Those of you who know me or have been reading my blog for a while know that I abhor board/bored games.
Mike was out of town for the past 5 days at a big board game convention, and since he's been home, he's been regaling me with stories of game play-by-plays, superior strategic moves on his part, hot-off-the-press game release news, and celebrity sightings (apparently one of the stars of Mad Men is a huge board gamer himself). In addition to this rousing entertainment, he's presented me with at least 114 photos of different board games (they all look the same to me), and begins each oral caption with the words, "Here's the basic gist of the game…"
Everyone in our family knows that when Mike starts out a sentence that way, we'd better have a comfy chair and pillow nearby.
Okay, so it's no different than when I come back from a retreat, I'll give him that. But I don't usually bring home souvenirs for him. Here's what he got me this time, and laid it sweetly on my jewelry box:
I'll be sure to wear it proudly the next time I need to attend one of his formal police department functions.
It is nice to have him home though, and I'm very happy he's got a hobby he enjoys doing so well; his board game collection is nearly as large as my cross stitch stash. I don't mind his board games laying on various table tops in the house, and he doesn't mind my stitching hanging on the walls.
And since he doesn't mind my stitching hanging up everywhere, maybe he won't mind either that I'm thinking of converting this to a cross stitch chart:
When it's finished, I will regale him with stitch-by-stitch accounts of how the piece came to life, and I'll take about 114 progress pics along the way as well. And when I hang it up, it will probably go right over my jewelry box.