Sabrina was home last weekend, and got her baby sister to help her with an assignment for her Environmental Communications class. The class was split up into teams, and each team needed to come up with a campaign ad to encourage others to be more aware of what we're doing to God's green earth. So Sabrina's team came up with a fun slogan for reducing and reusing all the plastic things that most of us are guilty of accumulating:
"Unplasticize UNL."
I loved the little 30-second video Sabrina and Sophie did to help out the team. And the professor loved it as well!
I hope you all have a great week ahead! I leave for Dallas on Friday, and I finally got all the charts mailed out last week. And just so you know, all those plastic bags that Tasha was sitting in came to good use: I always use them in lieu of bubble wrap when sending out anything that needs extra padding. So take that, Environmental Communications class! 😉
Are you teaching in Dallas? FUN!
Great video! That Tilly … and plastic! lol
BTW Mom gets her own Tilly tomorrow 🙂
Tessa Chaplin
hehehe good work girls 🙂
Great video! Have fun in Dallas!