• Crazy Kids,  Family


    Like everyone, I've been running like mad trying to get things done. Christmas shopping, wrapping presents, printing and packaging charts, checking lists, and stitching models has been the story of my life for about 4 weeks now, nonstop. But I did manage to have some really fun moments in the midst of all that chaos.

    Like when Soph and I went shopping at an outdoor mall on a fa-reezing-cold day…

    Tp 7

    …And then stopped inside Mimi's Cafe for the best hot chocolate ever…

    Tp 4

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    And when we had a gorgeous snowfall and I managed to catch a few of the flakes as they fell in front of a tree…

    Tp 8

    And we got to watch Sophie sing in her middle school's holiday concert…

    Tp 2

    And I got to meet a very special friend of Bean's…

    Joeybean 4 email

    And Sophie made wintry cupcakes…

    Tp 3

    And Missy stopped barking for a minute…

    Tp 10

    And I had some fun decorating…

    Tp 1

    And I even took some photos of Sabrina holding her Despicable Me minion, given to her by her very special friend…

    Bean 1a email

    Bean 4 email

    And although there were lots more lovely moments, even I know when not to say, "Oh wait a sec while I grab my camera!" 🙂

    I hope you're enjoying your December, no matter how overwhelming it may be!

  • Family,  Holidays,  Stitching

    Secret Samplers

    Each year, Mom and I exchange stitched samplers during the Christmas season, and it's one of our most favorite times of the year. Last year was the one exception bc we were both very, very busy and never got around to getting samplers picked out for each other. It was disappointing, to say the least, but it really couldn't be helped.

    The samplers we exchange are always a secret, but keeping it a secret from each other is often the year's biggest challenge. We love to laugh at the ways we've goofed in the past, accidentally letting too much information slip so that the recipient correctly guesses what she's getting. It's still really fun and exciting though, and the laughter over the indiscretions is what makes the exchange even more memorable!

    We decided to get a little dangerous this year, and we allowed each other one hint: the answer to Where will it be hung? My mother told me I'd hang mine in my hallway, and I told her she'd hang hers in her office. If I'm not mistaken, my telling her that she'd hang hers up in her office strongly suggested that the sampler was red. ;)  In contrast, her answer ("the hallway") to my question was a vague answer indeed, considering I have samplers of every sort in my hallway. (Don't think I didn't catch that, Mom.)

    Anyway, we had our Holiday Sampler Exchange yesterday, and what a wonderful time it was, as usual! I went over to Mom's house and we had brunch before unwrapping our packages at the same time.  (We both try to look at our new samplers and the other's reaction at the same time, which is quite comical.)

    I have to say, I think I got the better end of the deal (Mom does too, no doubt).. here's what I stitched for Mom:

    001 tp

    It's a reproduction sampler by Threads of Gold, and it's called "M.A. Dutch Sampler." These aren't the original colors though; I decided to switch out all of the called-for threads to some red AVAS, with exception to the horse and rider. (It was this sampler that led me to start searching for horse-and-rider samplers, which then led me to hunting down Colonial Couples samplers.)

    And here's the absolutely stunning, jaw-dropping sampler Mom stitched for me!

    080 tp

    It's Dames Boarding School by Examplar Dames! She couldn't remember the silks she used on it, but trust me when I tell you they are so delicate and lovely and perfect for this piece. I just can't get over how beautiful it is!

    Jill Rensel framed both of our pieces to perfection. Here's a close-up of the moulding on Dames Boarding School…

    011 tp

    I also stitched these for Mom, and put them in this bowl that I found at my favorite country store, Weathered and Worn…

    Christmas is Coming MODEL tp

    It's one of my favorite Christmas carols, and I love how Bing Crosby sings it. 🙂

    118 tp

    One of my very favorite things about visiting my parents' home is the way my mom decorates for the seasons. She has such a way with the little touches here and there, and my girls love visiting just as much, for this very reason. I decided to take a few photos while I was there yesterday…

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    I love how she took some greenery from her back yard and put it in a jar…

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    You may have seen this on her blog recently.. it's a tiny little stocking by Hands to Work…

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    Btw, this absolutely cracks me up, every time I see it. My parents have a cozy fireplace in their basement, but since my mom isn't down there very often, she decided to download a "live" fireplace app on her iPad…

    053 tp

    I think I caught her trying to warm her hands in front of it yesterday, when she thought I wasn't looking.

    One of Sophie's favorite things at my parents' house is the Department 56 Dickens Village, set on top of a very high china cabinet. (Actually, there are many more pieces to her collection but these particular ones are the ones on the main level of the house.) My dad has them arranged in the most charming way, and at night all of the tiny windows light up…

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    Please excuse the blurriness in the photos. I actually was not looking through the camera to take these bc they were so far above my head. Instead, I was standing on a chair and holding the camera way above me and snapping away at who-knows-what! (Btw, notice the samplers behind the village…)

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    One day, I'd love to get up on a ladder and get some decent photos of all the village pieces together.

    At about the time I was finished taking pictures, the man of the house came home for lunch…

    175 tp

    I adore you, Dad. Even though you don't like the way I park my car in your driveway so that you can't pull into the garage. I can't help it if you don't have the skills to drive around me.

    And Mom, I love you. Yesterday was so much fun, and I can't wait to do it again in 2012! Merry Christmas, and go pick out my next sampler. 🙂

    062 tp

    P.S. It may look like she stitched a bigger sampler than I did, but that's bc she stitched hers on 11 count, and mine is on 50 count.

    P.P.S. For those of you who may not know how I love to tease my mother, please know I'm only kidding.

  • Family,  Holidays

    Love Presents, Part 2

    Here are just a few photos from Thanksgiving… we went to my parents' house again this year, and my mom gave the girls the sweetest love presents! The idea was that the presents had to be something having to do with decorating for the Christmas season, so she gave what she thought was the most personality-fitting gift to each of the girls. I do believe she pulled it off! 🙂

    Sabrina's sweet tooth has every dentist in Omaha exhausted from night-terrors, so her gift was easy: a candy tree, made by my mom! Each kiss had to be painstakingly glued onto the tree – a process that takes the better part of an afternoon.

    Tp 4

    In addition to the tree, Sabrina got the coolest Santa that looks like it's made from pure milk chocolate, but in fact it is non-edible. Mom said she licked it just to be sure.

    Bre's taste in decorating is positively hodgepodge-chic, which makes it really fun to spot things that would go well in her apartment. Mom put together this darling wreath stand (sorry, the top was cut off in the photo), wreath, and Christmas ornament.. Noel is Breanna's middle name, so it was perfect!

    Tp 5

    Remember when Sophie wanted a bathroom overhaul as soon as Sabrina moved out? Sophie takes her bathroom very seriously, and pretty much breaks out in hives if something doesn't quite look right in there. She also insists on decorating it for the seasons, so Mom gave her one of Bath and Body Works' new soap sleeves, along with some new handsoap and hand towels. I don't have a better picture than this one, I'm afraid, but you get the idea…

    Tp 6

    It was a lot of fun watching the girls open their gifts – and moreso bc they weren't expecting them. 🙂

    As far as the actual Thanksgiving day went, Mom had a gorgeous table display, as usual…

    Tp 1

    After the meal, Mike and Dad retired to the basement for the Dallas Cowboys game, while Sabrina tried staying awake, resting against her Meems' lap…

    Tp 2

    Sophie sat pleasantly and conversed with anyone who was lucky enough to be sitting near her…

    Tp 3

    And Bre did what Bre does best, when she thinks no one is looking…

    Tp 7

    I hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving, whether with your family, your friends, or just the cozy quiet of your home.

    P.S. My mom didn't really lick the fake chocolate Santa.

  • Family

    Peas and Carrots

    It was so nice having Bre home for a few days over the Thanksgiving holiday.

    Bre tp 2

    Bre tp 3

    And of course, she brought sweet Tilly with her.

    Bre tp 6

    Bre tp 5

    Bre tp 4

    Tilly is still quite a baby, and whenever Bre isn't home, Tilly wanders around the house, calling for her.

    Bre tp 7

    I understand, Tilly. I miss her too when she's not home.

    Bre tp 1

  • Family,  Good Things


    The way that the leaves turn from green into red…

    Tp 1

    Baking muffins on Sunday for those still in bed…

    Tp 3

    The way Sophie smiles when she's having some fun…

    Tp 4

    Bacause Dad likes to play so the work's never done…

    Tp 5

    The peppermint cocoa that's good for the heart…

    Tp 8

    The bright orange bag that fell into my cart…

    Tp 7

    The thrill of the jump before one is too old…

    Tp 6

    The way that the leaves turn from red into gold…

    Tp 2

  • Crazy Kids,  Family

    Off the Block

    Sophie participated in her very first swim meet this past weekend.

    Two years ago, she begged Mike and I to sign her up for the swim team that Breanna and Sabrina used to be on, so I inquired and was told there was a 100-mile-long wait list. We added our name to the bottom, and Sophie decided to use the wait time to practice, practice, practice.

    Last year, we finally got an email letting us know that new swimmers were being accepted, which thrilled Sophie. She showed up for her first practice, and loved it. That is, until we told her she needed to sign up for a swim meet.

    She balked. So for a full year, she went to practice and enjoyed learning the different strokes, content with never ever ever ever ever going to a meet.

    Then her coaches noticed, and the pressure was on.

    She signed up. And cried. And fretted. And chewed her fingernails. And said she never liked swimming to begin with, and maybe golf was more her thing. She asked us repeatedly if we'd still be proud of her if she got disqualified. (Bre shared with her that when Bre was on the swim team, she was told she got DQ'ed, and then she got very excited bc she thought she was getting Dairy Queen for swimming so well.)

    Saturday came, and Sophie was not happy. But she put on her swim cap, walked to the deck like it was the gallows, and joined her team. I don't know what these sweet girls were chatting about, but it was the first time that morning Sophie had smiled!

    Swim tp 1

    She swam 3 races that day: 50m backstroke, 50m breaststroke, and 50m free.

    Swim tp 2

    Swim tp 3

    She got Dairy Queen'ed for her backstroke bc of an illegal flipturn, but she was happy with herself for doing it. When she came up to where we were sitting, we couldn't have been prouder – or louder – in telling her she did a good job, and to not worry about that flipturn.

    She came in 5th place for her breaststroke, which disappointed her.

    When it came time for her freestyle, however, her attitude suddenly changed. You see, Big Papa had taught her how to freestyle, just like he'd taught her sisters. And you do not want to race against her Big Papa. Before she left for the deck, she looked me in the eyes and said with a grave tone, "DQ'ed on back. Fifth on breast. That ain't happenin' on free."

    And it didn't.


    The rest of the story:

    1. Sophie's main concerns with participating in a swim meet were as follows:

    A She thought all of her team mates would be standing at the side of the pool, watching and judging her as she swam.

    B. She thought everyone in the audience would be dreadfully silent as the races were going on, which made her nervous to think about.

    C. She thought that perhaps there were sharks in the water, just like in the bathtub and toilet at home.

    2. Sophie swam her 50 free in 36 seconds, a good 10 seconds faster than all the other competitors in her heat.


  • Crazy Kids,  Family


    Hey Bean! I was going through some photos and realized I never showed you any of your birthday pictures! So here you go: the good, the bad, and the just plain weird moments on your 18th birthday… This will sort of be like watching a home movie, with me narrating and stuff. 🙂

    Here you are, coming out of your dorm. Big Papa was very happy to see you… I fear he looks rather like a zombie here. But nevermind that – he was happy to see you.

    Tp 1

    (Rawr… chompchompchomp.. I'm so happy that I've found someone to eat… rawr…)

    Tp 2

    And of course, your baby sister was happy to see you too. You probably remember this photo from Facebook.

    Tp 3

    And remember when Dad decided to put all of your presents in a giant lawn bag and then ask you where the dumpster was? (I hope you do, bc it was only a couple of weeks ago.)

    Tp 5

    He thought that was the coolest idea.


    Birthday lunch at Lazlo's. Didn't you love how your steak was overcooked, and when you politely told Dad you'd handle it yourself, he said, "Okay, sweety," but when the server walked over, he took matters into his own hands and you ended up with another overcooked steak?

    Tp 6


    Sophie loved getting to go up to your dorm room, btw. She especially loved Oliver. RIP, little Olly. 🙁

    Tp 7

    Here you are with your lawn bag of presents.

    Tp 8

    I love the skirt Dad picked out for you! Here you are, modeling it.

    Tyra would be so proud.

    Tp 9

    Such talent.

    Tp 11a

    Tp 11

    More presents…

    Tp 10

    Tp 12

    Tp 13

    Here you are, taking a break to teach Dad the ways of Mac…

    Tp 14

    Back to presents…

    Tp 15

    Tp 16

    I liked how you ran out to the hallway and yelled to your friends, "We can totally play tonight! I got a volleyball!"

    Tp 17

    Sophie couldn't resist getting you the cat mask. Dad thought it was a sleep mask, btw.


    Tp 18

    You did tell Sophie you wanted stud earrings… was this what you had in mind?

    Tp 21

    Tp 20

    I suddenly want a hambuger Happy Meal.

    Tp 22

    Remember when Soph wanted to smell the new lipgloss you got from Meems and Pops? You could have just let her smell the tube, but noooo, you had to make her get that close to smell. (It cracks me up that she's trying not to laugh.)

    Tp 23

    Remember when Dad excitedly announced to you that you'd be getting eighteen presents? He said,  "You didn't get nothin' good, but you got eighteen!"

    I won't even say it, but it starts with a D.

    (I loved that super plush blanket, btw.)

    Tp 24

    Here you are, walking us out to the car…

    Tp a

    Tp b

    Tp c

    Tp d

    Tp e

    Tp f

    Tp g

    Tp 25

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    Tp 27

    Happy, happy birthday again! I hope you enjoyed your birthday photos. 🙂

    Tp 19

    We love you, Bean!

  • Family

    A Day with Sophie

    I missed my Joonie while I was gone, so the day after I returned from Myrtle Beach, she and I decided to do something together that we haven't done in a while: we visited the zoo.

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    I just posted this next photo on Facebook, and I was saying how I love it when Sophie lets her guard down and doesn't realize that she's being a little girl again…

    Tp 20

    As much as I enjoyed my trip to Myrtle Beach, I sure am glad to be home with my girl.

    Tp 26

    I love you, Joonie!

  • Family,  Hodgepodge Cottage,  New Designs,  Stitching

    Cochon and a Kitty

    Before I leave for Myrtle Beach, I wanted to share with you Bre's new release that will be available on the Kelmscott Designs page of the online Needlework Show, starting October 20th. I love her little French words series!

    Cochon MODEL tp

    Speaking of Breanna, she was home this weekend and brought her sweet baby Tilly. We all adore Tilly, including Bre's dad, a self-proclaimed dogs-only kinda guy. (Don't tell anyone this, but he walks around holding Tilly like a baby and coos at her.)

    Tilly tp 1

    Tilly tp 2

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    Tilly loves her mama.:)

    See you at the Pals convention, if you're going!