Family,  Good Things,  Photography,  Ramblings,  Weblogs

Blog Fodder

When I first started blogging back in 2004, I had intended to write just about my stitching endeavors – sort of a way to keep myself motivated by posting my plans and progress reports. Then I started designing, and it went from my "Cranberry Crossing" blog (the name coming from the primitive/folk art craft business I had for a few years back in the '90's) to my Plum Street Samplers blog, where – again – I had intended to write strictly about my stitching, whether it be my own designs or others I was working on.


Soon, however, I became bored with my slow progress reports, and decided to branch out and start sharing a little bit about my family, although I was afraid it might annoy some people. Seven years later, I'm amazed at how many people have written to me to ask about my family… you show your concern when I express mine, and you share in my joy as well. You have no idea how much that means to me! I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who are annoyed, as I'd feared, but that's what makes us all different; it's nice that everyone is not the same, or there really wouldn't be anything at all to blog about, no matter who you were.

So now I have a stitching/designing/dogs/family/cooking/photography/andsometimesTraderJoe's blog. And I'd like to thank you for allowing me to share it all with you.

Tp yorkie

Today is my blog's anniversary, so if you're still reading, I'd love to have a giveaway to celebrate! Just leave a comment (and if you don't like comments, your name will do – or you can email me) in the comments box of this post for a chance to receive 3 currently-released Plum Street Samplers charts of your choice*, as well as an e-voucher for any one future Plum Street Samplers release through December 31, 2011.  The winner will be announced this Friday, July 22nd.

*This is the fine print: I'm sorry, but I cannot give away any current or upcoming Just Cross Stitch magazines, nor can I give away anything that is or will be released as a retreat or shop exclusive.

Giveaway tp

Thank you so much for always taking the time to stop in and see what we're up to. I feel like I've gotten to know many of you, whether it be through your own blogs or emails, and I'm thankful for this new, "modern" way of making friends!

See you soon!


  • Julie Cowdin

    Thank you for sharing your lovely family with us!!
    Please enter me into the drawing!!

  • Susan

    I am certainly not put off seeing your family on your blog. It’s heartwarming to see good kids and families! Congratulations on your blog’s anniversary and thank you for sharing.

  • joann tx

    i agree with julie…thank you for sharing your family with us! you make some of us feel like we’re your long lost aunt (or twin sister to your mom!) you’ve got a lovely family and i know i enjoy seeing pictures and reading about you as well as the stitching you all do!
    ps…loved sophies flip-flop shop! has she and her friend had any nibbles yet?

  • connie

    Love your blog. It really is nice of you to share your daily happenings with all of us. I really enjoy reading about all of you. Please enter my name in the contest. How fun!!!

  • CarolG

    I love reading about your family/stitching/cooking, etc. don’t change anything! Please enter me in your drawing – thanks for the chance to win!

  • Margie

    I read your blog daily.
    I think you are the best!
    My day is complete after reading your blog.
    Keep up the good work!!

  • Diane

    I love reading your blog, although I don’t comment very often. Please enter me in your giveaway. I would be thrilled to own one of your sampler charts!

  • Becca

    As much as I love your patterns and love seeing your cross-stitch, I REALLY love reading about your beautiful family…and seeing your silly comments about your husband! I have two wonderful daughters of my own (and one silly husband), one daughter in college and one training to be a Navy pilot. I’ll sometimes mention something I saw on your blog and my younger daughter said the other day,”Mom, isn’t that kind of like watching reality TV?” lol

  • Susie B

    I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog, plus I think you should include whatever makes your heart happy! I just finished your Font Sampler–since I used to teach “typewriting” years ago, I simply had to have it. Thank you for your design.

  • Jacki

    Paulette –
    I love reading your blog. Love it. I started one this year with the same intentions — my stitching stories/progress/adaptations/designs — but I find myself branching out to other things, most especially my gluten free living.
    Thank you for sharing so much with all of us! I love reading your posts. And, thank you for the giveaway opportunity! So kind and generous of you!
    Stitching love from the sweltering East Coast,

  • Cathryn

    You KNOW I have always loved your blog as soon as I discovered it, whatever you blog about! Happy Blogaversary!!! 😀 Please enter me in your giveaway. Love you, love your blog(s) Cathryn

  • Vicki Koons

    Happy Blogaversary! I enjoy reading your blog no matter what the subject is. You have a beautiful family. Thank you for sharing. I’d like to be entered into your giveaway, please. Thanks!

  • Amy

    LOVE your blog – and you & your family! You’re just the best – can’t wait to see what comes next. 🙂

  • LauraG

    I love everything that you share on the blog. You have a beautiful life! Thanks for the chance to win some of your designs!

  • Cathi

    Congrats to the anniversary! You and your family made me often laugh while reading your posts…! Keep going on that way! :o) I would love to be drawn in your giveaway!
    Best wishes for many more blogaversaries!

  • Linda Crowe

    I’m a big fan of your designs and enjoy reading about your family. My son went to school in Omaha and seeing pictures reminds me of how much I enjoyed visting your city. Happy Blogaversary!

  • Giovanna

    I always enjoy reading your blog Paulette, even if I don’t comment very often – and I enjoy your superb photography. Congrats on the anniversary, and thanks for offering the giveaway!

  • Pat

    Congratulations on your blog anniversary. Thank you for sharing your talents and family with us. I would love to be entered in your giveaway…

  • Ann-Maree R

    Paulette, I love hearing what your family are up to..your daughters are gorgeous and a credit to you and Mike…even with having to play bored games now and then LOL

  • Yvonne S.

    I’ve got you as one of my blog favorites so that has to mean something! LOL! I enjoy all of your posts and do get excited when I see some of your stitching and sneak peeks of things to come. You keep me entertained and that’s what it’s all about!

  • Frances

    I love reading your blog–seeing your lovely stitching and patterns and seeing your beautiful family. I don’t comment often, but I check your blog regularly! Thank you for such a generous giveaway, and I would love to enter! Congratulations on the blog anniversary! Frances

  • Lynn

    I love your blog Paulette! I enjoy hearing all about your family. I often feel as you do that some will be annoyed when I post of my family and life but this is me and it’s what I enjoy doing. Thank you for continuing to share a piece of your life with us. I would love to be entered into your generous giveaway and thanks for the opportunity.
    Happy Bloggaversary!

  • Denise

    Great giveaway, please include me. I enjoy your blog and reading about your family, photography business and stitching. I am always checking for new posts. Keep ’em coming!

  • Lynn Mansmann

    I’ve been a long-time reader of your blog, however this is my first comment. I’d love to be entered into your anniversary give away. Thanks for such a great blog! Lynn

  • Amy Varnell-Miller

    I have been reading your blog for some time now, and find that I really miss it on the days that you don’t post. I think that you are hilarious and I really get a kick out of Mike’s antics. You are one heck of a designer and your family is blessed to have you. Thank you for making me laugh!
    Amy Varnell-Miller

  • Cindy

    I love your blog. A mix of family, stitching, and many other things is real life. Please enter me in your give away.

  • joanie

    Happy Blogaversary! I love your blog and reading about your beautiful family, keeping up with your stitching and Starbucks passion. (I’m a Dunkin Donuts coffee fan…hee-hee) Thank you for your generous giveaway, please enter me. I too love the new way to make friends!


    Love your blog and your beautiful photography-please enter me in your giveaway as I love your desigfns also.

  • Gabi

    Congrats on your blogoversary!!!! I love reading your blog and your entries most often do crack me up.
    Oh and what a fantastic price. I love all your releases, so pretty please, count me in. 🙂

  • Jan

    I love your blog, I love your designs, I love reading what you write about here!! You are quite the package, young lady!! And I mean that in every good way! Congrats on your blog’s anniversary, wow what a long history of lovely blog posting!! xoxo Jan

  • Karen CA

    I found your blog initially when it was Cranberry Crossing and through cross stitch and then as you expanded to other things I continued to read. You are a great writer and I enjoy your humor. I also enjoy seeing your family, probably because I have a 17-year-old daughter and have related to the events of your daughters along with mine. 🙂 On a stitching note, I do own some of your patterns and have even gotten a few stitched. I did meet you years ago at a market, probably about the time of Salem Sisters, when my sister owned a CS shop, although sadly she has since had to close it. I hope you continue your blog as is, it is always fun to read!

  • Kellie Cales

    Congratulations on your blogoversary!
    Wishes for many beautiful blog posts to come!!
    Kellie Cales

  • Sandye

    I enjoy your blog! Perhaps one day you will design a board game design and name it after Mike!

  • Jennifer H.

    That is the wonderful thing about blogs. They are our own and we can say or show whatever we want in them.
    That having been said, I truly enjoy all of the pictures that you have been putting in your blog. Each time I see them, they inspire me to get out there and play with my camera. Of course, camera time has to compete with stitching time which has to compete with quilting time which has to compete with Hubby time………..WHEW!!!
    Congrats on another blogoversary!

  • Nancy Dwinell

    I love reading your blog and your photos are gorgeous. Thank you for sharing your world. I’d love a chance in your drawing. (I even like board games!)I’m resisting the urge to start Paradise Lost but I do believe resistance is futile! Nancy D. in NY

  • Chris

    I enjoy seeing and hearing about your family. My heart smiles when I see a dad spending such quality time with his girls.
    Your designs are just beautiful.

  • Kristen from MA

    I originally came here to read about stitching, but found myself coming back to read about your family – that’s quite a cast of characters you’ve got there in Nebraska! And of course, I’ve really come to love your beautiful photography.
    Happy Blogiversary, Paulette! 🙂

  • Wendy

    Happy Blogaversary Paulette!!!
    You are a very talented lady with a beautiful family, I havent been following your blog for long but have been hooked since the day I stumbled across it! I love the fact you include snippets of your family life, recipes, your photography etc…it makes it feel more personel – thank you for sharing, please dont change!
    Sending you and yours BIG ((hugs))
    Wendy xx

  • Cari

    I love reading your blog! I enjoy every post and love your stories/pics/family/pets and….. well, just simply all of it !!

  • Margaret

    Paulette, I always enjoy reading your blog, seeing what you and the family are up to, and everything else! Thank you for your blog, and thanks for the giveaway!

  • Kim Lewis

    Happy Blogiversary Paulette! Your blog is one of my must-reads every day. I love reading about and seeing the photos of your family (including the doggies). And your designs are awesome! Please enter me into your drawing. Kim Lewis

  • Carol Huffman

    Paula, I check your blog every day to see if you’ve added a new entry. I love to stitch, but enjoy the cooking and family entries as well. Happy anniversary of your blog.

  • Michelle

    Congratulations on your blog anniversary! Although I don’t always comment, your blog is one of the first things I look at while having my morning coffee. I thoroughly enjoy each and every post, as well as your talent of designing!

  • Laurie in Iowa

    That Yorkie just looks too innocent to do the things you say it does! LOL 🙂
    Please toss my name in the hat for your anniversary giveaway.
    Happy Blogaversary Paulette.

  • Denise Brino

    Two of my stitching friends turned me onto your blog about a year ago and I have been hooked ever since. I love reading about your beautiful daughters and your crazy family. Thanks for sharing your life with us. Happy Anniversary. Thank you for the contest!
    Denise ,

  • Edie Whipple

    I love reading your blog — it’s always one of the first that I check out each day. Enjoy your designs, your photos and that you share your family with us.
    Happy blog anniversary!

  • Valerie

    Happy Blogiversary! I love reading your blog and never miss a post despite not commenting often. I would love a chance at your giveaway!

  • Kris Stutz

    I love your blog and reading about your family. I especially love your designs. Congrats on the blog anniversary. Your blog is one of my favorties. (picture me jumping up and down clapping each time you post something new!)

  • Melissa

    Happy Blogiversary, Paulette! I love reading your blog. I look forward to reading your blog and looking at your gorgeous pictures. I would love to enter your giveaway.

  • Marion

    Paulette….if I didn’t stumble upon your Blog I would not have become such a huge fan of your designs..I LOVE stitching them! I love hearing about your wonderful family…etc…….
    thank you for sharing all that with us….
    And I’d love to enter your giveaway!!!

  • Sheila

    Crawling out from behind the woodwork here…
    I do always read but only occasionally post replies…bad me!
    I love to hear about your life: your girls, your dh, your dogs, all the fab photos etc.
    This is not to sound creepy, or gushy, or stalker-ishy, but I do think you have the perfect All American Family – and I mean it in the nicest way 🙂 Honest I do!
    Keep on making us smile, laugh and occasionally cry with you.

  • Julie

    Hi Paulette,
    Today it’s my 25th wedding Anniversary so we both have something to celebrate.
    I am a regular reader of your blog and like looking at your photos of when you are out and about to see how different it is over there,to where i am.And of course peeks of your latest stitching.Please enter me for your draw. Thanks.

  • Debbie Glaeser

    Thank you for sharing your family I read your blog every day. You have 3 beautiful daughters! And also, your designs I’m looking forward to stitching the autumn, Halloween, and winter Hares. Would love to be entered in the giveaway. Debbie

  • Jackie

    Hi Paulette, I have been following your blog for some years now and although I enjoy it enormously, I don’t normally leave a comment as I have subscribed to your RSS feed. I would very much like to enter the draw for your giveaway please! Congratulations on the ‘blogaversary’
    Jackie x

  • Sheryl

    I love hearing about your family. I think they are beautiful. And I love the dogs also. I check your blog everyday to see if there is anything new. I love the photography also. You are doing a great job with that and I wish you luck with the new business.

  • Angie S.

    I love your blog and enjoy reading about your family and all your endeavors. Congratulations on 7 years! Thanks for the giveaway – I would love to win some of your designs; they are so beautiful!

  • Sarah

    I check out your blog every morning. Congrats on the anniversary and please enter me in your drawing.

  • Tracy Cloyd

    Thank you for sharing so much with us… I feel as if I know your family and find myself praying for your girls… and hopeing that all is going well for each of you! This is a great little contest… hope I am chosen! Thank you for thinking of us in this way!

  • Leajeanne

    Yes it is good to be all different. Lucky us .. how boring it would be if not. It is just the mix of news about stitching and family that makes it fine. I just got your “Salem Sisters” pattern and I’m eager to stitch it for Halloween.
    Happy anniversary and thank you for your giveaway.

  • Janis T

    You have a delightful blog, I look forward to seeing your beautiful family and the smiles your quirky humor brings!
    Quirky you ask? Think about the arm hair pic…

  • Thomasina

    I love to read about your family. My son is the same age as Sophie and it is so nice to see if other kids think the same way. I get so tickled reading about Sophie and thinking my son Brandon and her would get along just great. Both very out going young individuals.
    Please include me in the drawing for your charts.
    I love all of your designs.
    Happy stitching,

  • Julie Forslev

    I love reading about your life and family, and all your little doggies. 🙂 I already own many of your designs, but what a treat it would be to complete my collection! Thank you for the great opportunity!

  • Sharon

    Paulette, I love your blog and I especially love reading about your beautiful girls, and Mike and the dogs. I have even showed my mom your little yorkie because she has one just like yours. I think the best part of your blog is the love and fun you and your family so obviously have together! Happy Blogaversary to you!

  • Teresa S

    I am a faithful follower and love your designs. Could you now just provide more time for me to stitch them? Ahhhh…. that would be perfect.
    Count me in for the drawing!

  • Penny

    Paulette, I love your blog. I enjoy all the topics you write about. You have a lovely family and they are very blessed to have you.

  • Sandy

    Congratulations on your blog anniversary! Thank you for sharing your life outside the needle. By sharing other aspects of your life, you give us a glimse of the inspiration behind your designs. I enjoy reading your blog and stitching your patterns. Thank you for including me in your giveaway. Sandy 🙂

  • Betty

    Paulette, I love reading your blog (with everything you include)
    Keep those wonderful designs coming and patience with Mike and his bored games!

  • Wendy

    I think it’s wonderful that you can share your entire life with us, not just your stitching and designing. It really does make you seem like more of an internet friend rather than just an anonymous stitching piece finished by a faceless, emotionless stranger. I love reading about your family and encounters because that’s where your humor, love, and passion really come out and it just completes the big picture behind your designs.
    I would love to be entered into your drawing!

  • Susan Wharton

    I love to hear of your lovely family, it reminds me of when my 3 boys were growing up. Your love of family is certaqinly apparent in every way. We laugh when you laugh, cry when you cry, and rejoice when you rejoice. Keep it up. I am very excited about the prospect of getting more of your creations, by the way I love the bunnies.

  • Linda

    Your photographs are always beautiful. I like the Trader Joe’s reports too! Would love to win some of your charts.

  • Rebecca

    I first started reading and following blogs for the cross-stitch inspiration and needing to fill the human connection void in my own life.
    It has been my pleasure to get to know more of your great design patterns and also you and your family via the blogging.
    Congratulations on your blogging aniversary and many continued wishes of success in your life.
    Thanks for sharing so generously with so many.

  • Rebecca

    Congratulations on your blogaversary. I has been lovely reading of you and your interests and your lovely family. Many happy returns on this lovely day.
    Thank you for your generous gift of the giveaway opened to your followers. Like all of them, I honored to recieve your generous gift.

  • Paula Wiggins

    I check your blog first each morning. I love it. I hate it when you do not blog each day. Please enter me into your drawing.
    Paula W

  • Robin Hager

    Paulette, I feel as if I have known you forever, even though we have never met face to face. You are the little sister I wish I had! I enjoy whatever you choose to blog about, because we all have different interests, not just stitching. I am glad to know that there are people in the world like you, and I thank you for letting us be part of your family. (((hugs)))

  • Carmen Sutton

    I don’t know how you get all you do done, but I love to see it all on your blog. Congratulations on the blogaversary, it keeps us entertained. I would love to be entered in your give away.

  • buy maxalt online

    When I first started blogging back in 2004, I had intended to write just about my stitching endeavors – sort of a way to keep myself motivated by posting my plans and progress reports. Then I started designing, and it…

  • Littlebit

    Obviously, I will not toss my name in for the giveaway, but you really do have a wonderful blog, and it is my morning “click” with coffee. Um, since I don’t need the charts, can I have three models instead? Tee! LLLY

  • Maureen Martello

    Please enter me in your drawing. I love reading your blog! It’s make me laugh! I am still laughing about the gnome posting. Keep up the great posts. Maureen

  • Linda Huson

    I absolutely adore your blog! I thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing yourself, your family, your talent, your doggie stories, your laughs, your tears – with all of us.
    Linda in VA

  • Claulem

    Oh Paulette, I never get bored while reading about your family, dogs, stitching …
    Thank you for sharing and happy blog anniversary

  • Vicki

    I would love to be included in the drawing. I just bought 2 patterns today: Fruit of the Spirit and Paradise Lost. I love your designs!

  • Diana Jacobson

    Congratulations on having your blog for 7 years! It’s nice to see your latest designs as well as seeing what’s going on with your family. Thanks also for the freebies you have had on your blog. I look forward for many more years of your blog!

  • Angela

    Congratulations on your blogaversary! I would love to be entered in your give away. Thank you for all the inspiration!

  • alba from italy

    Congratulation for your blog anniversary
    and thaks for sharing your family with us,
    seeing your girls growing up is a special gift
    my DD is 25 but I still call her my little one
    so you may too, if Sophie allows it lol
    Blessed be

  • Louise

    Happy Blog Anniversary! I always enjoy reading about you and your family. Even my 11 year old daughter reads it to keep up with Sophie.

  • Cathy

    Your blog is an enjoyable read. From the antics of your family, your wonderful stitching & designs, to the furry beasts that prowl the carpets. I look forward to every entry and every new design. Please keep it up ;0)

  • Susan Cavanaugh

    Happy Blogiversary! I enjoy reading about the stitching, family, dogs, cooking, vacations, not to mention the overgrown board game loving boy who tries to hone in on the action from time to time.
    Please enter me in your contest and keep on blogging, it keeps me sane from my boring bank job!

  • Debra Scott

    Happy anniversary, Paulette! Love your blog precisely for all the reasons you were listing. I feel like you are an extended part of my family, although you don’t know me 🙂

  • Jill Butler

    Thanks for your blog Paulette! I go to it each day to see if there is an update.
    Happy Blog Anniversary
    Jill (from Kelowna)

  • Shauna Woodall

    Don’t you dare change what you’re doing! It’s so much more interesting to see the life behind the creative mind. Finding like-minded bloggers is like finding a group of girlfriends to lunch with and laugh with — and there’s no tip to figure out at the end! Happy anniversary!

  • Kimberly

    I just found your blog about three months ago and I love it. I’ve never commented before – but I love reading anything you write, and I really enjoy the gorgeous photos that you take! Oh, and the stitching designs too! 🙂 Thank you for keeping up your blog! I am a busy mom of two little boys, ages almost 2 and 4 years, and it’s nice to read about a mom of older children and know that they will still be as fun later as they are now.

  • elizabeth normandin

    I always read your blog first. I love seeing the pictures and hearing your fun stories. I also love all of your patterns. Please enter me in your giveaway. Thank You, Beth N.

  • Noelle P

    Happy Blogaversary! I am so glad to find you, your patterns, and wonderful stories of your dogs, beautiful girls, and the irrepressible Mike!

  • Lisa V

    I love to read about what your family has been up to, especially that funny, cheeky husband of yours (what a hoot!).
    Pls include me in your generous giveaway.
    LISA V

  • Jeri

    I’m a recent follower and even though I started reading because I’m stitching The Flood I have quickly become addicted! Thank you for the wonderful stories and beautiful photos.

  • Barbara Sturtz

    I think sharing so much about yourself and family, makes it feel as if you are more like a friend than a blogger. Hope you enjoy all your endeavers and continue to write to us.

  • Anita

    I enjoy your blog!! Please don’t change a thing!!
    Congratulations and please enter me in the giveaway. Thank you!

  • Melody

    Paulette, Your blog is a favorite of mine, and don’t change a thing. I love admiring those beautiful photographs you take, and sharing your family news.
    It makes me feel as tho I know you all. (hope that doesn’t sound creepy.
    I’d love to be in your drawing. Thanks for sharing.

  • claudia

    I enjoy hearing what is going on with the family almost as much as I love seeing new cross stitch designs. Both are beautiful – and hubby is a hoot!
    No one else need comment . . . . . ’cause I’m the winner!!!!!!

  • april mechelle

    Congrats Paulette on your Blog Anniversary!! Love reading about you and your family! I love all your desugns too! Please enter me in the giveaway.

  • Audrey

    I love your charts and I love to read about your beautiful family. Your photography is awesome too! The best parts are the little balloons you put over the pictures with the hilarious comments! I would be honored to win!

  • Lillian Carol Ridenbaugh

    My granddaughter is crazy about your blog and your family. Although Lily is only five, we share your blog on a regular basis. We enjoy it so much. She watched the video of Natalie over and over again and she always likes the times that your girls dress up for prom and such. She always says that Bean’s shoes are her favorites! Congrats on your anniversary and thanks for the giveaway.
    Lillian Carol

  • Deborah

    Thanks for having such a generous giveaway. I have been reading your blog for years now and I must say that I enjoy the progression of things. Your pictures are beautiful. Deborah

  • karren hubrich

    As for myself… I Love the diversity of the blog. The stitchery is awesome, but I like to see a bit of the artist behind the work… makes it all the better!

  • Marsha

    I like your sense of humor. Your family is gorgeous (and you too). Love your designs. But really, that entry with the snow, how beautiful it is and ….. what’s this?, marring my beautiful snowfall?! I still LOL when I think about it. Love the blog.

  • Anne

    I love your blog Paulette. I rarely comment but I always visit to catch up with the latest happenings in the Stewart household. Thanks so much for your generous giveaway, I’d love a chance to win. 🙂

  • Shelly

    I like to read your blog, your family is so photogenic-even your husband! Keep it up! Thanks for offering this generous giveaway!

  • Margaret

    I enjoy your blog so much. I love seeing your photos of your lovely family and read about what you have all been up to. And of course I love your designs. Please enter me in the draw. Congratualations on your blogaversary.

  • Sharmila

    It is great to read about your family. I am not your follower. I have bookmarked you in my Designer section in IE:)
    Thanks for your posts on your daughters, your husband, your dog and the occasional flowers.
    I love to drool over those MIGHTY samplers you are doing.

  • Linda

    Your blog is a part of my day! I’ve enjoying getting to know you and your family after meeting your designs several years ago! Count me in for your give away and thank you! Linda in CO.


    Congrats to you and your whole family, since they are a big part of this blog as well! I’m also one of those who love reading about your sweet family. I’ve never been in USA or anywhere on that side of the ocean, but every time I read your blog I feel so close to being there. It’s like a whole different world! And I’m waiting for your every post impatiently.
    Btw, tell to Mike that I’d LOVE to play some board game with him some day! 🙂
    Liga from Latvia
    liigucs at gmail . com

  • Marjo

    I enjoy your blog so much. I have quite a few of your designs and love each one. Thank you for the chance to add to the list.

  • Marilyn

    I love your blog!
    I check it everyday. It’s such a pretty blog, and enjoyable to read.
    I love the Four Seasons Cafe also, and the pics of the doggies too. 🙂
    Keep the great designs coming!

  • Gen =^_^=

    Since I started to read your blog, I’ve loved it. It is the way you tell stories and your sense of humour that first got my attention and now, I’m hooked, even if I don’t post comment very often, I keep reading every article… and as many, I think, I got attached to you and your family (I guess because we can feel all the love you have for them)…
    I would love to be entered in you giveaway.
    Happy anniversary to your blog, may it last very long.

  • Lindsey

    Happy Bloggaversary?…Bloggerversary? I love reading your blog after finding it. I got sad when I was home on maternity leave and knew I was checking for updates waaayy to frequently from all the blogs I read. I wish I could meet your family cause I feel like I know them!

  • GingerCat

    Since I won five charts in one of the last giveaways, please do not enter me in this one. I feel blessed to have won those!
    I do want to tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to read about your family, your passions, and even the trials and tribulations that are a good part of life. I enjoy your humor, the photographs (I wish you were close enough to be the photographer at my daughter’s wedding…sigh…), the recipes and everything else.
    I wish you much success in all of your future endevors, especially the ones near and dear to your heart. Keep loving your family, having fun and counting your blessings!

  • Charlene♥SC

    Happy Blogiversary!
    It’s great watching the comings and goings of your family and business. I certainly watch for your updates as much as for anyones. Hope you’ll decide to come to the seashore in October with the other PALS! Oh, and thanks for the opportunity to add to my stash of PSS!

  • Rachel

    Please enter me in your giveaway. I started reading your blog a few years ago after stitching up your Christmas Tea design for my mother. I’ve enjoyed reading your blog!

  • IneVM

    Stitching, your family, the dogs, coffeeaddiction and even cooking….it all is a part of you and of who you are Paulette.
    And that’s what we readers like and we keep coming back for it ☺
    greetings from the Netherlands

  • ~Monique

    I almost never comment on your blog, but I have read every post… you’ve had me giggling more often than not, and made me teary-eyed more often than I’d care to admit. Happy Blogiversary 🙂

  • Anja

    Herzlichen Glückwunsch on your blog anniversary!!
    I am so happy to be invited from you every day. Please, Paulette, oh please never stop.
    Oh, oh, dear Mike, you will never feel what a cross stitcher feels when a chart arrives. This great moment when you open the chart, the first look at it, then diving into the stash to look for the right fabric and the right colors while the fingers are trembling because it is so exciting. Sooo exciting !!
    Liebe und herzliche Grüße von

  • Dede

    I can’t remember if I have commented but I do ready you regularly! I too like photography and you have given me some great ideas/tips for taking pictures of my grand daughters.
    Thanks for the giveaway–I hope I win!

  • Katie

    I love your unique blend of stitching, photography, family, recipes, etc. It makes it much more interesting and I’m always happy when I have a new PSS in my reader.
    Have a happy blogiversary!
    maurer dot katie at gmail dot com

  • Bonnie Ingalls

    So nice to know what is going on with the Stewart/Kwaak family. Especially after losing touch with your mom. It’s been a joy watching the girls and your designs grow. There are just so many of your designs that I want to stitch!

  • Kellie

    I love your blog and your designs. I don’t comment often, but I read regularly. I think Mike’s antics are hilarious.
    Thank you for a fabulous giveaway. I would love to be entered. 🙂
    kellieps3 at windstream dot net

  • Judy

    I am aloyal reader and sometimes commenter(sorry, I’ll try to do better!). I really enjoy EVERYTHING you blog about but I especially love your recipes!
    Please enter me in your giveaway.

  • DonnaTN

    Happy Blogoversary! I always enjoy your blog, especially the non stitchy ones. You have a beautiful family and it is wonderful to share your special moments. Thank you for all the designs, recipes, and fun! I would love to be included in your give away drawing.

  • Sharon in St. Louis

    Congratulations on your blog-aversary! I love reading about your stitching, your family and your life. Please include me a your drawing for your gorgeous designs.

  • Nicole

    I love your blog Paulette!! You have an amazing family and I love reading about you all are up to! Happy Blogiversary! 🙂

  • Ginny Smith

    Paulette, I adore reading your blog and even though I sometimes don’t reply you and your family are always in my heart and prayers.
    I adore your love for the “normal” things, and then your “not so normal” posts too that make me smile! It somehow always helps me reconnect with my growing up in the midwest myself. I know they say you can’t go home but I disagree. There is something I love growing up on the farm and being from a small town and everything good and bad that goes with it.
    God bless you and all you do.

  • Rita Shores

    I have been enjoying your blog as it is too darn hot to be outside. At least 90º in Rhinelander (that is Northern Wis!)
    I would love to enter your drawing for some of you beeautiful charts!
    Thank you,
    Rita Shores

  • Siobhan

    I love whatever you post–kid pics, pup pics, recipes, designs, your own stitching… even bored games. 😉 Happy blogaversary!

  • Judy Zielinski

    Paulette – You are the first blog I check when I turn on my computer and I’m always happy when you have a new post. I get a kick out of your humor. And I LOVE your cross stitch designs. Unfortunately my local shop just closed so I could use some new patterns for my stash!

  • Lisa M in NZ

    I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now I love reading about your family. I grew up in a family of three girls (I’m the youngest by 6 years so I relate to Sophie well!) and had my grandparents, uncles and aunts live in the same town too. It brings back happy memories for me 🙂 I’m amazed at how talented you are with your stitching, photography and room decorating 😉 Your writing is a talent too your sense of humour makes reading about your activities funny and more often than not make me smile.
    Kind Regards,

  • Karen Young

    Dear Paulette, Your blog brings a bit sunshine to many a stressful day.Congrads on the Anniversary.Best wishes for many more.

  • Carol

    Your blog always brings a smile, Paulette–I love reading about your three girls (especially since I had three boys!!), your pets, and your new designs. Your photography is amazing–wish my photos looked half as good 🙂
    Congratulations on your blog’s anniversary and here’s to many more! Thanks for the giveaway chance 🙂

  • Vanessa Totten

    Happy Anniversary! I love your designs, have stitched many of them and would love to entered for the drawing.

  • Joan in NY

    Congratulations on a special anniversary, keep writing and I’ll keep reading! Keep designing and I’ll keep stitching!

  • Carolyn

    Paulette, Congratulations on your blogaversary! I always enjoy reading your blog. It’s such a nice mix of stitching, family stories, recipes, photography, re-decorating, and, of course, coffee! Thanks for the generous giveaway!

  • Patti

    Congratulations on your blogaversary!I so enjoy reading your blog ~ I always get excited to see a new post and yuor posts always make me smile 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing a glimpse at you life. Please enter me in your generous giveaway! (I’ve been coveting yout “Favorite Things” pattern 😉
    Blessings, Patti

  • Reba Scott

    I have many of your charts in my stash!! Also your blog is one of my everyday blog reads….and I have a Golden! I dearly love hearing about your various adventures with you family and your girls are just beautiful!
    Thanks for the opportunity to be added to the list!

  • Christine Z.

    I love your blog – absolutely one of my favorites and I love your patterns. PLEASE include me in your giveaway. I would love a chance to win :o) Congratulations on your blog anniversary and your successful design company!!
    Christine Z.

  • Leigh

    I enjoy reading your blog, it is one that can often make me smile. I just rarely, to never, comment. What a great and generous giveaway. 🙂

  • Cathy

    LOL….there are tons of stitching blogs and everyone is always stitching “the flavor of the minute”….they tend to run together!! I find your family much more entertaining!! Your blog really works for me…so don’t change it!!

  • Eva

    It’s always big fun to read your stories and to see your amazing designs. I love to pop in your great blog.
    Please keep me in the drawing, thank you.
    Hugs, Eva from Germany

  • Lili Bear

    Well, Paulette, I must say that the www would be very dull without your blog… You have the cutest daughters and your love for them and handsome Mike is so beautiful.
    I’m weak, please enter me for the drawing. Even if I’m not a winner, this will have been an occasion to say Hi lovely Paulette and family, instead of just popping and boucing again. 😉
    Take care. 🙂

  • Vickie

    Your blog is very well put together. It is always enjoyable, the pictures are great. You are very talented. And very generous. Please enter me in your celebration giveaway. Thank you.

  • Carissa J

    Congrats on the anniversary and I would love the opportunity to win some of your charts, I’ve drooled over so many of them!

  • PattyC

    I love your blog and your designs – What a blessing !!!! Thank you for offering such a wonderful giveaway – Count me in 😉

  • Megan

    I would love to get some of your designs, this is an amazing giveaway. I am still trying to get hold of your Olga pattern, that is my favourite at the moment but a lot of your designs are on my wishlist.
    I love reading about your family and life in your blog, please keep it up.I think we all feel involved and part of your family from reading your blog.

  • Leslie

    I love reading about your stitching/family/cooking/and the dogs! LOL! It puts a smile on my face.

  • Kerri Manley

    Your blog brings a smile to my face every time I see a new post. You are blessed with a lovely family, a successful business and a hunky husband!
    I hope you continue to share your adventures for many more years. I would love to be entered into your generous giveaway, espcially since I have several of your charts on my wish list already!
    Congratulations on your success!

  • Jen Bailey

    Happy Anniversary! I really enjoy reading your blog and can’t wait to see what other designs you have up your very talented sleeves! 🙂

  • Pat Judson

    I enjoy your blog just the way it is! It’s always a fun read and I’d love to win even one of your charts!

  • Lucialoo

    Happy anniversary little blog ! I hope you will stay as you are until you will be a very very old blog. But Paulette, are you still stitching ??? lol !!!!

  • Debbie Smith

    I just love your blog and your family is beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win your patterns.

  • Christy

    Such cute little dogs! Thank you for the chance to win your wonderful designs … I just love them.

  • Laura

    Okay, when I clicked from Google Reader to comment on this post, I ended up commenting on your latest. So, I just want to say, that I DOUBLY loved your interview, and I would love to be in your giveaway drawing! I have a few of your charts on my wish list, and winning some would just make my day.
    LauraB in Utah

  • Tina Schroer

    Your blog is wonderful! And your family is just as important as your needlework. You have to include all your beautiful creations in your blog. Happy Blogiversary! I’d love to be entered in your giveaway. I’m loving my Bible story charts!

  • Sherry Avery

    Love, love, love your patterns and so appreciate the chance to enter your drawing.
    NEVER apologize for loving and being proud of your family. If anyone is offended by your posts, they know where the ‘back’ button is!

  • Anne

    Your blog is beautiful, I really love reading it! I must admit, I am really lousy at posting. I now take the opportunity for an “outing” as anonymous reader. 😉

  • beritbunny

    I know the giveaway is over, but I wanted to stop in and say how much I enjoy spending virtual time with you and yours. 🙂
    And, that new kitten is adorable, and adorably photographed. 😀

  • Jayme @ Runner in Spice

    I love your blog! I remember back at Christmas time (before I had started my own blogging) I started reading your blog. I was so excited to show my mom too – we both loved your patterns and thought that it was so neat that you had a blog too! It makes you and your patterns have even a bit more meaning, if that makes sense!
    ps: tell Bre I said hi!!! and that I hope her running is going well!

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