
Start Line

I'm so excited for 2012 and all of the stitching projects I have planned! I've been going over my mental list of all of my 2011 starts and finishes, and with the help of Miss Katrina, I've got a guide to get me through a more productive year of finishes. (Upon my begging her, she set up a "Paulette's 2012 Stitching List" for me to follow, and it's been really fun seeing how someone else would structure my stitching plans.)

Here's what I was able to finish this past year:

Frances Eden (half-stitched by the ever-knitting, ever-quilting, ever-creative Kim)…


A Dainty Housewren (started in 2010)…


I stitched the 4 Christmas ornaments I showed you back in November:

(For Breanna)

Tp 1

(For Sabrina)

Tp 8

(For Sophie)

Tp 3

(For Mom)

Tp 6

I also stitched 3 ornaments for Just Cross Stitch magazine, but I can only find 2 of the photos. I have no idea if I even photographed the 3rd one, but it's the "First Day" ornament, featuring a pear tree (and I can't remember if I put the partridge in it or not!)…



Here's the M.A. Dutch Sampler I stitched for Mom for Christmas…

001 tp

And I also stitched a bit on a new design I've got coming out this next year…and for those of you who have seen this screenshot before, I am well aware of how very behind I am with this release! πŸ™


Speaking of designs, these are the models I stitched this year (with the rest being hired out to the most wonderful model-stitchers in the world: Chris Laurion, Margaret Chess, and Nicole Neville!):

1. Beans, Beans
2. Buttons Black
3. Christmas Is Coming
4. Favorite Font Sampler
5. Favorite Spot Sampler
6. Hares' Autumn
7. Poor Maidens
8. Sergei
9. The Flood (started in 2010)
10. Turkey Love

On Christmas Eve I decided that before the holiday season was over, I wanted to spend some quiet time enjoying the lights on the tree and some Bing Crosby on the cd player, so I took out a new pattern I had just purchased from Pineberry Lane and got to work. A couple of days later, I had my last finish for 2011, and I couldn't be happier with it. What a darling design!

Tp 1

I loved this little tree:

Tp 2

The original model called for DMC floss, but I converted mine to some overdyed threads. I do love DMC, and use it for many of my personal projects, but since I didn't have all of the ones on hand for this pattern, I just pulled what I thought would look okay from what I had in the overdyeds.

Here is my conversion, in case anyone is interested:

(Fabric – I can't recall the name, but I know it was by R&R and I know it was 40 ct… I'm absolutely terrible with fabric and sampler names.)

DMC 355 – WDW Brick
DMC 612 – GAST Roasted Marshmallow
DMC 822 – GAST Oatmeal
DMC 830 – GAST Forest Glade
DMC 3021 – WDW Charcoal
DMC 3781 – GAST Wood Trail
DMC 3787 – GAST Wood Smoke

I should also include here that the name of the pattern is Bringing Home the Tree! πŸ˜‰ It was a sweet way to end a fun stitching year. Next year, however, I hope to get much more accomplished. I'll be referring to my list that Katrina made for me, but I would like to at least get finished 3 of the samplers I started in 2011:

Elizabeth Sheffield
James Wilson
Lucretia Maus

And it goes without saying that Dutch Beauty truly needs to be finished before I'm too old to see it any more. πŸ™

Okay, I've yakked long enough! I'm off to get some housework done and get back to work on the kits I'm assembling for The Attic's 2012 Sampler Symposium in Mesa, AZ later this week. I'm very excited to be going and presenting a mini workshop for A Lady's Trimkeep

Trimkeep tp

For those of you who are attending, I'm excited to see you there!

The laundry calls. Back to work!


  • Michelle

    Your 2011 finishes are all gorgeous! You got a ton done!!! I’m loving my “Katrina List” too. I think it’ll keep me on track! I can’t wait for that new release and I can’t wait to see what you’ve got cooked up for the symposium – I’ll just have to pretend I’m there. LOL!

  • Katrina

    You are both too sweet!!!! Goodness knows, I love make lists, LOL.
    Can’t wait to see you on Thursday Paulette, we are going to have so much fun :-)!!!! Love all your projects and the little sneak peek looks fabulous too.

  • Kim

    Love your finishes GF! And traipsing off to AZ?? color me green with envy! Hello Frannie! Hope your adoptive mom is treating you well! ;o) Frances is on my ‘start anew in 2012’ list! Along with Dutch Beauty. UGH! I better get busy!

  • Siobhan

    OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!! I need the smelling salts! Everything looks amazing! I love your Bringing Home the Tree–thanks for sharing your conversion! Oh, and yeah, now I KNOW I am stitching that to-be-released-sometime-hopefully-soon for Mairead! πŸ™‚ Can’t wait! πŸ™‚

  • Melissa

    2011 was very good to you! With Katrina’s guidance 2012 will be even better! Ack, you reminded me of Lucretia! She’s in my to stitch this year pile!

  • Laurie in Iowa

    Wonderful blog post Paulette. I enjoyed seeing pics of all your finishes, a list of the wonderful designs you releases last year and your final finish of 2011. Love the Pineberry Lane design and thanks so much for sharing your conversion.
    The Lady’s Trimkeep is so lovely and I hope you have a wonderful time at The Attic. I’m so envious of all of you that will be heading to Arizona this week.

  • Tanya

    ALL gorgeous stitched pieces – I love Pineberry Lane designs too. When I figure out how to stitch in my sleep, I can really get going on everything I want to make. lol

  • Margaret

    Oh what a fun post!!! Getting to see all you’ve accomplished! And your plans for this year too. Sigh. I want to see more of that design you’re teasing us with! So exciting!

  • Debra

    Triple love the Dainty Housewren and the framing, and I just ordered/printed off Pineberry Lane’s A Merry Christmas. Sure wish I could go to AZ so I could take the class, but maybe you’ll release the Lady’s Trimkeep for the rest of us πŸ™‚

  • Faye

    Be still my heart!!! If I only lived in Arizona…Enjoy your workshop and lets just say, that “trims” pillow is just too cute~!~~

  • Lynn

    You’ve had a very successful stitching year! Wonderful new designs and some awesome stitching too.
    I recently discovered Pineberry Lane and purchased Autumn on Marigold Lane but I also love the Fancey Blankett series and Bringing Home the Tree. Your finish is wonderful!
    I look forward to what new designs you have in store for us this year.

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