Martha,  New Designs,  Sampler Houses,  Stitching

Sampler Houses

Thank you so much for all of the wonderful comments so many of you have left on my blog, Facebook, and Instagram regarding my most recent releases! It is so wonderful to know that there is so much support in our industry, and I'd like to thank you with my whole heart. 

Martha thanks you too! (She's doing cartwheels on the inside.)


Because I never officially did this, I'd like to introduce you to a new series of sampler houses I'm doing. Each one will feature a different house and a traditional motif found on some antique samplers, and is suitable for framing or stuffing or whatever your favorite finishing technique is! I'm thinking there will be 5 or 6 in the series, but I'm not completely sure yet. My fancy can be very unpredictable!

Sampler House I COVER

(I am a little obsessed with the color Deep Fennel by Classic Colorworks lately!)


Sampler House II COVER

I know they're old news by now, but I had this post started back on May 11, and I wanted to finally get it finished. May 11! I used to think about how organized my life would be and how much I'd accomplish, once the girls were all grown. Turns out that was a hilarious notion, as I was much more structured back when I was actually managing the lives of five people! These days I have to check the internet to see what day it is, because I'm not sure I believe the calendar is correct. The days run run run, one right into the other. 

(How is it, with the invention of all things convenient and fast, our lives have become overwhelmed with more to do? Faster food, faster service, faster delivery – you'd think with everything being so fast for me, I'd have more time freed up for all those would-be accomplishments!) 

So those are the new Sampler Houses.. I've got two more in the works for a release later in July, after I return home from the Silver Needle retreat. I've also got a few more releases to accompany those, so I'll get everything posted when I have all the information gathered! 

I hope your summer is going wonderfully so far.. here in Nebraska, we've had the best mix of storms and sunshine, storms and sunshine, and I love it all! See you soon!

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