Crazy Kids,  Family

Fridays with Bre

Until a month ago, I never drove to Lincoln to see Bre. Instead, I would wait until she came back home to visit with her, in order to give her her space at college; I didn't want her to feel as if I was honing in on her life at school.

Soon, my Bre started asking things like, "How come no one ever comes to see me at school?" and after the third time she mentioned it, I decided that maybe – just maybe – she would like it if I visited her once in a while and took her to lunch.

So I decided to start visiting her every two weeks, and I'd let her choose where we'd eat. What I was not expecting, however, was for my sweet Bre to drag me into Target after lunch so we could spend some quality time together grocery shopping (turns out the cafeteria has "nothing nutritious at all, Mom!"), then on to the mall just in case I needed something (I've never been much of a mall person), and then walking all over downtown Lincoln in the bitter cold, searching for a boutique called Black Market bc she heard it would have amazing things that I would love (and in the process being confronted by a somewhat crazed man, asking if we had a nickel he could have).

Twice I've been to have lunch with my sweet Bre, and twice I've been dragged by my hair all around the capital city. Oh – and twice I've driven back home wondering how it is that I have much less money than I started the day with.

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Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
Fool me thrice? that's my Bre.

I am a sucker for that girl.


  • Julie M

    Amy keeps asking how come we don’t come visit her. Everyone else has had visitors but not her she said. My response? You come home almost every weekend, just when do you expect me to visit? Silly girl.
    Enjoy your visits with Bre!

  • Marion

    Love it!
    My 20 year old is still living at home, after going to univ last year, is working full time this year and going to community college in Sept….she has a check list posted on the fridge of things she will need when she gets her apt….including a colour scheme….”just in case” I feel like shopping! LOL

  • Stephanie M.

    Love it! I’m glad I am not the only one who experiences My daughter just turned 26 and I still get suckered into “spending money”, when we are supposed to be spending quality time. I guess that is the fun of it all! At least the Yorkie can’t talk…..

  • GingerCat

    I had to laugh because when my girls were at Virginia Tech, I used to visit on a regular basis. Due to the distance driven, I would usually stay overnight. I cannot remember a single trip where we simply caught up on events, but I can remember always going shopping (and out to eat)! I must admit, I always had a great time.

  • Terry

    Would you, would you please, share your pot roast recipe from your January 30 post. I just cannot make a good pot roast, and I’m betting yours is great! My family would be grateful…

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