Autumn,  Class Pieces,  Retreats,  Stitching

Autumn Gifts

Sweet Rindy Richards told me that she saw my Shepherd's Bush class piece on the net today, as Sue Ream (Hi, Sue!) had stitched it… and that's when I realized that I've never shown what my class piece was!

My friend-and-framer Sherri Berkman was the model stitcher for this one (hence, the SB initials at the bottom, which several people thought stood for "Shepherd's Bush"), and once again, she surprised me with the moulding. I could not have asked for a more beautiful frame to go with this piece, which features a rabbit dashing through the woods, and crossing over a narrow thread of river. 🙂 The retreat's theme, as you may remember, was "Over the River and Through the Woods," and I loved how each of the teachers interpreted it.. what a warm and cozy theme it was to work with!

Tp preview

The little scissors fob to the bottom left corner of the model was also stitched by Sherri as a surprise to me. I was so thrilled to receive it, and will always remember her kindness and generosity, as she was going through a very difficult time in her personal life when this model was being stitched. I'm so touched that she would do that extra thing for me.. both sides of the fob are stitched over one linen thread (the reverse side has an acorn and leaves taken from the design). Thank you so much, Sherri. It meant so much to me.

The scissors attached to the fob are the gorgeous work of Paula Sibbald from Kelmscott Designs.. I begged her to come up with something special for my class kits, and her response to me was, "Well I was just working on a new pair of scissors, and wasn't sure what I'd put on them!" This was certainly good news for me, and she took my "OH PLEASE DO ACORNS, PLEASE DO ACORNS" to heart. Thank you again, sweet Paula! They turned out beautifully, and I was thrilled to be able to include them in my class kits!

I suppose the rabbit is now crossing a frozen river through barren trees at this point, as fall has moved on to another year. And as usual for me these past couple of years, I'm running behind it, hollering, "Wait! Wait! I've been so busy, I never got to say goodbye!" Because of this busy-ness, I decided last month that I wouldn't release any new designs for the remainder of 2014, but rather I would take some time and enjoy the season for a while. My next releases will be in Nashville in February. I truly hope to see lots of you there, and I hope it will feel like Christmas all over again, only with spring colors!

Now, I think I'll go ask God for some snow, because that truly is one of His winter gifts to us – especially when topped with a red cardinal.

Wait… Did someone say winter gifts? I see a new sampler in my mind…


  • Robin in Virginia

    What a wonderful autumn piece, Paulette! I love the colors you used. And I love that molding Sherri used for it! Perfect!

  • Pam Lacey

    I really love the piece you created for the retreat, and what a wonderful surprise getting the fob from your stitcher! She definitely sounds like a “keeper”! It is fun also to have you share a glimpse of how some things are created (acorn scissors). Enjoy your time off with family and friends; you have certainly earned it. I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us in 2015! Merry Christmas and God’s blessings to you.

  • Sue Ream

    Hi back Paulette! It was such a pleasure to stitch this sampler! The response to it has been tremendous on Facebook, and there are a lot of anxious stitchers waiting for its release next year. I’m now working on “The Beekeeper” and wil be starting on Jeannette’s sampler from retreat soon.
    Best stitches,
    Sue Ream

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