Good Things,  Ramblings

My Day

Today I…

Cleaned my house.

Finished all the laundry – 6 loads.

Printed and packaged an order for Hoffman.

Mailed out a birthday present.

Wrote some bills.

Fixed lunch for Mike and I, which we ate outside at the little table on the back porch.

Weeded some of the landscape.

Was nice to the Yorkie.

Stitched on a model.

Watched an episode of The Office, season 3.

Spoke on the phone to Breanna, saying "Okay, honey," when she detailed for me everything she'd like me to cook for her upon her return home from college.

Fed the dogs. The Yorkie too.

Went grocery shopping.

Made Sabrina clean her room.

Spoke to my mother on the phone about what I'd be cooking for Breanna upon her return home from college.

Took some photos.

Played soccer with Sophie in the back yard.

Balanced my checkbook.

And bought myself some flowers! For the first time! (And definitely not the last.)

Flowers tp 4 

Flowers tp 1 

Flowers tp 3 

Flowers tp 2 

 It was a very, very good day.

P.S. I also updated my blog. 🙂


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