Good Things,  Ramblings

His Number is Up.

After several days of gloomy skies, the sun graced us yesterday. Its loveliness was so welcome, I decided to head out to the back yard and enjoy the crunch under my boots and the sparkliness of the snow.

I love it that God gave us evergreens. They're so reliably happy when all other color has faded.

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And this guy has kept his color fairly well too…

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The sky was a gorgeous blue!

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And I wish you could have seen all the glimmer on the snow…

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I'm very excited for this mulberry to come back to life. This year, I vow to get to the fruit before the birds do!

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As I looked around the winter landscape, imagining birdsong and harpists, I was thankful for ——- wait a sec.

Back up.


Still staring, suddenly speechless.

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(If there were any crickets around these frozen parts, they'd be chirping.)

The birdsong stopped, the harpists left my head, and cold reality settled over me.

I crunched my way back inside the house, and this guy chose to stay outside enjoying the day's loveliness.

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