Good Things,  Ramblings,  Stitching

My Happy Place

My computer is about 10 steps from my stitching spot on the couch, which is situated right in front of a large living room window. A few days ago I looked up from whatever I was doing at the computer and noticed how lovely the tree outside was, silhouetted through the window covering.

Me tp 3 

It was about 6:00 in the evening, and I loved the soft glow. I was almost tempted to go work on the model that was sitting – all tossed aside – on the arm of the couch! (Yes, that is an orange highlighter on the end table… I definitely need it for this chart.)

Me tp 2 

Today we're heading to Kansas to visit K-State with Sabrina. She's going to check out their pre-vet program, and we'll also be tending to some things around my in-laws' house. I'll be taking that model with me, although I'm not sure how much I'll get done on it!

Before I leave though, here's a picture Sophie took of me with my new hair-do. Or my hair-don't, as my mother would say. I'm not actually that hunched over yet – I was bent down at that moment!

Me tp 

Enjoy your weekend!


  • Cari

    What a lovely picture Paulette!
    Could you have just gotten a little (ok a lot) closer snap of that model you are working on?
    I hope you all have a wonderful road trip – vetrinarian school, very impressive.
    Have you already made plans for Sabrina’s room too?

  • joanntx

    wish i had as nice a view from my living room windwo. i get to look at the fence and the neighbors home!
    love the new hair do! i just got mine cut yesterday and i can’t do a thing with it now. a bit
    shorter than i’m used to.

  • Chris Kramer

    You look like the big sister, not the Mum! Perfect color for you.
    Loved your ‘snow’ pictures the other day. Enjoying Four Seasons Cafe, too.
    Chris in NY

  • Charlene ♥ SC

    I always have to think, which one of the girls is this? Like the new style, too! Be safe and have fun!
    How about telling us how the pups are getting along…

  • Connie Adrian just have to stop showing us shots of your home, yard, kids, hubby etc because it makes me want to move in!! LOL! Seriously, I enjoy looking at all the photos, reading the blog and getting to join in on all the merriment that is your family. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. You look like the fourth sister not the mother! Love the new hair do.


    Love the new “do”, Paulette. I bet most folks think you are Brea’s and Sabrina’s older sister, and not their mother.
    Hope you had a good trip.
    What kind of camera do you us for all those gorgeous photos? I think we’re going to be in the market for a new one soon.

  • Catherine

    Love the view of your window!! So relaxing.
    Can’t wait to hear all about your trip. I’m sure you’ll have some good stuff to share.
    Love the hair! I agree with all the others – you look more like a sister then you do a mother!!

  • Margaret

    Nice do! Say hi to my father when you go to K-State. He’s in the Industrial Engineering building. 😀 Good luck to Sabrina — I hear getting into vet school is tough! K State has a good program!

  • tanya

    LOVE the do!! Your space looks very relaxing – I could have used a time there this evening when Zack was throwing trains at me and pulling my hair. Ah, the three year old … oh and I burned my finger with the glue gun today … big ouchie. I think I’ll stare at your blissful spot again for a bit.
    Tanya 🙂

  • lilicouette

    wahou! beautiful paulette, yeahhhh pas mal !!!! and the pics of your living room are soo peaceful !!!! with that kind of light and such a couch i’ would make a long sleep lol gros bisous!

  • Siobhan

    Love the new ‘do, Paulette! I hope you enjoyed your visit… and now I’m off to find the magnifying glass to see if I can spot anything on that model. 😉

  • Lili

    Oh my! You look great!
    I do need a hair-do. Desperately. Though everyone could call it a hair-don’t too with my fair frizzy hair… Sigh…
    Great pics, I soooo love your blog, Paulette.

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