Crazy Kids


It's been a while since Sophie has played with her Barbies, but tonight she had a hankering for her old friends, so with a little help from myself, all 42 tons of Barbie dolls, accessories, houses, and cars were brought up from the basement to be spread out on the floor.

After catching my breath, I settled into the other room for a little stitching and Dancing with the Stars.

And that's when I first heard her cry out, "No! Stop! It will never be yours!"

And then, "You'll never look as good in it as I do!"

Curious, I got off the couch and peeked into the Barbie room.

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"What's going on?" I asked.

"Kate Middleton has been kidnapped by three robbers named Cleopatria, Cicilia, and Cathedra."

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(That's Kate, bound to a bed while Cleopatria mocks her. She has stolen Kate's wedding dress and veil bc she is jealous of Kate, and wants it for her own wedding.)

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The next photo is of Cleopatria, looking up at the camera with maniacal laughter, overjoyed at Kate's misfortune…

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The Yorkie can't believe what she's seeing.

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Evil would-be bride Cleopatria (who recently played a salon customer at the hands of Sophie, Barber to the Stars) admires her reflection in a mirror…

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The Yorkie stood and stared for the entire production, in shock over her future Queen being treated so barbarically.

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Just when the nightmare was almost over, Cathedra stole the wedding gown from Cleopatria.

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I'm not sure how it ended, as I was worried I'd miss Maks on Dancing with the Stars. But I believe Kate and Wills' wedding will go on as planned, with Kate wearing her gown and veil as if no near-disaster had ever happened.

Don't worry, Yorkie. Cleo, Cicilia, and Cathedra won't be attending.

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  • Cathryn

    Love these pics of Sophie and the Yorkie. Sigh, probably one of the last few days. She is really growing and as you’ve said before you can see glimpses of the beautiful young woman she is becoming. Thanks again, so much, for sharing your life here. 🙂 Cathryn

  • Cathy Lloyd

    LOL Paulette! Truth be known…I played with my Barbies until I was 14…shhh…don’t tell!

  • Julie M

    LOL! That girl has some imagination! Glad everything turned out okay though. I’m also glad to see a young girl playing with her Barbies, I still play with mine!

  • Julie Cowdin

    I laughed soooooo hard about this!! What a great imagination–it will be a shame if she doesn’t become a writer!

  • lilicouette

    ahahahahahahahahahah very funny! international sense of humour 😀 your pictures are as usual very beautifulllllllll bisous

  • Sylvia

    This was so much more entertaining than the Royal Wedding is going to be! But I am still going to watch it ( I think)

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