Family,  Good Things,  Stitching

Dog-gone Giveaway

Yesterday I got a completely fur-brained idea that I'd try to get a fall photo of the dogs together, all sitting on my front porch.

This was a complete fiasco.

When I opened the front door and called for them, they immediately obeyed, and the raucus sound of 12 clawed paws stampeding across the kitchen floor was enough to make me want to change my mind and just photograph the quiet pumpkins instead. Nevertheless, I pressed on, willing myself to be patient with the beasts, knowing they were just thrilled to death that I was allowing them out in the front of the house instead of out back.

I let them get some of the wiggles out by running from driveway to driveway, sniffing what they may, and I called them back. They all ran up onto the porch like good little hounds, but that's when the trouble began…

"Friday, sit!" Friday sat, but Tasha jumped up to nip at him bc he was being a brown-noser.

"Tasha, stop!" Tasha stopped, but Missy lunged at her neck, growling like Cujo bc I had spoken to Tasha and not to her.

"Missy, quit!" Missy quit, but Friday got nervous that he was still sitting and hadn't gotten a treat for it, so he got up to sniff at Missy.

"No, Friday, sit!" Friday sat, but Missy again lunged for Tasha's neck, growling like Cujo bc I spoke to Friday instead of to her.

"Missy, that's enough!" Missy looked at me adoringly, but Tasha jumped up and tried to nip Friday bc he was being too compliant and refuses to get in touch with his inner samurai, as she has done.

It was then that I got the idea to get their favorite treats: Wheat Thins. I opened the door to go back inside to fetch them, and all the dogs came running in after me. When I tried to lure them back outside, only one at a time would follow me, darting out onto the porch, but then running back inside, hoping I'd follow them so they could eat their treats inside the house. Back and forth, back and forth we went, trying to convince each other that inside or outside was better, and I finally gave up and decided to just take each of their photos as they'd come to the door.

Mind you, with each photo I'd have to dole out a Wheat Thin, and then the next pooch would take their place…

Dogs tp 7


Dogs tp 6


Dogs tp 5

(She would die of embarrassment if she knew her face was that dirty.)

Dogs tp 3

The sun was quite bright on one spot of the porch…

Dogs tp 1

Dogs tp 8

Dogs tp 9

If you haven't already gotten the Boris chart, I'd like to give one away! I'll also include a couple of treats for your pooch! Just leave a comment IN THIS POST, and I'll announce a winner on Saturday.

In the mean time, I'm going to go photograph the quiet pumpkins.


  • Amy

    LOL Paulette, I’d love to come & visit your family for a few days – I think it would be more fun than Disney World! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Margaret

    lol! Those pooches keep you on your toes! I’d love to win a copy of Boris! I haven’t gotten to my LNS yet, but I want to get both Olga and Boris for sure!

  • Virpi

    I would like to participate too but we can’t keep animals because of allergies in the family. I dream of a dog that manages outdoors (siberian husky for example) but so far that’s just a dream…

  • Jill F

    Thanks for the giveaway! I love Boris and Olga, too. We have a black lab and only have a very few pictures of him. I was trying out a new zoom on my camera one day and accidentally got a very private shot of him that makes us all laugh! Probably the best shot we have of the dog and he’s squatting!

  • Sherry

    I would love a chance to win. I love your dogs. We also have three: two westies and one mix (golden retriever and shepherd). They make me laugh and keep me young.

  • Lynne Herzberg

    Thank you for a chance to rec’v one of your designs. Believe it or not my Shelties favorite treat is canned green beans ! The vet told me to add them to her food so she wouldn’t tell me she was starving when I had to put her on a diet. Now she does a little dance any time I get the can opener out.

  • Nancy Dwinell

    I love Boris!I He’s on my list for whenever I can get to the needlework shop. We don’t have a dog *sigh* two cats who think they’re people- a very long story there!- but my next door neighbor has two malti-poos who would love a treat! Please enter me- Nancy D. in NY

  • darlene north

    Hey Paulette
    You not only have a great human family but a furry one as well I love those dogs!!!
    have a good one and I would love to have a chance to win a pattern of yours

  • Cari

    You have infinite patience – I think I would have given up on taking their photos way before you did, lol. I would L-O-V-E to win Boris! I have a sweet cat named Smokie but, sadly, no dog to call my own. I love on everyone else’s dog whenever I get the chance.
    thanks for the opportunity to win this great chart!

  • Pat Matejcek

    I would love to be entered in your giveaway.
    I needed a laugh today. Your posts are so funny!! I must tell you I work for Bath and Body Works and you must try the mint choc chip candle it is awesome!! I saw you tryed the caramel in another post. The creamy pumpkin is also good. Henry Slakin did good this season. Thanks Pat

  • Kim

    Love it! Great pics girlfriend! You crack me up…(She would die of embarrassment if she knew her face was that dirty.) LOLOL I would love to win Boris! It’s a definite stitch for me…it would hang with the Jim Shore cats in the quilt den!

  • Catherine

    How cute they look – although, yes, she should be embarrassed that she allowed her photo to be taken with such a dirty face! Great shots – it’s not easy taking shots of animals – especially when you have more than one.
    I’d love win Boris! And I would glady share any doggie treats with my neighbor’s dog as we are currently dogless.

  • Julie Cowdin

    I think I’ll send you my 3 Old English Sheepdogs for a photo shoot & I can stitch away on Boris while they’re gone!!

  • Peggy Lee

    I would love a chance to win Boris but I don’t have any poochies. I live vicariously through my blogging friends who have them….like YOU! You have THREE of them?? OH good grief how on earth do you do it?

  • Ralee

    My son, the vet student, says that little dogs have a Napoleon complex. Your story proves that. Also is proof of why I have a cat.

  • connie

    I love all your pictures. We only have one dog. We rescued her several years ago. Part Lab/ part Beagle. The Lab wants to be good but the Beagle won’t let her. I would love a chance at Boris. He is to cute. Thanks!!

  • diane allyn

    at least yours come when called!!! Last nite I let Abbie & Carmella (who is 100 yrs old) out and Abbie spots a cat and off she goes………Carmella wants to chase also but can hardly walk so she stumbles along and runs to the ditch across the street! Why can’t they just pee and come in???? Love the pics and you better wash the little one’s face next time or she will leave a present to get even :O Would love to have Boris, he probably behaves better!

  • Kim Lewis

    Lovely pics, in spite of lack of doggy cooperation! We have a new black kitten, named Spike, that we are going to try to get to pose next to a pumpkin for Halloween, but I don’t have much hope of success. I’m sure his 4 kitty companions will mock him openly. I would love to win Boris, especially as I’m in the process of stitching his kitty companion, Olga. Your photos are always so wonderful, even when the subjects don’t cooperate!

  • Sadie

    The dogs are adorable. I am not sure that I would have your patience in the doggie photo taking department ๐Ÿ™‚ I would love to be entered into your giveaway draw. Boris is so cute. We don’t own a dog but we do have a cat who thinks he is a dog ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the chance

  • Sandy

    I love your blog and check in often. Count me in on your give-a-way, would love to have Boris. No dogs though only cats. Have a great day.

  • DJ

    I love your holiday decorations, I’m sure your Mom would be proud! I’m chuckling at your description of trying to get pictures of all four of your four legged friends! I only have one cat and I can’t get him to behave on his own! I would love a copy of Boris (and I can always feed the treats to DH! He’ll eat anything LOL *wink*)

  • Laurie in Iowa

    Emma and Owen demanded that I leave a comment. They’re all about the ‘treats’. I’d love to be the winner of the ‘Boris’ chart.

  • Kat

    I’d love a chance to win Boris! I could go for a Wheat Thin, too, now that I think about it. I don’t have a dog, but I do have 2 kittens named Mischief and Mayhem. They certainly have lived up to their names!

  • Myra

    I think dogs are one of the toughest subjects to photograph. Just getting one to sit still is an accomplishment, I can’t imagine trying to get all three together in a picture. I would love to own Boris – please enter me in your drawing and thank you so much for offering it.

  • Jessica

    Oh how funny! Our pooches would do the same thing…but I have the added trouble taking pictures of them because they are both black! I tried to take pictures of them romping in the bright snow once and the photos just looked like dog-shaped black holes. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’d also love to be entered for Boris, thank you for the generous giveaway!

  • Sandye

    If you want a dog that REALLY won’t do anything you say, try a daschund – don’t ask me how I know this! Actually I have the most beautiful grand-doxies in the world; somehow I raised a daughter with enough willpower to make dogs behave – and I bet you did too!
    Thanks for a chance to win.

  • Nina

    I love dogs! Yours are so beautiful! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Paulette, I really enjoy visiting and reading your bog, always!
    Please count me in, thank you!
    Kind regards,
    from Hungary

  • Patti Gagliardi

    Please enter me and Orion in your sweet giveaway. Orion is our first ever dog ~ a 6 year old miniature dachshund rescue who was willing to let us adopt him 2 months ago. The bestest dog in the world – how did we ever live without him?!
    Blessings, Patti

  • Patti

    I have enough trouble managing to get one to do what I want let alone three at once! Thanks for the laugh. And I would love to be included in the drawing for Boris please. Thanks for your generousity.

  • Valerie

    Great photos despite the drama in getting them! I’d love a chance at Boris. I don’t have a dog but I am dying to get one! Sadly, I have a no dog lease where I live. It’s be nice t have a stitched doggie in the meantime…

  • Nancy

    I want to give all three a hug! They are so cute!
    I would also love a chance to win a copy of Boris! I have cats, so maybe, depending on what the treat is, my husband could eat it!

  • marjorie

    lol dogs. They don’t listen any better than kids do. Anyway I would love a copy of Boris. I’m making Olga for DD’s birthday and I’m sure DS will feel left out so…

  • elugo

    The pictures of the dogs are ADORABLE! I only have one but it is hard to get him to keep still! Please include me in the giveaway.

  • Tina S.

    I’d love to own the Boris chart! With no LNS I depend on the internet for everything. We don’t have dogs right now–allergic–but my Mom is getting ready to get a German shepherd. We’re all excited!!!

  • joann tx

    I don’t think the quiet pumpkins would be as exciting as Friday, Tasha and Missy! LOL!
    sigh…by dogs have to eat hypo-allergetic treats, but boris would be welcome in my home! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Beth Normandin

    What a great story! Your pets are adorable. I would love to own Boris. I had so much fun stitching Olga andshe seems a little lonley. Thank You, Beth N. (

  • Spring Robin

    Your doggies are adorable, but spoiled rotten, just like mine! I would love to win Boris, and my dogs, Chester and Brandy would love a treat! Thanks for the opportunity to win the goodies!

  • Cassi

    I would LOVE to win Boris! I’m getting all the supplies together now to stitch the “Halloween Greetings” ornament. I love love love stitching for Halloween. I have 5 spoiled dogs(pug,corgi mix,rotti,hound, and a pekingese who thinks she is a princess and that people only come over to see her!) Your blog is great and inspiring!!

  • Linda Huson

    I would love to have the Boris chart! And also – thank you so much for giving me some hysterical laughter today – which I needed after working, then going to the bank and then going grocery shopping!! Where I depleted most of the money I just put in the bank – ha!
    Linda in VA

  • Kimberly Hart

    I’d love to be included in the Boris drawing! My Jack Russells are already drooling at the possibility of a treat coming their way! (BTW- trying to photograph JRTs together is like herding cats! Just does not happen!!)

  • Ginny Smith

    LOL on all the fur kids antics! That sounds so like something that my 3 fur kid kitties would do to vie for our attention. ๐Ÿ™‚ And our fur kids just adore wheat thins as well as treats.
    Hope your having a fabulous fall day. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • valeri vejrostek

    Hah – QUIET pumpkins are good ! Although , after the morning I have had with 2 – 2 1/2 year olds , I could be REALLY quiet myself . I feel the need for some stitch time – alone !
    Your pups are beautiful ! I’d add a pic here of Miss Scarlett , but I don’t think I can ? Poor baby , she came in last night with a bee stuck to her tail – and stinging !

  • Cindi

    I loved the photos of your babies. I have 6 Cocker Spaniels and know the trials and errors of trying to take a group photo. Please add me to your contest.

  • Julie T.

    The dogs are adorable! And come in all sizes, too. Of course they want to come in. That’s where you are!
    Boris, someone said Boris? Count me in. Thanks, Paulette!

  • Leigh D.

    I’d love to win a copy of Boris. Grant you I have no pooch to give treats too, but yours sure looked like they enjoyed theirs.

  • Melissa

    I am in love with your dogs!!! I know the “fun” of trying to get photos of animals. My blind Pekignese is the easiest to photograph because she can’t see when I have the camera. I sneak up on her when she is being cute and snap away. My other dog, peke/spaniel mix, is another story. I have loads of photos of the back of her head as she turns her head right as I snap the photo or of her nose/tounge as she runs up and licks the camera. The cats are near impossible to photograph well. They seem to like to clean their naughty parts as soon as I click the camera. No one wants to see that.

  • Deborah

    I justed loved this post! The dogs are great. The little Yorkie is too cute! I would love to be entered in the giveaway. I have done Olga and she framed and waiting for Boris. My Sammi wouldn’t mind a treat.

  • Megan Chamberlain

    I love the doggies, I was laughing as I read your blog, it must have looked so funny. How come they never want to do what you want them to do. Please enter me in your giveaway.

  • Ruth Silva

    Happy Fall! Boris looks like a morphology of 2 favorite doggies I have loved. (my kitties would eat the treats!)

  • Stephanie

    Oh, I can SOOO sympathize with you. I tried taking a photo of my TWO dogs one day. I was so sweated up by the time we were done but it was worth it! I got a great photo and made a pictorial hooked rug from it.

  • Carol

    I love reading about Friday, Missy, and Tasha! They certainly keep you on your toes, don’t they? I’d love a chance at winning Boris–thanks so much ๐Ÿ™‚

  • michele

    such fun trying to take pictures of animals .. almost as fun as trying to take pictures of my family! lol I did so enjoy your story though .. just wish I’d had some Wheat Thins ๐Ÿ™‚
    I would love to own a copy of Boris ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Karen Farley

    I would LOVE a copy of Boris!!! I have 6 English Bulldogs that are my kids. They all sit with me when I stitch. Happy Halloween.

  • Christie

    That is just too funny about the dogs. I have a Germ. Shep. and everytime I try and take her picture, I get the shot lined up and ready and all the sudden she is in my face nose on the camera. It is one of those “Mom are you in there?” moments. Christie

  • Patricia Lindsay

    I would love the chance to win the Boris chart! I already purchased Olga and she would be so lonely without her buddy Boris ; )
    My mini-schnauzer Reggie wishes he could come and play with Friday, Missy and Tasha!

  • Vanessa

    I would love to chance to win Boris. We have three cats, much to my husband’s chagrin, and an old, shaggy, smelly miniature schnauzer who channels satan on a regular basis. Your doggies are adorable, but the big guy really looks like a loving old soul.

  • Pauline

    I’d love to win Boris! And my Jack would love treats, he wouldn’t even taste a couple though- they’d slide right down with out him even chewing!

  • Karen H.

    Love the dog story.. sort of like herding cats!! Thanks for the give away. I would love to be included.

  • Karen Herndon (klmvangard)

    Pumpkins are MUCH easier to photograph, lol. If you really want to have fun, try taking pics of pure black dogs on a sunny day in snow. SMART, pure, black dogs. Was a nightmare…
    Anyway, thanks for doing the giveaway! I would be thrilled to win Boris!
    Karen H.

  • Lisa V

    Ooo, I would love a chance to win Boris, pls enter me in your draw.
    I think the pumpkins will be alot more calm and peaceful to photograph too, good luck!
    LISA V

  • Cathy DeCaria

    Your dogs are so cute! Belle my pomeranian would love to play with them. I love both Olga and Boris. Would love to win a pattern!

  • Cindy

    Love the pics. Sounds like my adventures with 2 dogs, 2 cats and 2 daughters. I would love to win Boris.

  • Reba Scott

    Oh man!! How cute! I can’t organize my pooches either. One of them is a Golden too!! His name is Owain.

  • jennifer

    I love all of your photos, but especially the one of Friday and his old doggie grey on his sweet face. It reminds me of my own older doggie and how sweet she is! Please enter me in your wonderful Boris giveaway. Since I haven’t won a chart in a very, very, very looooong time, please let the universe shine on me! Treats would be welcome, too. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Margaret

    Love the photos – love the pooches – but hang on….where is Mike LOL. Please enter me in the draw, I think my dog would love you forever if she got a treat ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Siobhan

    Your pups are too adorable! I love their little bandanas. Duffy hates wearing his, but will tolerate his yellow rain slicker. LOL I’d love to win the giveaway!

  • Allyson

    Oh, Paulette, I can just see the scene. I have two westies and I can never get them looking in the same direction, let alone manage three of them! The photยดs look great, though. Iยดd love a copy of Boris.

  • Betty

    Haha Paulette, after all these troubles you’ve been through to make pictures of your little hairy monsters, you just decided to give another doggie away?

  • Cindy Hawkins

    Paulette, I love your dog story! My household is similar, 1 dog Lucy, 3 cats, plus a neighbor cat that thinks he lives here…needless to say, Lucy thinks she’s a cat because she doesn’t know any better! I would love to win your adorable chart!

  • Lynn

    OMG that was too funny as I read your escapade! Thanks for brightening my day. The photos are awesome despite your problems.
    Please include me in your giveaway. Thanks!

  • Jolene Sorenson

    Your sweetheart doggies are too cute for words!! You are an amazing photographer and designer. I would LOVE, LoVe, love, lOvE to win “Boris”!!!! I have been patiently waiting for his releae, he is a “must do” for me. Smiles…

  • Denise Crawford

    I have Olga and would LOVE to win Boris. I was owned by a cat (Mr. Kitty) until two years ago when he passed away, and now I’m owned by my dachshund, Andrew.
    I plan to stitch both and hang them together somewhere in my house. As soon as I saw Olga, I knew I had to have her and it’s the same for Boris.
    Your blog is always so fun to read. Thank you for such great designs. I look forward to seeing what you come up with next.
    Have a great weekend!!
    Denise Crawford
    Pearl River, Louisiana

  • Holly P

    Boris would be a great addition to my clan of a mini doxie, a chow-chow mix, and a keeshond who really thinks he is a 60lb doxie! I think Boris would be a nice quiet addition, don’t you????

  • Ginger Edwards

    Since I’ve started stitching Olga – I think she needs a companion! I would love to win a Boris! Completely loved your Fall table top display and have sent my elves off to HL to look for stuff for me!!!!

  • Delfi

    Love the pooches! It makes me miss my Tessa, who I had to put down this past March after 17 wonderful years of companionship.

  • Kristine

    I loved your post on your silly dogs! Since Olga is my first project in the cross-stitch arena, I really think that a friend named Boris would make it more delightful! Cooper (part labrador, part giraffe) sure wonders what kinds of snacks your dogs like, because he loves wheat thins, too!

  • Robin Shappell

    Those faces are just so darn cute! You have some beautiful fur-babies! Please add me to the list for Boris. I would love to welcome him into my home. He can keep Olga company! What a great giveaway!

  • Cindy

    I would love a chance to win Boris. Your little dogs remind me of the antics of the two Bichon’s we had.

  • Diana

    I haven’t purchased the Boris chart yet and would love to win one! I also have recently adopted a dog(Max) from a rescue center and I’m sure he would enjoy the dog treats.

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