• Good Things

    Fit for Royalty

    You won't believe what I received in the mail this week! I came home from running errands, and there on the counter sat a package. A package from France. From France! It's not every day a girl gets a package from France!

    I eagerly opened it up and found the most wonderful surprises, all from an extraordinary stitcher and seamstress – Sandrine!

    First, she had found a pair of jeans and made them into a super cute tote…

    Sandrine tp 1 

    …And here's the back:

    Sandrine tp 2 

    Now check out what was inside the super cute jean tote…

    Sandrine tp 3 

    Sandrine tp 4

    Sandrine tp 5

    Btw, can you believe all of these lovelies are stitched OVER ONE??

    Now check this out… Sandrine also made a stitching necessaire, and here's the back of it:

    Sandrine tp 8

    You can imagine my surprise when I unrolled it!

    Sandrine tp 6 

    Wow!! All those little crowns… the lovely pink thread rings (there are actually 4 of them) and the 2 embroidery hoops… those beaded pins at the top… everything is outstanding! And take a look at what I found inside one of the little linen pockets…

    Sandrine tp 7 

    A thimble! (Mom, don't even start in on me about how I need to give the thimble to you since you quilt wayyyy more than I do, bc if Sandrine wanted you to have a thimble, then she would have sent you a thimble. Right, Sandrine?)

    Get ready for the grand finale… the front!

    Sandrine tp 9


    (I'm still speechless at all the over-one stitching!)

    Sandrine, I cannot thank you enough for your kind generosity. I am truly honored that you would share your talent and creativity with me in this way. You are so very thoughtful, and I wish there was a way to express my thanks to you. What a beautiful gesture this was, and I am in awe!

    And now I need your email address, bc I don't have it! 🙁

    Merci, merci, merci beaucoup!

  • Good Things,  Home


    When I was first married, and for several years afterward, I tried my hardest to make my house look like all the magazine photos I loved… perfect color coordination, ambient lighting, trendy doo-dads… but I failed. Miserably. My house ended up being a menagerie of mismatched stuff that looked great in the store settings, but not in my home.

    I basically had no idea what I liked, and that wasn't fair bc my mother's home was perfect. (Okay, Dad, my parents' home.)

    I'm so glad those days of trying to make a presentable home are over (thanks to the Yorkie). I've finally found my dream home, and it doesn't even come close to fitting into a magazine spread. Years into my marriage and homemaking, I can look around and see my family reflected everywhere. It's not always something a new bride can do right away, bc it takes years of loving and being loved to get there. And although I can't speak from experience, I imagine that if I were single or had no children, I could still find comfort in the things around my home that hold my fondest memories.

    I thought I'd again share just some of things I love around here.. I did this once before, so if any are repeats, then I must really love those things! 😉

    I fell in love with this Bethany Lowe figure one day, and my sister purchased it for me (even though she thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen). Next to it is a small photo of my niece, Natalie, and a pair of the Lace scissors by Kelmscott Designs. It sits on top of a lace table runner that I brought home from my inlaws' house this past week. (My mother in-law loved lace doilies and table runners!)

    Home tp 10

    This is a little acrylic stand-up I had made when Sophie was in her first dance recital. It stands about 8" high, and sits inside a shabby-chic-styled shelf my brother, Paul, got me for Christmas one year.

    Home tp 5 

    Here is another stand-up of my little dancer, on the other end up the shelf. In front of it is an egg coddler from England (my mother collected them when we lived there), and propped next to it is a lovely card from my dear friend Tracy Riffle…

    Home tp 6 

    These are some vintage spools I got from Etsy recently… they sit on top of a book my brother got for me (about King Henry's wives), and another pair of scissors from Kelmscott. Although you can't see it, underneath these things is a French General journal, gifted to me by my fabric partner-in-crime, Kim…

    Home tp 11

    This is what sits on a table in my entryway, right next to the front door. The jar of oil and fragrance sticks are from my mom; she and I both love Keepers of the Light candles, and when these jars came out in Juicy Apple, she got one for me and one for my sister. It's my favorite smell! Behind it is a sheep statue, and underneath is a quilt square, made by Mom.

    Home tp 9 

    This is a painting I did a while ago… I saw a print like it in a little shop and fell in love with it, but it was quite pricey. So I came home and painted it myself, making a few changes along the way. In front of it is a lamp, given to me by my sister for my birthday one year…

    Home tp 4

    This is the piano my parents purchased when we lived in Germany. I took lessons for a few years when I was a pre-teen, but always felt that it was better to play by ear than to actually have to read the notes. What was the point in reading notes, after all, when you could just plunk out the melody the way it was supposed to be written anyway? Needless to say, all these years later, I realize my parents were right. "You'll wish you knew how to play when you're an adult!" they'd say to me, as I rolled my eyes and flipped through all 3 tv channels, looking for Happy Days.

    The sheet music you see is the one piece I'd learn to play if I could. I may have to get Sabrina to play it, since she can read the notes…

    Home tp 3

    Needless to say, I love sheep. This one is from Mom, and next to it is a bud vase that came from my Grandma Olive.

    Home tp 7

    Mom, I know at this point you've thought to yourself several times, "Gee, I've given Paulette an awful lot of love presents, and I have hardly received anything in return." Well, let me just say that your love present is this: LOVE.


    My mother in-law used to tell me, "Don't worry about what other people think; if you like it, then just put it in your house!" :)  I remember when I very first met Mike's parents, and I noticed this tiny basket of flowers hanging from a shelf in their living room. For some reason, I always found it charming, and it makes me smile to hang it in our home now…

    Home tp 12

    Here is a tassle tree I pined for a few years ago and eventually found under the Christmas tree – also from my mom. 🙂 Since then, I've been given some really cool tassles by my family, and I love each one!

    Home tp 2

    I'd never noticed this porcelain poodle in Frieda's belongings before, and now it sits in my living room, in front of a portrait of Sabrina, next to a book from my brother about the needlework of Mary Queen of Scots. (Does my brother give great gifts, or what?)

    Home tp 1 

    Btw, here's my (cute and single) brother…

    August 2010 036 edit

    And finally, another of Frieda's belongings that now resides in our home. I have no idea why this little creature has adopted me the way she has, but I suppose that's okay. Some days I'd prefer it if she were a porcelain figure instead, bc porcelain figures tinkle only when they break.

    Home tp 8 

    I've been sitting here long enough now. It's time to start my day by vacuuming and doing laundry and telling my girls to pick up after themselves… and when I'm feeling run down and irritable from all that never seems to get finished, I'll remind myself that this is my dream home.

    Menagerie of mismatched stuff, barking dogs, and messy kids that it is.

  • Chart Corrections,  Good Things,  Weblogs

    Happy 2 Years!

    I began my blogging adventure back in 2004, and this many years later I'm still having an awful lot of fun with it. It's amazing to me that so many of you will take time out of your day to visit and see what's up in this crazy family of mine, or perhaps check to see if – by some remote chance – I've posted something stitching-related. (I actually do that sometimes!)

    Two years ago I made the move from my Xanga blog to this one, and to celebrate the anniversary of my "new" blog, I will once again be giving away 5 Plum Street Samplers charts to a random commenter to this post. (Deep breaths, Mom. I realize commenter isn't a real word.)

    Here's the don'tcha-know:

    1. Simply leave a comment under this post.
    2. One entry per person, please!
    3. The winner may choose 5 currently-released Plum Street Samplers charts.

    Here are some examples…


    The winner will be announced on Wednesday!

    And speaking of charts, I have to interject a quick correction to the information for Olga: The model info states that I stitched her over 1 linen thread. Not so! (I run for the hills when I see "over one thread," bc these eyes of mine can't manage it on their own any more.)  I stitched it over 2 threads, and I'd like to thank Bonnie for asking the question, "Did you really stitch that over one thread? I'm impressed!"  Sorry to disappoint you, Bonnie. I promise I'll design something for over one thread soon, but it will have to be on 8 count fabric.

    Thank you again, with all my heart, for being such kindhearted readers. Your warm comments and sweet emails mean so much, and I'm very happy to have made so many new friendships through this blog of mine.

    If you decide to enter, good luck!

  • Crazy Kids,  Good Things

    They’re coming to get you, Barbra…

    Last week I visited Breanna in Lincoln to help pack up some of her belongings, as she'll soon be back home from college. But before we could get started on all the trips up and down the elevator and back and forth to the car, she and I did a little running around. Besides going out to eat and visiting a quilt shop, she took me to a beautiful cemetery she'd explored the week before – and gotten lost in.

    I told her a long time ago that I love visiting cemeteries… they're so peaceful, and I love walking around and reading all of the names and dates. I wish so badly I could walk through a really old cemetery, but we don't have any. (My guess is that Nebraska – as we know it – simply isn't old enough to have really old headstones.)

    Nevertheless, it was a gorgeous day, and I had such a nice time with Bre. When I asked what made her venture into a cemetery by herself, she told me that it reminded her of me, so she stopped to visit. 

    I'm not so sure how to take that.

    Cemetery tp 7 

    This picture doesn't give an indication of just how many headstones there were.. they truly were as far as the eye could see, and I can understand how my Bre got lost. 

    Here was a name I really liked…

    Cemetery tp 3 

    Doesn't that have a great ring to it? Mackey Boone. I love that.

    Breanna liked this one…

    Cemetery tp 4 

    Such a pretty monument… 

    Cemetery tp 2 

    I love how the granite starts to turn green on some of the older ones…

    Cemetery tp 8 

    Cemetery tp 9 

    Here's my girl, seated under a tree on a pretty metal bench we spotted. After she sat down, she noticed the tree was surrounded by flat headstones, and it gave her the creeps. 😉

    Cemetery tp 6 

    This was Breanna's favorite part of the cemetery…

    Cemetery tp 1 

    After about an hour or so, she and I finally decided it was time to hit up a Starbucks and get busy on her dorm room. Besides, I was starting to get a little creeped out myself. After all, you know what they say about there being zombies in cemeteries…

    Cemetery tp 8 

    P.S. This is poor Barbra, from the original Night of the Living Dead movie. I have a feeling she would not have found Breanna's little joke amusing.


  • Good Things,  Ramblings

    My Day

    Today I…

    Cleaned my house.

    Finished all the laundry – 6 loads.

    Printed and packaged an order for Hoffman.

    Mailed out a birthday present.

    Wrote some bills.

    Fixed lunch for Mike and I, which we ate outside at the little table on the back porch.

    Weeded some of the landscape.

    Was nice to the Yorkie.

    Stitched on a model.

    Watched an episode of The Office, season 3.

    Spoke on the phone to Breanna, saying "Okay, honey," when she detailed for me everything she'd like me to cook for her upon her return home from college.

    Fed the dogs. The Yorkie too.

    Went grocery shopping.

    Made Sabrina clean her room.

    Spoke to my mother on the phone about what I'd be cooking for Breanna upon her return home from college.

    Took some photos.

    Played soccer with Sophie in the back yard.

    Balanced my checkbook.

    And bought myself some flowers! For the first time! (And definitely not the last.)

    Flowers tp 4 

    Flowers tp 1 

    Flowers tp 3 

    Flowers tp 2 

     It was a very, very good day.

    P.S. I also updated my blog. 🙂

  • Good Things,  Ramblings,  Stitching

    My Happy Place

    My computer is about 10 steps from my stitching spot on the couch, which is situated right in front of a large living room window. A few days ago I looked up from whatever I was doing at the computer and noticed how lovely the tree outside was, silhouetted through the window covering.

    Me tp 3 

    It was about 6:00 in the evening, and I loved the soft glow. I was almost tempted to go work on the model that was sitting – all tossed aside – on the arm of the couch! (Yes, that is an orange highlighter on the end table… I definitely need it for this chart.)

    Me tp 2 

    Today we're heading to Kansas to visit K-State with Sabrina. She's going to check out their pre-vet program, and we'll also be tending to some things around my in-laws' house. I'll be taking that model with me, although I'm not sure how much I'll get done on it!

    Before I leave though, here's a picture Sophie took of me with my new hair-do. Or my hair-don't, as my mother would say. I'm not actually that hunched over yet – I was bent down at that moment!

    Me tp 

    Enjoy your weekend!

  • Good Things,  Weblogs

    A New Blog and a GIVEAWAY!

    Mom and I have been talking for quite some time now about how we'd love to start a recipe blog, and we've finally got it under way! It's a very new blog right now, so there isn't a whole lot to look at just yet, but in time we hope to have a nice collection of recipes for all of our favorite things – muffins, soups, pies, and anything else we attempt to make in our kitchens that we'd happily make again.

    Since we love to cook and bake according to the season (although I have been known to make my mother in-law's German Pancake Soup in the summer), we're calling our new blog Four Seasons Cafe, and the link is in the sidebar. I hope you'll stop by once in a while with a cup of coffee (or tea!) and see if there's anything to tempt you to make or bake in your own kitchen!

    To celebrate our new blog, I'm having a fun giveaway! I've been given the opportunity to award a $60.00 gift certificate to one lucky winner, good for anything at one of CSN Stores' 200 places to shop! Perhaps you might be interested in the corner tv stands from racksandstands.com…. Or what about a cool kitchen rack? There are so many possibilities to spend it on… you could get something from here, or perhaps here, or maybe even here or here!

    Here are the rules and the details:

    1. To enter, just leave a comment on this blog, or send me an email. I'll be choosing a winner on Friday some time, and if you post about the giveaway on your blog, let me know and you'll have two chances to win!

    2. This gift certificate is for a one-time use at any of CSN Stores' 200  online stores, and it may be used toward a larger purchase. Some stores offer free shipping, but for the ones that do not, the winner is required to pay any additional shipping or international fees that apply.

    3. This giveaway is open to US or Canadian residents only, as this is where CSN is able to ship.

    4. I'm receiving no compensation for this giveaway, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to have it!

    I leave you with a picture of some baby mulberries growing in my back yard… they'll be making their reappearance on Four Seasons Cafe in the fall – in a pie! (But don't wait that long to visit…)


    Good luck to everyone, and happy shopping! (And thank you to Jess at CSN Stores!)

  • Family,  From My Kitchen,  Good Things

    Small Pleasures

    I love sitting here blogging on quiet Saturday mornings. It's one of the things I look forward to on the weekends (although it doesn't always happen). Recently I've discovered a couple of other things I love, and I thought I'd share them with you.

    Keep in mind, I'm only giving you my opinion on these things – and as my parents used to say, "Paulette, opinions are like b**t holes: everyone has one, and they all stink." (Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure that was just my mom who said that, whenever I'd bring home an art project I made at school and told her I thought I did a good job on it.)

    One of my favorite things to snack on is Wheat Thin crackers and slices of colby-jack cheese. But as I was passing through the cracker aisle at the grocery store the other day, I decided to try something different. And boy, was I glad I did!

    Love tp 6 

    I was quite surprised at the flavor these had – not at all what I was expecting! (Actually, I have no idea what I was expecting, but it wasn't…that.) Absolutely DELICIOUS! And I didn't eat them with the cheese… I took one bite and just kept on eating them by themselves.

    Another craving of mine are these little things… Breanna got me started on them when she brought home a bag once, and curiosity got the better of me. Boring package… big flavor. LOVE them!

    Love tp 5 

    (Actually, I kind of like the package. It might be reflective of the simplicity of the ingredients… almonds, rice syrup, a little salt, and one more thing that I can't remember.) 

    Last night I made Mystery Chicken Enchiladas.. this may sound scary, but I actually made up the recipe myself, and since it was a mystery to me as to how they'd turn out, I call them Mystery Chicken Enchiladas. 

    They were fantastic, even if I must say so myself!

    Love tp 2 

    Here's the recipe, if you'd like to try them… and remember, I don't have an ounce of Latino in me, which means they are nowhere near perfect enchiladas, but I still like them. 🙂 (Do you think Dutch people ever made enchiladas?)



    (Ingredients are in bold print for quick reference)

    3 cooked chicken breasts, shredded and set aside.

    Heat a skillet, and saute all of the following:

    1/4 c. olive oil
     1 pkg. taco seasoning (I used Ortega)
     1/3 c. chopped onion
     2 Tbs. chopped jalapenos
    2 Tbs. butter
    2 Tbs. fresh chopped cilantro

    After you've cooked the above ingredients together for a minute or two, add them to the shredded chicken, along with 1/3 c. enchilada sauce from a large can. Mix well with a spoon.

    Pour a little enchilada sauce from the can into a 9 x 13 pan.

    Melt 2 Tbs. butter in a saucepan.

    Fill 5 large tortillas with chicken mixture, and after rolling each one, place them into the 9 x 13 pan. Brush the melted butter on top of enchiladas, and drizzle the remaining enchilada sauce on top.

    Top with however much shredded cheese you'd like (I used 2 cups shredded cheddar), and bake in a 425-degree oven for 25 minutes, or until the cheese is slightly golden and bubbly. Serves 3-5.


    Another fun thing to love are Barbie movies. Yes, I said Barbie movies! If you've never watched one of these, you're in for a treat. And you don't have to have a little girl to enjoy them! They're for grown-up girls too, provided you're not in the mood for adult drama or reality tv. I find them to be very lighthearted, colorful, beautifully animated, and just plain fun!

    Sophie and I have quite a collection of them.

    Love tp 3 

    And usually she'll bring one along when she goes to visit her Meems. 🙂 They'll make popcorn and snuggle up under a quilt and watch one, and Sophie will have to answer all of my mom's questions, like, "Do you think Barbie knows how to make soup in a pressure cooker?" or "Do you think Barbie owns a Bernina? They really should make a Bernina Barbie." (Of course, since Barbie can do anything and owns everything, the answer is always "Yes, Meemee," with a heavy sigh.)

    Speaking of popcorn, I'd like to say something to my dad: 

    Dad, when I was little and you and Mom used to send me to bed, I'd always hear you say to Mom, "Hey. You want some P-O-P?" I always knew that this was a code word for "popcorn," bc shortly after you'd say it, I'd hear Mom shaking up the pan on the stove, popping the corn away. It really annoyed me, especially when I'd come out from my room and say in a small, timid voice, "Can I have some popcorn?" and you and Mom would glare at me for interrupting your viewing of the Lawrence Welk Show.

    And then I'd turn away and go back to bed, hungry.

    Just thought I'd say that to you after all these years. And I forgive you.

    Back to Barbie. Here's what Sophie and I rented the other night to watch… and since we both loved it, I'll have to buy it!

    Love tp 4 

    It's so much fun getting excited about things with Sophie. Her whole face lights up and she laughs when she talks. It's one of my very favorite things to love in the whole world.

    And that's not just my opinion. Right, Meemee? 😉

    Love tp 1