
Next Top Model

I'm looking forward to all the goodies coming out at the the online needlework show on April 14th! I'll have a couple of things, and Breanna will be releasing a new pattern too. She's really been working hard on getting some models going, and I'm so proud of her. :) 

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Speaking of models, we had a bit of a model fiasco here recently. Breanna had asked on her Facebook page if anyone was willing to stitch a model for her, and a very sweet lady by the name of Jessica signed up. Since Bre was away at school – and all of her supplies were here – she asked me to please kit up her model and send it to Jessie. I said I would, and Bre trusted me to do just that…

I pulled her colors she chose and grabbed the right color of linen.

I wrote out a note on behalf of Bre and tucked everything in an envelope.

I took it to the post office and away it went, off to Miss Jessie's house.

A little while later, Bre checked in on Jessie to see if everything had arrived and was working out okay. According to the email response Bre received, Jessie seemed to be finding the experience a bit challenging…

My phone rang.

BRE: "What, exactly, did you send to Jessie?"

ME: "What, exactly, do you mean?"

BRE: "What did you kit up?"

ME: "What you told me to, ya goofball. Linen and threads and your chart!"

BRE: "What kind of linen?"

ME: "36 count. Why?"

BRE: "I told her I was sending 32 count!"

ME: "Ohhhhh….ummm….oh gosh…. I didn't see any 32 count. But it's only 4 more threads? I mean.. umm…. isn't it okay that it's only 4 more threads?"

BRE: (silence)

It was the uncomfortable silence that made me remember the time I thought 45 count would be a breeze bc it was only 5 threads more than 40 count. That 45-count sampler is still sitting in my closet, and my eyes go cross when I look at it.

A few more days passed, and Jessie explained to Bre that she was sorry the model was taking longer than expected, so Bre assured her that it was no big deal, and she could certainly send the model back.

When the model came back to the house, I opened it up to see how far Jessie had gotten…

Oh no. Oh no no no.

I called Bre…

ME: "Umm.. Bre?"

BRE: "What's up?"

ME: "I got the model back from Jessie.:

BRE: "Cool! How far was she able to get?"

ME: "Welll… she certainly did a lot of work, and her stitching is impeccable, but it has to be stitched over."

BRE: "Why?"

ME: (silence)

It grieved me to have to explain to Bre that when I looked at the note I'd included in the kit, I about messed my knickers. Glaring back at me in black ink were these words, in my own handwriting:

"Hi Jessie! Just use one strand of floss over one linen thread…"

36 ct…. one linen thread. Poor Jessie! (Laurie Arp still hasn't forgiven me for this same task when she stitched the Joshua model!)

Jessie, if you're reading, your work is absolutely perfect! And I'd like to once again apologize for my blunder. Oh my… Please don't run for the hills if you ever see Bre in your inbox again! I'm pretty sure she's fired me by now!

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  • Marnie

    Ouch! And doesn’t always sting more when the proof is in your own handwriting? Poor Jessie!
    Can’t wait to see what you both have coming out.

  • Gabi

    Oh my gosh that was SO funny. OOPS indeed. I feel for Jessie (and if she reads this hear…I REALLY feel for you. But that’s hilarious never the less.
    And that being said…I’m now really curious to see Bree’s design. Did I read correctly through the lines that you’re now her model stitcher for the next 100 models??

  • Laurie in Iowa

    Poor, poor Jessie… you do realize it will take her years to overcome the trauma of this experience.
    Our Paulette has managed to scare off yet another model stitcher. 🙂

  • joann tx

    i didn’t realize brea was looking for model stitchers. sign me up!
    but please include a phone number as i would have called to confirm you REALLY wanted it stitched OVER ONE (NOT MY FAVORITE!!!!) on 36 ct!!!!! ouch.
    jessie…. i hope your eyes have recovered from all that over one!
    can’t wait to see what you both have coming out! 🙂

  • Kristen from MA

    Oopsie! Kudos to Jessie for stitching over 1 on 36ct.
    BTW Paulette (and Breanna, too), I just want to say how great it is to see a young person interested in cross stitch. I read the HDF stitching forum quite a bit, and there is frequent talk of how needlearts seem to be waning in popularity (except for knitting) and that the stitching population is aging. It’s great to see a college student who not only stitches, but wants to design too! (Probably not great for my budget…)

  • Theresa Venette

    I think that’s really cool, actually — I hope Bre releases a picture of the over-one model with the graph. Sometimes things done tiny like that are just, well, awesome-sauce!

  • Betty

    Aaah, poor Jessica…
    But now I’d love to see a pic of the masterpiece, preferably with a ruler or a coin or so next to it, just to see HOW small it all is…

  • joann in tx

    did bre change her blog? i just went and it couldn’t find it. joonie’s adventure’s still there but no more frilly lilly???

  • Jessi

    lol Thank you Paulette! I think my eyes have recovered now and I’ve learned my lesson. If Bre ever decides to test my stitching skills again I’ll make sure to double check the supplies and directions with her before I start!
    I hope she was able to get the model done in time.

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