Family,  Gardening


I've had fun peeking around and taking pictures of different flowers just opening up…

If you've visited my mom's blog lately, you've seen parts of her lovely garden, and I'm excited for everything to open up bc it's all so beautiful. It's always fun to see what new things she and my dad decide to plant and grow. 

The photo of the bloom below is from my own back yard, but it was in mother's back yard at one time. Last year she decided to thin out some things, and I was happy to take her hand-me-downs. (Wouldn't that be a sweet name for a type of flower?)

Geranium tp 

These daisies were given to me by a neighbor about 15 years ago, who didn't want them in her garden any more…

Daisy tp 1 

This little fellow was visiting an opening bud… just after I took this photo, he ran underneath a petal.

Aphid tp 1 

I love these sturdy little plants…

Salvia tp 1 

Salvia tp 2 

Oh – and one more thing my mother passed on from her garden to mine…

Dandelion tp 1 


That's it for the flower photos, but before I go I'd like to show you Brea's new hair cut… it was a really tough decision to get a whopping 10 inches cut off, but I'm glad she went for it. 🙂 Don't worry, sweet girl. It will grow back. 

Just like the dandelions in Meems' yard.

Breanna tp 1  


  • littlebit

    I’ll get you back! I’ll take care of your yard next time you go out of town! And here I thought you WANTED those dandelions when you ASKED me for them. 🙂 Humph..
    Brea, look exactly like your moma!! Course, your dad’s not too shabby either. LoL! I LOVE your hair!!

  • Pat Matejcek

    Your flowers are beautiful. I especially LOVE the daisies, my favorite flower.
    Breanna’s haircut is very nice. It looks great on her. Pat

  • Nicole

    Beautiful pictures Paulette!! Love that new lens you got! 🙂 I love Brea’s new do too! It looks great! 🙂

  • Hillery

    What wonderful pics. You are great with that camera. I’m still waiting patiently for most of my flower to come. Up here in Northern Maine, most are still trying to come up.

  • Robin

    LOVE the haircut on Brea! She is a beautiful girl. I need to send you some pics of my hydrangeas. They are my very favorite flower, and they are really beautiful this year.

  • Cari

    Beautiful pic’s of the flowers….including your very personal one…Bre! Thanks for sharing!!

  • joann in tx

    you and your mom take the bestest flower pictures!
    and you know what? your mom shared some of those dandelions with me too!
    i try to pull them up when their yellow before they go wispy….
    brea ~ LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new hair cut!
    did you donate the 10″ that was cut off? so many
    young girls and woman i hear are doing that now for wigs for cancer patients!
    hey! theres a party coming soon…… 🙂

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