From My Kitchen,  Good Things,  Stitching

Please Bring Christmas Back

We have finally gotten our winter weather! I love the snow, and I've missed it terribly, so when I woke up to the beautiful snowfall last weekend, I decided to make the most of it and bake my way to a holiday-smelling morning.

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These are gingerbread muffins, and they are the most melt-in-your-mouth muffins I've ever baked. And guess what. They're gluten-free, and if I you ate one and I didn't tell you that, you'd never know it. 🙂

Here's what it looked like outside my kitchen window…

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And here are the trees that line the street behind our house…

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I went into the living room and pulled the curtains back for sweet Tilly…

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She loves to sit on the back of my couch and look outside. I took this photo right after I took the one above, since I was standing directly over her…

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And to make it even more of a holiday, Miss Jill Rensel sent back my framed Bringing Home the Tree by Pineberry Lane!

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I love that etched moulding!

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I can't get Ella Fitzgerald's White Christmas out of my head.

I love this weather!


  • Robin

    Your winter pictures are fabulous! I am green with envy! Would you share your gingerbread muffin recipe with us?
    Robin in Virginia

  • joann tx

    oh! a birthday post! i’ve been watching for an update from you! and what lovely winter shots!
    tho we don’t have to deal with that in houston! whew!

  • ruth

    Oh how beautiful — all around from the winter to the framing, just beautiful. Now I *really* wish it weren’t nearly 80 outside here today, and I wish even more fervently that I had basket of gingerbread muffins!

  • Michelle

    Yay for snow! Those muffins look very yummy – I’m sure it’s all nice and cozy at your house with the smell of baking and the hush of the snow outside. And I love love love the frame for your Pineberry. Now I have to have one too…oh wait, better stitch something to frame first, huh?

  • Pam

    Your stitched piece is wonderful, love the frame, it compliments it beautifully. I know what you mean about the snow, we had only an inch but it was the kind that sticks to everything, a picture perfect day.
    Those muffins sounds yummy, would you mind sharing the recipe?
    Thanks Pam

  • Linda in CO

    So nice to see your post! Isn’t the snow beautiful! I love winter! The muffins look yummy, would you consider sharing the receipe? Makes me want to pour a nice “cuppa” and have a muffin, watch it snow, and stitch the day away! Alas, back to my pile of laundry!

  • Margaret

    Your framing is wonderful! The muffins look yummy too. Tilly is adorable — but you can keep the snow. lol!

  • Dona

    Snow, muffins and a sweet cat – a perfect day!
    Your framed Bringing Home the Tree is perfect. I love the design, fabric, threads and the frame. You will enjoy it so much during the holidays!

  • Tanya

    yummy looking muffins – SEND ME SNOW!! – no snow here 🙁 winter is like spring – ick. Beautiful pics – Easter here and Christmas there. lol

  • Valerie

    Oh yes, please share your gingerbread muffin recipe! Love your winter photos and the framing on your stitched piece. The etching is fabulous and so complementary!

  • Sylvia

    Aaaahm, the muffins look fabulous, but where is the recipe???? Adam would probably love it. I made him gluten-free tiramisu yesterday. His eyes just about popped out of his head, he was so happy.
    I love how Jill framed your sweet Bringing Home the Tree – its darling. I wish we would get some decent snow – it keeps trickling down from the heavens, but its nothing to write home about. All we get is bonebreaking cold. 🙁 Love the pics – I am a wee bit jealous. Oh, and saw your new releases – love the peacocks!!! Brother’s Keeper is a stunner!! Time to stop writing a novel. Have a great weekend.

  • Laura H

    Absolutely wonderful! The snow, the gingerbread muffins, the framed piece. Just all wonderful. Jill did a beautiful job on it. If you have a chance, please share your recipe for the muffins!

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