Crazy Kids,  Family,  Food and Drink,  Travel

Utah, the Final Chapter

On our last day in the Beehive State, we decided to head into Salt Lake City (since that's where our plane would be taking off) and find a good place to eat. The guy at the ski rental shop recommended this place called Tucanos Brazilian Grill, so after following the instructions given to us by the lady-who-lives-in-my-phone, that's exactly where we ended up.

Tuc tp 1

This is one of the most unique places I've ever eaten! They have these colorful markers at each table, and as long as the green end is up, a server will come to your table over and over again, each time with a different type of meat for you to add to your plate.

Tuc tp 4

In case you can't tell from the way Mike's tongue is situated, that green side was up for a really long time.

Tuc tp 5

He brought us barbecued chicken on one trip, and prime rib on the next. He showed up with grilled pineapple and honey-glazed ham, and then it was garlic seared steak. It wasn't until he brought us the chicken hearts that we realized we needed to, at some point, put the red end up.

Tuc tp 6

I can proudly say we all tried a chicken heart. And in my opinion, it tasted a lot like frog legs, which I've never had, but heard that they taste like chicken.

Btw, they have an excellent salad and soup bar too!

Tuc tp 2

Tuc tp 3

Soon our server headed over with the dreaded dessert tray.

Tuc tp 7

Mike absolutely insisted on getting the raspberry cheesecake, so I told him to stop whining and order it already.

Tuc tp 9

Here's Sabrina with a mouth full of what she chose…

Tuc tp 8 

And no matter where we are, Sophie manages to find plain vanilla ice cream with caramel syrup.

Tuc tp 10

Me? Well, Mike was supposed to share that raspberry cheesecake with me, but I got nary a bite. Okay, fine, I got several, but what I really wanted was a little something I like to call The Plasma:

Tuc tp 11

What a fantastic place to eat! We'll definitely be stopping there again, the next time we're in Utah.

I leave you with one more TubCam. This one is Sabrina's, and she took it all by herself on her cell phone. Hold on tight!


  • Tanya

    Well, clearly I’ll never be doing THAT because the quick video almost made me hurl. Wow – glad you said hold on. lol Great foodie pics … think I’ll scroll back and look again and then have some cake. 🙂

  • Kim

    We’ve got a Brazilian Grill here and frankly, it’s just too much meat for me! Jerry’s always bent on getting ‘his money’s worth’ and then goes away stuffed to the gills! LOL Bean…crazy girl! LOL

  • Margaret

    Ok, there’s no way I would go tubing. NO WAY! lol! Great video though. 😀
    As for that restaurant — very interesting!! Definitely sounds like American dim sum style. (Have you been to a real dim sum restaurant? Have to go!) Looks yummy!
    Glad you all had a great vacation!

  • Cathryn

    I about spit my drink when I read your comment about “The Plasma”. You are too cute. Again, thank you for sharing your Utah trip. It was wonderful! 🙂 Cathryn

  • Linda Klinedinst

    I’m glad that your family had a good time in Utah…that Restaurant that you went to – oh my – all of that delcious food…I bet it was awfully good…it sure look good and Steak is one of my all time favorite meats to eat too.
    I don’t think I would want to go with Sabrina on her ride – boy she was sure screaming…it was a really good Video Sabrina. Thanks for the wonderful ride with you…LOL….
    Take care & Happy Stitching/Designing
    Hugs 🙂 from 14 above Zero Northern Indiana
    Linda K, Railroad

  • joann

    i just checked and the closest Tucanos Brazilian Grill to TX is in Albuquerque, NM. so we don’t have any here. 🙁 but good thing! i’m afraid all that meat would make me pop! way too much food to eat for me!
    i’m just back from chili’s and had a salad and i’m about to pop from that! LOL!
    loved the utah photos! looks like ya’ll had a blast!

  • Kristen from MA

    Oh, that cheesecake! I may have to venture outside today (it’s cold out!) because I’m going to have cheesecake on mind mind all day.

  • Leslie

    Those desserts looked fantastic! Sophie’s trip down the hill looked like a blast and she sounded like she was have a great time. Thanks for sharing your adventures with us!

  • Leigh D.

    Ah yes. Food places like that are fun. Here they get the nickname… the meat machine.
    Glad you all had great adventures.

  • Line S F

    When we lived in Abu Dhabi (can’t beleive that was just a few months ago) we used to go to a Brazilian restaurant which had a similar system. Everyone was given a coaster, one side said GO, the other STOP, and they would come around with all different kinds of meat serving you if you were on GO 🙂

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