Friends,  Stitching

A Girlfriends Weekend

A few weeks ago, I met up with some girlfriends for a weekend in Phoenix, Arizona, and we had such a fun time! I didn't haul my camera around with me, so I only had my cell phone to rely on, but I enjoyed the practicality of it. I just wish I'd actually gotten a photo of all of us together.. the only problem with that was I'd have had to ask everyone to put down their stitching, their snacks, or their Starbucks, and one never asks another to set aside any of those – particularly the Starbucks.

Here are a few highlights from our trip, beginning with my countdown of leaving the house for the airport…

Photo 1

We stayed at a Hilton, and this is what greeted me in my hotel room:

Photo 3

The Olde World Quilt Shop was a sweet little shop we really enjoyed visiting. It was very cozy, and the ladies there were extremely friendly and helpful. (We were all gathering lots of fabric to give to Natalia to make our next batch of stitching wallets. Poor Natalia! She went home with quite a haul of Moda!)

Photo 5

Photo 4

And since no stitcher can say "Arizona" without also saying "Attic Needlework" in the same sentence, that's exactly where we went. Jean has a new shop in a new location, and it's just gorgeous!

Photo 5

As you can see from some of the Vera Bradley bags, we brought our stitching in to sit at the tables and chairs that are in that area and get to work when we were finished shopping (ahem).

Photo 4

One of my favorite samplers was by Samplers Remembered, and it's the Joseph and Mary Christmas Sampler at the top of the wall in the photo below. I just loved it! The bright colors looked like a child's painting to me.

Photo 1

At the bottom left of the above photo, you can see the beautiful Katrine Thomsen 1858, also by Samplers Remembered. I think everyone got this one kitted immediately when they saw it in person. It's amazing what seeing a model in person can do (although I had the chance to see Linda Danielson's progress on it at the St. Charles market last year, so I already knew how breathtaking it was!). And by the way, she stitched the entire thing over one linen thread!

Photo 2

Next to the Samplers Remembered wall was The Scarlett House's models, and this one, Ann Topley 1802, was a favorite of mine.

Photo 3

Photo 4

Photo 1

We had lunch at a fantastic Mexican restaurant called Serranos, which is in the same plaza as Attic Needlework. And for breakfast, I recommend a great little place called Crackers and Company Cafe… but call ahead, because you wouldn't believe the line in front of that place if you just show up on a weekend morning!

It was such a great trip, and the time spent with my good friends was priceless. And apparently, so was the stash we bought, as we all spent a bit freely that weekend! (I won't even go into our Trollbeads shop visit… oy.)

On our last day, this was what I saw outside the car window on the way to the airport:

Photo 3

…And on my layover in Denver, this was the scene from the food court window, where I awaited my flight to not-so-sunny Omaha:

Photo 4

What a difference an hour makes! But all was cozy again when I returned home and unpacked some of my purchases and my little would-be stowaway made himself quite comfortable again…

Photo 5

I can't wait to do this again!

ETA: Linda of Samplers Remembered left a comment letting me know that her Katrine Thomsen sampler was actually stitched over two linen threads, but on 52/60 ct. linen. I'm impressed either way! That's too high of a count for me, I'm afraid! I'll stick with 36 or 40 for mine. 😉


  • Debby

    I’ve loved hearing about this trip from all of you that I’ve talked to. Katrina, Natalia, haven’t talked to Jen yet. I’m so jealous of the fabulous time you all had together!!!! I so look forward to stories from your next Attic Needlework get together. And pictures of all the beautiful finished bags as well!

  • sew~amy

    Thank you for sharing photos of the Attic Needleworks. I’m on the East coast so it seems so very far away to me. The samplers on the walls are gorgeous!! Seeing them makes me want to go stitch.

  • Lisa

    Oh my goodness, what a fun time you had! I love the little cutie in your bag. Look at all the love! It always does a girl good to have a getaway like that. Thanks for sharing!

  • Robin in Virginia

    What a wonderful weekend you had! Thank you for sharing the pictures and the links of your adventure.

  • Kevin Tober

    I am one of those people who is terrified of flying, BUT this post is honestly one of the best PRO flying posts I’ve seen. Just to be able to hop on a plane to spend a weekend with old friends and SHOP and STITCH and of course EAT – really sounds wonderful. And to think it’s only a couple hours to most places within the US. I may have to just face this demon eye to eye one day soon and go on a little weekend adventure like this. Loved your pics and enjoyed living vicariously through your trip to Phoenix. Happy stitching!

  • Linda Danielson

    Wow! Isn’t traveling and stitching, shopping, and eating with friends the best! Wish you and your friends could drop in once a month for Sampler Sunday…such fun! Old World Quilts is my favorite too. Thank you for showing the Christmastime Sampler and Katrine Thomsen….over two on 52/60 count linen. It was delightful to stitch. Have fun at market next weekend! I will miss popping in to see you!

  • Jackie

    It’s the perfect time of year to visit Phoenix! I’ve been fortunate enough to visit The Attic twice, though the 2nd visit was really quick. I’m looking forward to seeing the new shop someday. It sounds like the perfect girls weekend!
    You must show us your Troll Bead acquisitions – if not here maybe Instagram?!

  • Sharon

    What a fabulous weekend Paulette! I have got to get to that store and see it in person-it looks amazing.
    Fezz is so adorable sitting there in your suitcase, I bet he missed his mama.

  • Carol

    Hi Paulette (and friends),
    It was so fun on Sampler Sunday all of us stitching, eating, drinking, stitching, eating, laughing and showing our wips…..
    It was great fun talking with you also. Can’t wait until you can come back again. Cute stowaway, btw!

  • Lynn Jones

    Seriously, 52/60ct linen! There’s just no way, I haven’t even tried the 40ct yet! Either way it’s a beautiful sampler. I loved all the photos from your weekend. Girlfriend outings are the best!!

  • Kimberly

    The Ann Topley 1802 sampler reminds me of your Colonial Garden design…the dark fabric and bright colors! Love that one. And I love your new designs too! I am in Tucson and have only visited the Attic once…I really want to get up there again for a longer visit!! So glad you could enjoy our beautiful AZ winter!

  • Katie

    What a wonderful getaway! You were in my neck of the woods. I’ve never been to that particular quilt shop, but of course adore Attic Needlework! Serranos and Crackers and Co are both great! Did you shop for Trollbeads at Cornelia Park? That’s where I go, adorable shop!

  • Kim

    Looks like a perfect time!! Some day I hope to get there! So lucky you are to have great stitching friends! I’m quite envious! ;o). And I love your would-be stowaway!

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