Class Pieces,  Retreats,  Stitching,  Summer,  Travel

The Silver Needle Summer Stitching Event

Hello again! The calendar says it's August 3, but it feels like I just got back from Tulsa! Linda from Chessie & Me fame and I were invited by Lindy of The Silver Needle to be the teachers at the annual Summer Stitching Event, and it was absolutely fun-filled and energized and fabulous! And spending time with Linda was wonderful; she's a talented, lovely teacher, and I'm privileged to call her my friend. 

And I didn't get one lousy picture of her project. But don't tell her.

Some friend I am.

Actually, I didn't get a picture of mine either, but that's because I knew what it looked like. But I did take a picture of it for the cover of the chart before I left, thank goodness.

In the last few blog posts, I included a tour of Lindy's shop, and today I'd like to share just a few pictures from the actual class with you. The class was held in an open space in the building around the corner from The Silver Needle shop. The temperature outdoors was at least 426 degrees Fahrenheit, and it was during high noon on Day One that Linda-from-Chessie and I decided to head over to the classroom.

It took us about a half hour to get there.

Not because were were enjoying each other's company so much that we had to shoot the breeze (there was no breeze) in the parking lot, but because we went in the opposite direction of where the classroom was, and ended up walking around the entire plaza before we got our bearings. Thankfully we were not eaten by coyotes, but I guess at high noon in an open parking lot in a super bustling part of town, that's not likely to happen. But you never know.

Anyway, we made it to class and as soon as our pulses returned, the retreat went splendidly.

If you ever get the chance to attend the retreat in Tulsa, come hungry.





The Silver Needle hosted a pincushion exchange to raise money for St. Jude's Hospital, and all of the pincushions were so beautiful…





This is stitched over one on 40, y'all…




Here are some of the attendees (hey girls!) discussing the finishing of the little acorn project I brought…


One of the ladies there was working on this breathtaking Scarlet Letter sampler… I was completely gobsmacked.



Here is Shannon, quite a prolific stitcher, working away…


The classroom had a mini shop set up with a trunk show of lots of Chessie & Me and Plum Street models…









Here is one of the attendees, working away on Linda's project, which was a gorgeous painted patriotic house box with a stitched flag mounted to the roof…


On Saturday afternoon, the attendees started packing up and heading back to their homes, and we all said goodbye. Lots of new friendships were formed, and it was so much fun getting to put faces with Instagram names, meeting FlossTubers, and watching Facebook groups reunite. If you ever get the chance to go to the Summer Stitching Event in the future, don't pass it up! I had so much fun, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have met all of you who attended.

After the classroom was broken down – trash out, tables folded, chairs stowed, charts and models boxed, tablecloths shaken out, and cars loaded, the staff and Linda and I headed to Lindy and Craig's house for a huge barbeque and lots of laughter. I did take one parting shot before I got in the car, of Lindy and Craig's fabulous front door. I begged them to let me take it home with me, but they politely refused me. Isn't it great? They certainly knew how to build houses and doors back in 1928.


Thank you for stopping in for the last leg of the tour. Hopefully you'll come back by soon to see the pictures from the Pioneer Woman Mercantile.

All I can say is swoon!

Oh, and before I forget, here is the picture of the class piece I did for the retreat:

Betsy's Autumn Cover

And here is the little acorn project and pincushion for the welcome night… you can hardly see the little acorn, but it's there!

Betsy's Bird FULL small

See you soon!