Critters,  Family


Ever since Bre's Tilly came to live with us briefly last year, Sophie has been longing for a kitten of her own. I'd have been happy if Tilly had just stayed behind when Bre moved away, but no, Tilly wanted to move away with her mama.

Sophie had been asking for weeks if we could rescue a kitten from the humane society, but the answer was never what she wanted to hear. Whether it was accompanied with "I'm allergic," or "Your dad only likes Tilly," the response was always the same: no, no, and no.

Last week, I gave Sabrina a call to let her know that I'd secretly changed my mind about letting Sophie have a kitten, and I needed her help. We scoured all the shelters in the area by internet and phone, but found only older cats. I didn't mind older cats, as I would have loved to adopt the cat that had been at the shelter the longest, but with the hooligans and their antics, I thought a young kitten would be a much better idea. (I decided this after talking with Theresa from Shakespeare's Peddler, asking her for some advice on what to look for in a kitten. Thanks, Theresa!)

Finally, Sabrina found a 4-month-old at her local Petsmart, which adopted out cats and kittens from a nearby shelter. We decided to stop there first, and Sophie thought we were simply going to look at the cats, and maybe play with one; she had no idea that Sabrina had chosen this location specifically…

Here's a side note: Earlier in the week, Soph asked if we could visit a shelter and perhaps play with a cat. I told her that only those serious about adopting could play with the cats, and she said, "Well can we pretend we're serious about adopting?" So I pretended to think about it, and told her that we certainly could pretend to be interested in adopting. But of course, she had no idea that I wouldn't be pretending. πŸ˜‰

…So into Petsmart we went, and Sophie spied the 4-month-old.

Tp 1

I took out my phone and started taking a few pictures, but I'm disappointed that I missed one photo in particular: the sign on the window said her name was Tilly! We were all so surprised! When the Petsmart employee walked over to see if we needed help, we asked if we could have a one-on-one visit with little Tilly, and she said to us, "You can only visit with her if you're serious about adopting. Are you serious about adopting?" I answered, "Well, we think we're serious about adopting."

At this point, Sophie was just pleased that I was playing this "secret" game of ours so she could play with the kitten. So into the little room the three of us went, and the employee brought her out to us. She set Tilly on the ground, and after a long stretch, Tilly ran straight to Sophie. We all cooed and giggled at her, and finally we couldn't stand it any more and each of us held her. She was as gentle and charming as could be, and never minded us passing her around.

I asked a few questions about the adoption process, and Sabrina mentioned how she thought this was the perfect little kitten for Sophie to take care of. When we looked at Sophie, her face was a mix of emotions, because in her mind she knew we were "just pretending" for the employee, but in her heart she was desperately wishing that our intentions were sincere. So Sabrina and I knew in that moment that it was time to come clean.

"Would you like to adopt her?" I asked.

Sophie caught her breath. "Seriously?" she replied.

"Yes, seriously." I said.

There was a pause as the reality of it registered, and suddenly she put her hands over her eyes and started sobbing. Now it was mine and Sabrina's turns to be surprised! We both hugged her as she sat between us, and she kept saying "thank you, thank you, thank you" to us through tears. It truly was a very special moment.

The adoption went through speedily, and soon it was time to choose a carrier to take Tilly home in and for Sophie to fill out the adoption papers. It thrilled Soph to be handed the vet records by the Petsmart employee, as it made her feel as though Tilly was truly hers.

Tp 1a

Here is the mama and her new baby, on the car ride home…

Tp 2

Tp 3

Tilly rested in Sophie's arms the whole ride home, which lasted about an hour.

Tp 4

Little Tilly, whom Sophie officially named Tilly-Roux to be a little different from Bre's sweet kitty, is settling in nicely. She doesn't have quite the moxie that Bre's Tilly had when the hooligans are around, but I'm sure that will change as she grows bigger. The Yorkie has figured out that this little one is frightened easily, and is taking full advantage of it. Tasha, however, is only trying to be her friend when she charges her portly self at the little feline.

I have no doubt that, in time, this Tilly will be batting The Yorkie's behind like Bre's Tilly did.

Tilly-Roux name tp

Thank you, Sabrina, for all your help in this. And thank you, Bre, for making your dad see that cats really are as sweet as dogs. (He loves this Tilly as much as his first grand-kitty.)


  • Sis Patterson

    What a wonderful gift for darling Sophie!!! I love all of the thought and energy that went into picking the right girl to join your family. Congratulations on the wonderful addition.

  • Betty

    What a beautiful cat, and what a great new friend for Sophie. Really love all the effort that you made to suprise Sophie. I hope Mike and the Hooligans will get used to her and love her too very soon.

  • Nicole

    Oh Paulette, this brought tears to my eyes!! What a sweet story! Congrats on your new Tilly! πŸ™‚ What a coincidence! She is just adorable!

  • Carol Grierson

    What a beautiful little tortie! I just had to put my kitty to sleep after 13 years and it broke my heart! She had the same black and white nose/mouth as your kitty. So happy for Sophie!

  • Kristen from MA

    Blub! Yes, I’m literally tearing up here at the office!
    Tilly-Roux is just adorable, as is Sophie!
    (Good think asking Theresa. She is, as Dooce would say, the Valedictorian of Kittens.:)

  • Diane Grick

    Con”cat”ulations on the new furry family member. Looks like Sophie and Tilly-Roux will live “purrrr”fectly ever after! It’s a beautiful thing to give a shelter animal a place in your home and heart.
    Diane Grick
    Silver Creek Samplers

  • Beth

    What a sweet little kitty. She looks like a kitty I used to have, kind of a tortoise shell calico. She will be ok with the doggies once she gets used to her surroundings. And it makes one feel so good to have rescued a kitty.

  • Linda

    Oh my gosh – when you said Sophie put her hands over her face and started to cry – I put my hands over my face and I started to cry! I still have tears running down my face! I’m so happy for you Sophie – and for Tilly Two (that was my thought when I saw her name was Tilly (Tilly Two 0r Tilly Toooo) came to my mind. But I love Tilly Roux also… May she settle in with the doggies soon. Much joy to all of you with your new addition to the family…
    Linda in VA

  • Nicole

    Such a sweet story- and such a pretty little fur baby πŸ™‚ This story made me smile. Enjoy your new family member!

  • Theresa Venette

    Oh, this makes me so, so happy. I was glad to be able to help you (just a little bit) in your search for the perfect new friend for Sophie. Tilly-Roux is as cute as a bug’s ear. I know that little dear will adjust to the doggies within a few weeks. And soon, they’ll be tearing around after each other.
    Congratulations on your new little family member. What did Mike have to say?

  • Sharon

    What a gorgeous addition to the family. The happiness on Sophie’s face is priceless! They look wonderful together!

  • PJ

    Dang, you made me cry! Congrats to Sophie, I am so happy for her. Tilly-Roux is very beautiful and looks like she will have some spunk to her when she gets acclimated. πŸ™‚

  • Lisa

    Oh so precious! I love cats. Welcome Tiily Roux to your family. We got a new kitten this summer who joined a 16 yr old kitty and a 7 year old kitty. Needless to say, life has been hilarious around our house. We have gone from Battle Royale to snuggling together. You are right, cats are as sweet as dogs! Enjoy her.

  • Siobhan

    When you wrote that Sophie started sobbing, I started crying. That is so sweet!! I’m so glad that Tilly Roux has a new mama and a loving home.

  • Katrina

    Ohhhhhhh, Tilly Roux is so, so sweet and it’s so great that Sophie is so happy :-). I love the pictures on instagram of Tilly watching the computer, LOL.

  • Sophie I.

    That’s awesome ! Tilly-roux is adorable with an intense/serious way to look at you ! sure she will have a lot of personality ! and Sophie will have a lot of fun with her.
    Sophie (a cat person !)

  • Betty

    How wonderful!!!! Sophie and Tilly Roux are perfect for each other. Those doggies better get prepared!!
    (Tilly Roux looks like our Miss Callie Mae)

  • Cathryn

    I don’t know how I missed this post! πŸ™‚ Tilly Roux is SOOOOOOO pretty, but I’m sorry not nearly as pretty as Miss Sophie. Congratulations Sophie on your furbaby. Give her lots of hugs and kisses for me. πŸ™‚ Cathryn

  • Lynn Jones

    The look on Sophie’s face says it all!! I cried too when I read your story. I begged my parents for years to get a cat until they finally relented so I know just how she felt. My mother’s home and mine have never been without a cat since that fateful day.
    Tilly Roux looks so sweet and I know she will be the perfect companion for Sophie. Congrats!

  • Kay

    What a lucky kitty! She will live like a queen. One can see in the last picture, the cat is relaxed and happy with her new family.

  • Natalia Canaday

    What a sweet gift for Sophie !!! I think they are made for each other. You only have to look at Sophie’s happy face to know you made the right decision, and what a blessing for Tilly to find such a loving friend.

  • Sharon

    Oh Paulette, what a sweet surprise for Sophie. I am so happy for Sophie and her new baby Tilly Roux. She is beautiful.

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