Family,  Travel


Greetings from my computer desk! We're back from our exciting – and exhausting – family vacation to California, and I'm finally able to sit down and get caught up a little.

We took off last Monday morning for San Diego, and here's a little of how our first day went…

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We arrived in San Diego at 8:45 a.m., which meant that the hotel wasn't quite ready for the Stewart Clan to take over. So Mike drove us to the San Diego Zoo instead…

It didn't take Mike long to find a tree to hide behind and pretend he was a wild animal. I have no idea what possesses him to do this whenever he sees shrubbery, but he gets a kick out of it, and the girls join him to make him feel better about himself.

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Bre, however, refuses to join in Mike's animal antics. Instead, she says things like, "Look! I'm Dad, and you can't see me because I'm next to a tree! Rawr!"

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Lord, please help me. Please. I'll never ask for anything again. (And is it just me, or does one really need to hold their arms out for balance when the balance beam is that much larger than one's shoe?)

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I smiled happily as my legs were being crushed…

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The zoo was beautiful, but very hot. (California weather is so odd… if you stand in one place, you're sweating to death. But if you move 10 feet to the left, you need a jacket.) We all love our Henry Doorly Zoo, but it was fun seeing a new place. And the panda was so sweet!

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After the zoo, we headed to the Best Western Island Palms Hotel, and after dropping our suitcases off in our room we went to the hotel's restaurant for dinner. I've never been a fan of hotel dining, but this restaurant was fantastic, and the weather for eating outside was wonderful…

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After dinner, Mike and Sabrina and Sophie changed clothes and headed to the beach, while Bre and I stayed behind…

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While they were gone, I brewed some coffee and stitched a bit while Bre took off for a 4-mile run around the marina. When she got back, we headed out with our cameras to take some photos before the sun went down.

See those tiny spikey things on the top of the sign? We saw those all over rooftops and signs in the area, so I presumed it was to keep the sea gulls from loitering where they shouldn't be…

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This was the marina, right outside our window…

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I loved the branches on this tree…

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The next photo was taken from our balcony. It was taken later in the week, bright and early, but since I was showing you what was around our hotel, I thought I'd include it here… I'm absolutely amazed at these Navy ships. My grandfather worked on an aircraft carrier during WWII, so I think they're magnificent…

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That's it for Day One! It was a fantastic start to our family vacation. I'll be back tomorrow with more. In the meantime, I've got more unpacking to do of my suitcase – and re-packing to do with Bre, since she moves into her new apartment tomorrow!

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I've missed you all! 🙂


  • Sheryl

    I really missed your blog and seeing your family photos but glad you had a great vacation. Glad you got to spend time with your girls before they go off to college. Can’t wait to see more.

  • Margaret

    So is that what those spikes were for? Did you ever find out? 😀 I loved the San Diego Zoo when I went there! Looks like you all had a great time — at least on your first day. 😀 Good luck with Bre’s move to her apartment. Is Sabrina starting school soon too? Good luck to her too! And Sophie too! Middle School, right?

  • Lynn

    I haven’t been to California since I was 5 yrs old which was a very long time ago. I am definitely enjoying these photos and wishing I could visit there again now that I can appreciate it more.
    Looks like it’s the start of a wonderful vacation for all of you!

  • Cindy

    Missed y’all too. Glad you enjoyed the vacation. Lots of change ahead with Sophie getting to be an only child now. We are doing the same thing. My oldest is about to move to college for the first time and my youngest is 13.

  • Julie H

    Awww, you’re making me “home” sick! San Diego was my home for 7 years (4 of which while I was in the Navy). I miss that town so much!! Thanks for sharing your vacation with us.

  • joanntx

    Welcome Home Stewart Family, Welcome home!
    you’ve been missed, but we knew you’d be back! 🙂

  • Marion

    Sounds like a fabulous vacation!!! Great photos!!
    I’ve missed your posts! Love to see what you and the girls (and Mike) are up to!!!
    Glad you all enjoyed yourselves!

  • Linda

    Hey, it’s great to see you back! Your trip looks fabulous! Glad you all had fun. Looking forward to seeing more fun pics! Linda in CO

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