Crazy Kids,  Family

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow.

Okay, not the cleverest of blog titles, but I blame it on my afternoon of drinking tea instead of coffee.

Sabrina has been growing her hair out for years. Her long hair is sort of what she's known for around these parts, and she's always felt like she'd be lost without it.

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But earlier this year, she started thinking that she wasn't really doing anything with all that extra hair (except for putting it up in a bun on top of her head every day), so why not donate it? She slept on it a few days (literally), and finally announced that she was ready to do it.

So we headed to the salon, and she nervously sat in the chair while the stylist made sure and double-sure it's really what she wanted to do.

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Sabrina stated boldly, "Do it."  Then she let out a little squeak as the scissors sawed laboriously through the thick, strawberry rope. (I never knew Sabrina had so much hair to cut through!)


The stylist and I waited for a reaction, as the length of hair was handed back to Bean… Then suddenly, the chair whipped around.

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I felt like applauding! I think I was relieved that she didn't faint.

I really hope someone gets good use out of her hair.. she's taken good care of it, and is on her way to growing it out yet again. Oh, and because her hair is much lighter now, flyaway hair is a new concept for her:

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Love you, Bean. ๐Ÿ™‚