
Camera Shy

Wait a minute. Where did July 4th go? Has it been that long?

Our celebration was a bit smaller this year than in years past, but it was just as much fun as it always is. Once again, we went to my parents' house, and there was no shortage of camera hams.

July 4 tp

July 4 tp 2

July 4 tp 3

July 4 tp 4

I love this urn on my parent's front porch…

July 4 tp 5

July 4 tp 6

July 4 tp 7

July 4 tp 8

I love her cute 12-year-old hands…

July 4 tp 9

…And her middle school sense of style…

July 4 tp 10

July 4 tp 11

July 4 tp 12

July 4 tp 14

July 4 tp 13

July 4 tp 15

July 4 tp 16

July 4 tp 17

You'd think the child had thrown a grenade…

July 4 tp 18

Sabrina had ideas of her own, until her Pops busted her…

July 4 tp 21

I set the camera up in the grass for this picture, but I have no idea what we were laughing at!

July 4 tp 19

July 4 tp 22

July 4 tp 23

Here's Mike, getting in touch with his inner Harry Potter…

July 4 tp 24

I hope your July fourth celebrations were fun! Bre, we sure missed having you here with us this year. But just think… at least you didn't have to deal with this:

July 4 email 2


  • Kristen from MA

    Looks like everyone had fun! Enjoy the rest of the summer, Paulette! πŸ™‚
    (Btw, I just ordered Halloweenies; can’t wait to get that chart!)

  • Margaret

    Great pictures!! That stuff that smokes out of the bottles in bright red and pink is quite impressive! I admit to being totally ignorant of that phenomenon. lol! Love the pic where you’re all laughing.

  • Julie McConnell

    Looks like a good time was had by all! I can’t believe how grown up Sophie is getting to be. Sorry I missed you at the shop Saturday, I have a little something to discuss with you at some point. And thank you so much for making the trip and helping us out!

  • Linda

    Sophie looks SO grown up! Looks like the kids, old and young, had a great time! Our fireworks were all canceled, both public and private, because of the fires. πŸ™ Enjoyed seeing your pics! Linda in CO

  • β™₯ marylin β™₯

    My God you girls grow up fast!! and all the smiles in these pictures what happiness for me to see everyone so happy! Your publications of articles I missed! I wish you pleasant moments of life like this and God bless you

  • Sheryl

    Those pictures were so great. Love the one with your Dad, you and the girls laying in the grass. I bet Bre missed you guys too. Can’t wait to see more pictures

  • mouse

    fabulous fun photos πŸ™‚ your girls are growing up so fast and so pretty too πŸ™‚
    nice to see you on the photos as well πŸ™‚ love mouse xxxxx

  • Charleneβ™₯SC

    Fun, fun! For the first time, I can see the resemblance of Bre in Sophie (tp 11) where she’s looking down with the sparkling sparkler. Enjoy a bit of heat relief and stitching for the weekend!

  • Lynn

    The girls seem to change every time I see them!
    The pics are just fabulous!! Sometimes I wish I had a few camera hams around here. No-one gets excited when I pull out the camera.
    It looks like you had a super day with lots of fun!

  • Carmi

    I love how their spirit practically seems to jump off the screen. What an amazing series of pictures – you literally took us right there. So happy you shared this moment…they grow way too fast.

  • Dona

    Cool pictures, Paulette! Great action shots. I think you and the girls look a lot like your dad! It looks like you guys had fun.

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