding anniversary, and not only included the initials of all 5 of her children, but also of her 7 grandchildren as well. Number-eight is on the way, represented by a pink heart next to the lady. 🙂 I love all the changes she made to it!

    A Sweeter Love by Paulette Stewart adaptation for 40th wedding anniversary

    Thank you so very much for sharing your lovely finishes with me, Bobbie and Lynn! I'm so very honored. 🙂

  • Just Cross Stitch,  Stitching

    Just Cross Stitch

    I've been doing quite a bit of designing lately, and have lots of ideas for new samplers – although Mom keeps reminding me, "Honey, I need a more traditional sampler. Please. You're overdue. And make it red. But if you don't want to do it in red, then that's fine too. But I need a more traditional sampler. And btw, when you submit a new photo to JCS this year, make it a good one."


    I suddenly remembered her saying something similar about my elementary school pictures I proudly brought home.

    Anyway, as some of you may know, I had the honor of being in the Just Cross Stitch January/February issue this year. The editor sent me a few magazines to give away, but so far I haven't had any takers, besides my mom. (Okay, fine, she was thrilled.) So if there are a couple of you who would be interested, I have two to give away.

    There are some sweet designs inside, including one by Praiseworthy Stitches called Winter at Beacon House (pictured in the middle). Mine is called Winter Wind Sampler (on the right).


    Winter wind tp 2

    Winter wind tp 1

    Please either email me or leave a comment below this post if you're interested. And if there are more than two people, we'll draw names!

  • Crazy Kids,  Stitching


    … I received photos of a gorgeous finish from Anto of Italy



    Thank you, Anto! I love the way you've finished this, and the little heart button at the bottom is wonderful!

    … I went to see the Justin Beiber movie with my Sophie. I never much cared for Justin Bieber, as his hair-do always gave me flashbacks to the school playground in 1976. But after seeing this movie, I'm now a Belieber. Love him!

    Took this one with my cell phone, but if the real Justin ever walks into the theater, I'll be pushing little Soph out of the way and snapping my own picture with him.

    2011-02-16 18.17.27

    … And just today, Breanna came into town!  Love my homegirl, even more than Justin.

    Bre 2 resize

    Although I am thinking of changing her name to Biebereanna.

  • Stitching

    Clydesdale Express

    I've been printing like crazy, and am almost ready to storm the gates of UPS to get these charts sent to Market.

    Tp 1

    I thought the difference in stack sizes was quite amusing when I placed 300 Hares' Winter charts next to 300 The Flood charts…

    Tp 2

    And for those of you who have mentioned wanting to stitch The Flood on a count other than what is called for, this shouldn't be a problem. The only specialty stitches in it are straight stitches.

    Tp 3

    Enjoy your weekend! I'll be spending the day shopping for Superbowl Sunday. Go Nachos!


  • Ramblings,  Stitching

    Four Things.

    First, I wanted to address everyone who emailed me about the crazy owl hat that Sabrina was wearing in the Park City post. I really wish I knew which shop we were in and what the brand name of the hat was, but I don't. I'm so sorry! If only I'd known how popular that hat would be, I would have just bought it! It was awfully cute, but hoo knew?


    Secondly, here's a wonderful finish from GingerCat! She showed me her framed Olga, which she said reminded her of a black cat she used to own named Ninjakitty. I love that! Great frame, too!


    Number three: I must introduce you to my new friend David, from Germany. His mother, Heike, stitched the latest hare freebie, which David is holding. Please give a warm welcome to his cute self! (And thank you for sharing your finish with me, Heike!)


    Fourthly, I just wanted to say that I still get the urge to watch The Empire Strikes Back every time Tasha is around. Not sure why.

    Tasha and yoda

    Oh, and there's one more thing. Which would make that filthy. Fliffy. Fifthly: I apologize for the dumb owl joke at the top of this post. I tried to resist, but the force was too strong.


  • Stitching,  Travel


    I started stitching twenty years ago when I found out I was going to have a little girl. I decided I wanted her room to be full of cross-stitched teddy bears, so I pleaded with my mom to pick up her long-forgotten hobby of stitching and help me get some decorating done. She agreed, since it was for her first grandchild, and we headed to the nearest place that sold cross stitch supplies and purchased a book called Priscilla's Precious Bears.

    Soon we discovered Treasured Stitches, a cross stitch shop that was within walking distance of my parents' home (and co-owned by Darlene Anderson), and it is there that I discovered Shepherd's Bush patterns: my first true cross stitch love.

    Mom and I continued with the teddy bear theme for Breanna's room, and they all turned out quite adorably. But oh, those sweet little sheep, designed by the hands of Tina and Teri Richards… who could resist them? I soon acquired quite a collection of their gorgeous patterns and kits, and even called the shop once, awkwardly asking them if they would please consider designing a "Quilt Gatherer" piece to go with their other 'Gatherers.

    That must be one huge piece they're doing for me, bc I haven't seen it released yet.

    Soon I became active on the internet, and met my first-ever cyberfriend, Chris. She was also a Shepherds Bush addict, and we exchanged many emails oohing and ahhing over whatever new patterns came out. When Tina and Teri decided to hold their first retreat, I could hardly breathe for wanting to attend. But alas, for one reason or another, I've never been able to.

    Excuse me while I have a moment of morosity.

    Okay, I'm fine now.

    Every year that Shepherd's Bush has had a retreat, Chris has attended. And every year, I've said to her, "One day I'll go too!" My mom, knowing my obsession with SB, visited their shop years ago and had Teri autograph a shop-exclusive kit for me. I think if George Clooney would have walked into the room, I would have said, "Oh, hi, Mr. Clooney! LOOK WHAT MY MOM GOT FOR ME." (And then I would asked him to sit next to me and pretend I didn't know how to stitch so he would put his arms around me and hold the needle and fabric "no, like this," like they do in the movies.)

    I cannot believe how chatty I am today.

    Since it's entirely too late for long-story-short, I'll continue. Fast-forward to our trip to Park City… when I realized I was going to be within walking distance (66 miles in -3 temps is totally doable), I knew I had to be there. I simply had to go! So while Mike and Marty ski'ed the blacks, I headed to Ogden in our rented Ford Flex. Sabrina and Sophie came with me in case I swooned and needed smelling salts.

    Sb tp 1

    Btw, that's Nancy on the left. Hi, Nancy!

    Sb tp 2

    Here's Sophie, rifling through all the stockings… she found it quite amusing that the original name of the stocking I stitched for Sabrina is Sophie's Stocking.

    Sb tp 3

    Somewhere in this glorious section of the store, you'll find Sabrina…

    Sb tp 4

    And here she is again, telling me to take a picture of Primitive Needle's Adam and Eve… I love how Tina and Teri convert the color schemes of so many designs to their signature soft palette…

    Sb tp 6

    I truly wish I could have photographed every nook and cranny of this transformed carriage house. What an experience it is to see something new every time you blink!

    Sb tp 5

    I am so very happy I was finally, after twenty years, able to visit this loveliest of shops. I was also honored to meet Teri, who was as hospitable and kind as I imagined her to be.

    When my girls and I got to our car, Teri came running after us, telling us she forgot to give us something. She then presented each of us with the sweetest little sheep pins, and I found the gesture to be so lovely that I felt happy the rest of the day.

    Thank you, Tina and Teri, for sharing with all of us your amazing talent, and for being mindful of the nuances that make each visitor to your shop feel warm and perfectly welcome.

    Sb tp

  • Stitching


    This is Joann's "HallowEden"… she named the serpent "Crowley." 😉 Great finish, Joann!


    Here is Chelsea's rendition of "Sophie's Sheep"… Sophie loved the sparkly fabric, btw!


    I love what Valie did with the "Adore Him" freebie! The colors are wonderful!


    Take a look at how Myra finished "Hares' Christmas"… I love it!

    Myra 2


    And finally, here is Robin's "Olga"… what a great fall display, Robin!


    Thank you all so much for sharing your finishes with me! As usual, I LOVE seeing them!

  • Stitching


    This is from Becky in Rhode Island, whose friend got married on Halloween, so she stitched Halloween Hornbook as a wedding sampler…


    The couple's initials were J and L, so she adapted that block. And I love the date on the bottom!

    This one is from Conny, who finished Autumn Blessings into a box.. she stitched it on a 32 ct. vintage orange linen… What a great idea! Love that sunflower yellow ric-rac…


    Here is the latest freebie, Adore Him, which was stitched by Noelle and sent to me the day after I posted it. Fast work, Noelle! I LOVE the variegated thread…


    My cousin, Rachel, just started stitching, and she chose one of my earlier freebies for her first piece. I'm sooooo proud of you, Rachel!!! Your stitching is perfect! How come you aren't stitching my models for me? 🙂

    Rachel 2

    And finally, here is Carole's version of The Queen's Sampler – Elizabeth I. She used a metallic for the gold, and Caron's "Snow" for Elizabeth's collar. Then she had the fabulous Jill Rensel frame it! It's gorgeous, Carole!


    Thank you so much for sharing your finishes with me. I'm honored!

  • Friends,  Stitching


    Last week I had the pleasure of visiting the home of Darlene Andersen, who used to co-own a cross stitch shop called Treasured Stitches. When Breanna was still in her stroller, Mom and I would walk up to the shop and admire all the sampler models on the walls, and then I'd add to my ever-growing collection of Fanci That and Shepherd's Bush patterns.

    The shop closed eventually, and Darlene began traveling and lecturing on the history of Adam and Eve samplers (are you hearing this, Siobhan?). She has stitched 55 of them (if I'm not mistaken), and invited me over to take a look. I brought my camera with me, but truly had not realized just how many samplers she had hanging on her walls, or I'd brought a wide-angle lens. Please forgive me for the tight photos – I literally had no more room to back up!

    Tp 11

    Tp 10

    Tp 22

    Tp 18

    Tp 15

    Tp 19

    Here are some laying on a bed, waiting for a place to hang…

    Tp 24

    This one is Darlene's favorite…

    Tp 23

    And this one was mine…

    Tp 21

    Hi Darlene! (Darlene was looking upward into her hallway, answering all my questions about her stitching.)

    Tp 20

    Tp 14

    Tp 7

    Tp 9

    Tp 6

    Tp 8

    Hey Kim, remember Frances Eden? She's on my list of things I WILL complete for 2011! (Kim let me adopt her half-finished Frances bc she changed her mind on the fabric and fibers. I was more than happy to take it off her hands!)

    Tp 17

    Tp 16

    This is one that Darlene calls her "Bubblegum Adam and Eve" bc of their bright pink complexions! (LOVE this one.)

    Tp 13

    Tp 12

    I was astounded at all the Mary Beale stockings Darlene had stitched! And she did them all in a year!

    Tp 5

    She also had a gorgeous tree in her sun room, full of all of the ornaments she has stitched over the years. I can't recall how many she said there were, but they are all wonderful…

    Tp 1

    She had even taken my Eliza Pennance chart and stitched it 4 times, in memory of 4 of her loved ones that had passed. You can see one of them in the bottom left of the photo below…

    Tp 2

    What a lovely tree!

    Tp 3

    Darlene, thank you so much for allowing me to take photos of your stunning handwork. Your samplers are beautiful, and I came away feeling completely inspired to stitch and design! Your home truly is filled with treasured stitches.

  • New Designs,  Stitching

    Last Release for 2010

    I've had a lot of fun designing this past year, and I love all the people I've met through the process. I had so many ideas swirling around in my head (mostly after a hefty dose of coffee), but only had time to bring a handful to fruition. Which means the rest are either still swirling around in my head or they've been put to paper and stuffed into my "Future Designs" file folder. (Btw, when I've looked through this folder in the past, I've stumbled across many ideas that leave me scratching my head and thinking, "What on earth was I thinking?")

    These little ornaments have been finished for quite a while now, but I never got around to releasing them. (Btw, thank you to my mom, who stitched Esther! I love you, Mom!)

    Here is We Three

    We Three tp

    Enjoy your Wednesday! I'll be busy trying to figure out what to release for market in February!