

The beauty of spring never ceases to amaze me.

On a chilly, sunny morning last week, I stepped outside and teased Sabrina about all of the "snow" on the lawn. She was relieved to see that I was referring to the petals that had fallen to the ground, although a snowfall this late in the spring would hardly surprise any of us Nebraskans.

When I returned home from taking her to school, I decided to take some photos of the grass and the beautiful, fragrant tree in our front yard. (My apologies ahead of time to my husband, Mike, whose photo does not appear in the following lineup.) I loved the contrast of the green and white…

Tree tp 7

Yes, I actually got down on the ground and took that photo, hoping with all my heart that none of my neighbors would come outside.

Then I stood up and decided to take some pictures of the blooms left clustered in the tree, before they lost their grip on their branches, following the others to the ground…

Tree tp 3 

There were millions of them!

I got a little closer…

Tree tp 2

And closer…

Tree tp 4

Tree tp 6

And closer still…

Tree tp 5

If only there were such a thing as garden faeries!

I decided to head out back, since that's where the sun shines brightest in the mornings. The lilacs were stunning… and next to lavender, they're my favorite scent…

 Lilacs tp 3

Lilacs tp 2 

A visitor…

Spring tp 1

Lilacs tp 6

This was me, collecting the lilacs for the basket in the banner on Four Seasons Cafe

Lilacs tp 1

Lilacs tp 5

I actually loved that top photo, and used it as my desktop background. Sophie thought the flowers looked scary, and didn't like it very well.

Lilacs tp 7

Lilacs tp 4

I stopped to look at my flowering almond, which had finally died. I used to get so mad at our dog Chase, who would chew it down to the ground every fall, and every spring it would grow into the most beautiful shrub. She wasn't here last fall to chew it down, and it didn't come back this year. All that it could muster was this tiny reminder of what used to be…

Almond tp 1

I think I'll plant another one of these shrubs this year, bc I really miss all those tiny pink flowers. I wonder if I stuck little hot dog pieces on the branches, would Friday would chew it down for me in the fall?

Well, I may not have a flowering almond any more, but I do have one thing…

Tree tp 1 

My very own garden faerie! ;) 

Happy May Day!


  • Margaret

    Thanks Paulette for your beuatiful pictures. I have your blog as a regular feed coming through. Your photos are stunning. I do admire someone who takes pride in their photos. (Having recently won 2 holidays myself in Photo competitions). Love the family shots and the new patterns you produce. My hubby is in the same profession as Mike ( I think I told you that once before in a comment on your blog) Loving your thirteen owls design at the moment.
    God bless
    Margaret in New Zealand

  • Margaret

    LOL despite the spelling mistake in the last comment I had to add that the picture ot the bud with the glasses on had a distinct resemblance to Roz on Monsters Inc.

  • tanya

    Beautiful May topper – always love to see what you come up with – that last picture is gorgeous. She is so sweet – how lucky to have a garden fairie!
    Happy weekend,

  • Cari

    What lovely pictures – especially the last one!
    Great new header!
    I’m headed over to Four Season to try that muffin recipe.

  • Kim

    Love the pics, P! And Margaret…LOLOL Roz!! YES! It DOES look like her! Wonder if it sounds like her too? LOL

  • Paulette

    It’s so funny you say that, Margaret and Kim, bc that’s the first thing I thought! I had originally put lips on the flower, along with those glasses, and I wanted to post “Mike Wazowski!” (sp?) on the photo. LOL

  • Catherine

    What great photos! I don’t know if I’ll ever look at a lilac bud now without thinking of Roz and hearing “Mike Wizowski”!!

  • Barbara

    I am shocked! All those lovely flower photos and only your hand and Sophie’s face of the whole family made it in the photos! Is Mike ill?
    Now I have to admit you have me beat on the flowers, but I do have 3 lovely crab apple trees that bloom beautiful white/pinkish blossoms and 2 awesolutely gorgeour Japanese Cherry trees also, one of the JC trees is right outside my front window, and each spring it takes my breath away with it’s beauty! BarbM

  • Natalie

    I just love your blog, Paulette. I don’t comment on here nearly enough! Your photos are stunning! I always enjoy them so much. 🙂

  • audrey

    I think that its funny that the one Chase used to eat down would have a tiny resemblence of a heart. Very neat if you ask me. Kinda like a little rememberance of her! Ohhhh!I miss sweet Chase!
    This post…of your flowers and you holdin that basket…our very own Bree Hodge!!! (Desperate Housewives) lol!

  • Breanna

    Thanks for coming down today, Mom!!! Had a lot of fun with you and your new banner is awesome! good photos of the tree flower things, too! love you!

  • joanntx

    love the new may banner…
    by the way, what kind of tree is it you have that leave snow flakes on the grass????
    my snowflakes in the back yard is a sea of clover! LOL! not as dainty as the tree flower petals!
    ah, lilacs! how i miss them. not a nicer smell….well maybe honeysuckle! 🙂
    great shots and loved the flower pedal faery!!!

  • littlebit

    Omg..that topper is out of this world! I LOVE IT! And I noticed the “heart” and then saw that Audrey mentioned it. Beautiful pictures!! LLLY

  • Lisa Durst

    Beautiful spring photos. I miss all the lilacs living in California – not something that grows well here in our climate or soil. And finally getting a chance to catch up in my blog reading…the prom pictures are wonderful and your daughter looked amazing. I am sure that she had a good time.
    Take care and have enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  • Robin

    Awww… love the pics! Those macro shots “in the tree” are fantastic!!
    Love your lilacs! I love love love those… I’m going to be putting a garden in in my backyard next year (fingers crossed) and am looking fo a dwarf lilac that’ll give me the same luscious fragrance as the original… the quest continues…
    Your garden fairy is, of course, the cutest!!!

  • Anne R

    Your spring is a bit earlier than ours – I have to wait another month or so before the lilacs blossom here…
    I can’t wait to get my garden going, so I can have something with flowers on here! (I have to visit the neighbours if I want to see gardens – all I have is dirt and gravel…)

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