
There’s an App for That.

For those of you who haven't heard, there's an amazing new app for keeping your hoards of cross stitch supplies perfectly organized! I've had so much fun using it, and it's come in very handy when I need to see quickly if I've got a certain thread – or heaven forbid, buy a chart that I already had in my stash!

Here's a few screen shots of the app, from right after I got it. The photo on the Home Screen is the default one, but I can upload any photo I want from my album.


My dear friend Katrina's husband, Jeff, created the app when his perfectionist/neatnoid/accountant wife decided that she needed a tool to help keep all of her charts, threads, linens, and even shopping and wish lists all in one mobile place. (Jeff, I need an app that makes my husband take out the trash, if you don't mind. Just whip that up, would you?) Jeff then got a few beta testers to try it out, and it was such a hit, he made it available in the App Store for purchase for iPhone or iPad.


Of course, I had to have it, and it's been a lot of fun entering all my charts under their respective designers. Here's just a small view of my entries… each picture is customizable, and obviously I haven't taken one for the bottom entry yet. I've also added notes, which you can see a snippet of beneath the design title.


The only down side to this app is that if your husband stands over your shoulder and sees all that you've entered, you're busted. When he says "Is that a new chart?" you'll have to resort to, "This old thing? Oh I've had it for ages!" (And then drive the point home by muttering something about your linen being practically dry-rotted, you've had the project going for so long.)

Anyway, unless you've got a "little black book of stash" in your purse like my friend Pam Hoerner, look up this app (called X Stitch) in the App Store and see if it's something you could use! And if you download it, I'm happy to share my new Wish List with you…  😉


  • gingercat

    Wow! Just what I needed to keep tabs on my enormous stash of PSS charts, as well as those “other” designers and fabric and threads! Thank you for sharing the information and pass along my thanks to Jeff!

  • Kristen from MA

    Holy moly, do I need this! I have all of my charts logged in a spreadsheet on my laptop, which isn’t much use when I’m out and about. To have all that info on my phone?! Yes, please.
    (And let me tell you, my usual policy is free apps only, but this one is definitely worth paying for.)

  • Deahna

    Me want, too!!!
    Only I’ve got an iPad 1 which can’t even upgrade to iOS 6, let alone 7.1 🙁 So now I just have to convince certain people that I really, really do need an iPad Air, I really do.
    I know, I’m hopelessly out of date but I’ve never seen any reason to throw out something that’s working fine just because it’s old. Which is probably why I have got a ton of charts I’ll never stitch!
    Thanks for mentioning this.

  • Lori

    I downloaded that App last week! The only thing I wish (maybe you can ask Jeff!) is that it had a category for Magazines!

  • Brenda A

    Oh I have that! I really only use it for the journaling feature though. Since I have an android phone I find myself using the FLoss Checklist on that much more for floss. 🙂

  • Carol S.

    Ok, I downloaded the app this morning after reading about it here, and cannot for the life of me figure out how it works.
    Where is the list of designers/charts? When I click on the inventory section, there’s no list, nothing loads (despite leaving it sit for several minutes). No threads or linens listed, either.
    I feel stupid. What am I doing wrong? The support info/FAQs in the app are not helping me either.
    Carol S.

  • Cardygirl

    Love it, please send Jeff a big thank you! Hours of fun putting everything in, but it is easy to work and I love being organised. The only down side is that thread makers will see their profits drop as I stop duplicating my purchases! 😃

  • Stitching Noni

    Thank you Jeff for such a fanstic idea! This looks brilliant, and is just want I have been looking for! No more sitting in front of my stash trying to develop any easy way to track everything…. And have it mobile for when going out shopping!
    I am going to dowload it shortly and spend a few hours entering in everything…. Of course it would be really great if the app did the entering itself while I stitched!!
    Thank you Pauette for sharing this app…. I can’t wait to try it out!
    Hugs xx

  • Susan

    Do you know whose design in the picture is? It actually looks like one that you could have designed and I love the doggies. Would love for that one to be the first in my add to stash list.

  • Tammy

    Thanks for the great app! I know what you mean about duplicates:-) downloaded this afternoon on my IPad & loading so much already! I love being organized & this is great for us gals/guys who are particular if you know what I mean;-)
    Thanks for sharing Paula!!

  • Cathy D

    I love this app! It was great to take to my LNS to shop for needed items. I’ve entered all of my threads. Still have to add everything else. It’s another WIP, but definitely not a UFO. 🙂

  • Janet C

    Please talk him into an android version. No I-anything in this house either. And I have enough stash for a store!

  • Carol

    Have just downloaded the app to my iPad, and so far have only added my Plum Street Sampler charts, but absolutely loving it already!
    Carol, you may have worked it out already, but when you are in the inventory section/charts & kits you need to select the edit icon in the top right hand corner. All will become clear then. 🙂

  • Melody

    Thanks for sharing! I downloaded the app, and put my current project on it. I will have to spend some time adding more things to this. What a great idea. However, I can see spending stitching time adding to this…. lol.

  • Pam hoerner

    You are a hoot! I think I need this too for my iPad ! That little black book works for so many notes and inspirational ideas. I hope you are using yours! Been thinking of you. Wow, Sophie sure has the grown up look these days. Guess it was bound to happen. Keep your eye on her or I should say, on her admirers!

  • Kathy

    Thanks for sharing! I downloaded this almost instantly after reading your post. It’s going to be fun getting everything loaded. It’s going to be especially nice to have my wish list, shopping list and inventory in one spot and with me when I’m out and about. Sure beats hunting for little scraps of paper with scribbled notes. Love it!!!

  • Stephanie Messenger

    This is a great app! Spent time yesterday adding charts, etc. Will be great to avoid duplicates. I did send a designer request to add Dinky Dyes the floss list.
    Thanks so much Paulette for sharing this with us!!

  • Carol Grierson

    I bought this when it first came out…a few weeks/months ago because I saw it online – I love it and I’ve really only entered my threads so far.

  • Karen Chaudoin

    This looks great! Can you share who makes The Birds and the Bees pattern showing in your post? thanks.

  • Laura J

    I got this app too. There are a few things in that app that bug me big time. The project area only has a box to type in which flosses or linen is being used. It doesn’t go anywhere from there, it’s like notepad. I wish you could select a thread or linen from your inventory and allocate it to a project you’ve kitted, then when you look at your inventory maybe they could have an icon that shows it’s currently with a kit. I can’t tell you how many duplicates I have in threads because I love to kit all my stuff up when I get it, but then don’t know it’s with a kit. The new Floss app from Coffee House Works has a nice project area where you can pick threads and add them to your project, but they don’t even have a Colorworks floss list. If they could only combine the two programs we’d actually have an awesome app.

  • Kerri

    This app is great! Thanks so much for sharing this and showing us how huge your stash is. I just finished entering all my stuff and of course added all your new charts to my shopping list.
    It is nice to leverage technology to enhance my favorite activity – shopping for supplies!

  • Dannette Fout

    This App is great but it would be great if all the specialty DMC floss like metallic, variegated ect could be added. I love having it on my phone to see what I actually own so I don’t duplicate charts and floss.

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