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Thanksgiving Day

Now that I'm coming out of my tryptophan-induced stupor, I can let you all know that our Thanksgiving was wonderful! My mother cooked a fabulous turkey, along with everything that usually goes along with it, and all I had to bring this year were a couple of side dishes and dessert. Sophie wanted cupcakes, so after hesitating a bit, I thought, "Well, why not?"  So we brought cupcakes (which Sophie made all by herself), chocolate cream pies, mint kiss cookies, and I think that's it. Mom had the pound cake and maple pumpkin pie.

But she didn't have her famous orange punch, which we shall never forgive her for.

And as usual, her centerpiece was to die for! Can you believe she made those candle holders? (Mike actually asked her, "Oh, so you've taken up glass-blowing?" Oh good grief. Men.)

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Breanna became drowsy first, so up the stairs she went and crawled under my parents' heated blanket…

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She was snuggled in and ready to dream about studly Pilgrim men when suddenly, who should appear but…

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Needless to say, the Studly-Pilgrim-rescues-the-beautiful-young-lady-Pilgrim-from-the-clutches-of-the-Wampanoag-witch-doctor fantasy didn't last long.

Or maybe that was my fantasy… moving on.

Sabrina headed back downstairs to mind her own business, and along came her father, tired of the peace and quiet…

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The picture below strikes me as odd, bc apparently Mike whipped Sabrina up out of that seat so fast, her left foot disappeared…

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Sophie, who was sitting on a nearby couch, disapproved of the racket they were making. She was trying to play on my mother's iPad, and they were distracting her…

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I really didn't take that many pictures on Thanksgiving. I was too busy eating and trying to keep the conversation going so fast that Mike couldn't get six words in edge-wise. These words in particular:

"Who wants to play a game?"

Happy Leftovers!


  • ~Kathleen

    Paulette, it sounds like you had a wonderful holiday. Your mother’s centerpiece is magnificent! I love seeing pictures of your family and their adventures. Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving! Now on to Christmas. Woohoo! ~Kathleen

  • Lynn

    Sounds like it was a wonderful Thanksgiving!
    I love your Mom’s centrepiece. She’s one creative lady. I can see now where you inherited yours from.

  • Catherine

    Mike is always stirring things up isn’t he??
    Funny about the foot!! Hopefully Breanna was able to get back to that fantabulous dream! 🙂

  • Linda Klinedinst

    I love all of your photos Paulette…they are so cute and the wording with them makes me laugh…you are so talented.
    I am so glad that your family had a good Thanksgiving with your Mom.
    Take care & Happy Stitching/Designing
    Hugs 🙂 from Cold Snowy Northern Indiana
    Linda K, Railroad

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