Ramblings,  Sneak Peeks


Life goes in seasons, and I'm thankful for it. I've not found much time for blog visits, but I did want to stop in here and say hello to anyone who may stumble past Plum Street today. Here's a few of the more ordinary, in-between moments from the past few weeks – and oh, how I welcome the ordinary!

Sophie mourned for a week when she lost Loo-Loo, Bonkers' little lamb friend. But thankfully, Loo-Loo turned up in a wad of wrinkled clothing in one of Sophie's very messy dresser drawers. Lesson learned, and the drawers have been neatly organized.

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I baked these amazing gluten-free cupcakes, but my feeble mind refuses to remember what they were. I remember eating them, and feeling quite comfortable doing so, but looking back on them leaves me blank-faced and kind of hungry.

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Tasha still snores loudly and then wakes up to troll the kitchen, waiting for anything – even an ice chip – to fall to the floor.

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The Yorkie lives on.

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Tilly still finds the dogs a most ridiculous species. (And to my delight, she actually walked past the Yorkie and spanked it on the bottom, causing the Yorkie to have a near stroke as it rabidly chased Tilly across the room in a hairy rage.)

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Speaking of Tilly, I noticed a particular trend regarding cat people and non-cat people. When I shared a photo of Tilly sleeping soundly on my Dutch Beauty project in my previous blog post, it was mostly cat people who commented favorably. The non-cat people, however, were horrified at the sight, and some were led to promptly email me and let me know of their shock (all in fun, of course!). Except for Margaret, who is most assuredly a feline-lover, yet also a fierce protector of her stitching. (Hi, Margaret!)

I tend to lean more toward Margaret's way of thinking, but in Tilly's case, she was just too sweet to disturb (okay, so I may have barked at her a bit), and I decided to take the time to pick cat hair out of my project once her siesta was over. After that tedium, however, I've decided she is to never sleep on my stitching again. Sorry, Tills.

When we visited California last summer, Mike and I discovered Rubio's fish tacos, and I've dreamed of them ever since. My cravings were so strong recently that I decided to look for a copycat recipe online, and found one!

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If you've never had a fish taco bc the sound of it is just wrong, please know that you're missing out. If you don't like fish, however, then you're not missing a thing. I'll post the recipe soon.

I still haven't figured out what those muffins were.

Bre has been working hard at learning the art of photography, and is doing a tremendous job, even if I do say so myself. ๐Ÿ™‚ Her goal is to be able to travel and shoot live shows, and I think her talent will get her there. (For you photo fiends, she used a Canon 7D and a 24-70 f/2.8L lens.)

Big G 143E fb

Sabrina has taken up longboarding, which is a variant of skateboarding. I find her interests and hobbies to be so much fun – she's such a girly-girl on one hand, yet she can hang with the best of the boys who videogame (thanks to Big Papa, who raised the girls on gaming consoles and remote controls), loves organizing sand-volleyball games on campus, taught herself to play the guitar, and will soon be adding longboarding to her list of undertakings.

However, since Sabrina has to spend most of her time studying or working, Sophie has been secretly "borrowing" Bean's longboard and having a go of it herself.

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Lastly, Nicole has finished a wee model for me (in addition to all the other crazy stitching she's been finishing lately), which will be released at the April online needlework show.

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Btw, Bre has also been designing quite a bit lately, and Hodgepodge Cottage will have a few new releases as well in April!

And those are just a few of the in-betweens that have been going on around here. To those of you who have emailed to check up on me, I can't tell you how sweet it was to hear from you. I'll try my best to not be such a stranger. ๐Ÿ™‚


  • Marion

    So glad you posted! I was one of those people that were about to email you to see if you were okay! I miss your posts! Having 3 kids similar in ages to your kids…I know life gets crazy…take care!

  • Linda Huson

    I miss your blog posts also! I cannot WAIT to see your new design! From what I can see of it, I know I’m gonna love it! I’m presently stitching one of your designs (but doing it a bit differently). I’ll share a picture when I have more done!
    I like fish tacos – but I use the crunchy shells with mine!
    My only worry about the kitty sleeping on the needlework (which is something I would be fine with if my Katie Sue Bird did it), would not be the cat fur – but if they decided to use it as a scratching post – LOL! Ack!
    Linda in VA

  • Linda

    I’ve missed you! I decided last night that if you hadn’t posted today I would just have to email you and do a “well-fare” check. Glad to see your post today and enjoyed catching up on your goings on. I check in most days so I really miss you when you’re not here. I’m also looking forward to the new designs in April! Look forward to the receipes too! I like fish tacos expecially on the Plaze in K.C. every spring! Did you see the yummy Mexican lasagna on the Chew today? Looked so good! Let that dear kitty sleep wherever she wants to and kiss her little head for me! Linda in CO

  • Margaret

    What a fun post! lol about Tilly and all. Yes, I’ve just had too many Mia hairs in my stitching to let her lie on my stitching willingly. Her hair gets in my stitching anyway. ๐Ÿ˜€ Love hearing what’s going on in small ways with you all. Talented Bre, fun girls in general. And the sneak peek. Yummy! Looking forward to seeing what Bre has in store too.

  • Robin Hager

    Glad you’re back! If you were gone too much longer, I was planning on checking on you as well! Glad to know the girls are staying busy, and Sophie’s sweet Loo-Loo is safe! The food looks good, and so does the sneak peek at your design. I’m glad Tillie has the run of the house. This IS a cat’s world…they just allow us to live in it!

  • Cindy

    Rubio’s is indeed enlightenment in a tortilla. My DH and I used to go to one all the time, however, the town we now live in does not have one and we miss it very much.
    We do, however, make occasional forays into Sacramento where we hit up the Ikea as well! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • joanntx

    i’ve been busy, busy, busy at work but never too
    busy to check your blog almost daily for posts!
    i was SO glad to see your update on family and stitching tonight!
    i just love sophie’s bonkers! so glad Loo-Loo was found! good to hear the girls are keeping busy. pretty soon they’ll both be home from school and sophie will be moving on to the next grade and we’ll get to hear about the stewart’s summer vacation.
    don’t forget about us who LOVE reading your blog!

  • Katrina

    Hey girlie, love all the pictures :-). Ordinary in-between can be a good thing. So is Tilly not living with Bre anymore???? Sweet little sneak peek too!!!!

  • Clare

    Oh that Yorkie is soooooo cute! And the cat Tilly looks just like my Tigrou (little tiger in French)… he grew up in a French family. But I think he speaks English now lol.

  • Natalia Canaday

    Great post, Paulette !! I enjoyed the pictures and the stories. That Yorkie is so cute, but Tilly is just special (this coming from a doggie lover :-).
    I think Bre is an amazing photographer already. That picture is just beautiful and it captures the moment and the atmosphere so well. She is going to be good !!

  • Cathryn

    I was beginning to wonder myself, Paulette, and missing your stitchy and family, etc updates. Yours is one of my favorite blogs to read. Take care of you and yours. Cathryn

  • Sylvia

    Good for Tilly – spanking the Yorkie that is. I might have to send Max over and let her show him who is boss! LOL. The new release tidbit looks great, I am anxious to see the rest of it.
    I hope life will slow down for you a bit, so we can hear/see more of you.

  • Lynn Jones

    It’s so good to hear from you Paulette! I figured life must be very busy for you at the moment. I used to think I was busy when the kids were all home but sometimes it’s just as bad even though they’ve all left!
    I loved hearing about the comments regarding Tilly’s nap habits. Although I’m a cat person, I also try to protect my stitching. At times though it seems like I’m fighting a losing battle. Often fur transfers to my fabric from my own clothing! I’ve taken to always leaving my stitching in a project bag now. Clarisse likes sleeping on those too but at least the fabric is protected.
    Too funny that Tilly spanked the Yorkie!! It’s good to hear the girls are all keeping busy. Bre’s photography sounds awesome and I look forward to seeing her new designs. Yours too!!

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