Crazy Kids,  Family

Before I Go

Joonie and I leave for Dallas tomorrow to see my brother and sister and her family, but before I go I'd like to share a few moments from our summer so far, here at chez Stewart.

Breanna has been trying to charm me into buying her a new camera, pulling out her entire bag of tricks – deceitful sweet smiles and all…

Breanna tp 7 
But my answer is always the same: "You have a job."

Breanna tp 8

Last week I noticed Friday wouldn't stay out of the hostas. He and the other dogs kept sniffing around them and were very focused on whatever was living in the dense foliage. Before I knew it, my boy had grabbed a squirming little creature and gobbled it down. FRIDAY!!!!! THAT'S DISGUSTING AND YOU'RE A VERY NAUGHTY BOY, WHATEVER THAT THING WAS YOU JUST ATE! He and the other dogs went back to sniffing in the hostas, which prompted me to take a peek under the leaves…

Bunny tp 1
Looks like Little Bunny Foofoo was left without a sibling. Poor thing. With some difficulty, I rounded up the Mighty Hunters and shoo'd them into the house, allowing Foofoo to gather her wits and make her escape. It appears the Rodent Sympathizer in me won out over my inner Rabbit Nazi, who hates her begonias and marigolds and sweet potatoes being eaten while she sleeps. And lest I continue to speak in third person – which is something I despise almost as much as rabbits - Rabbit Nazi shall stop speaking now.

Earlier in June, Sophie was having a sleepover with one of her many bff's, and the power went out. What's a pair of bff's to do? Since I don't collect flashlights, I only had one dimly-lit one on hand. However, since I do have a penchant for candles, I lit as many as I could and the girls used them to illuminate their game of Life. But first they had to organize all the game pieces, which was no easy task… (btw, all the power outtage photos are blurry bc I couldn't find my tripod in the dark.)

Power tp 5
Breanna and I decided to try "writing" with the camera and a candle flame, but we weren't very successful… this is Brea's attempt at spelling her name while I took the photo:

Power tp 1
When that didn't work, we had to find other ways to entertain ourselves…

Power tp 3

If Miss B's cell phone was out of commission, the world would be a dangerous place…

Power tp 2 
The girls' game of Life was going along smoothly, all things considered.

Power tp 4
When the game was finished, the bff's decided to make a scary video of themselves in the dark.  Here they are, watching the playback and enjoying their on-screen talents. I used a flash for this one, which is why it appears the power was back on…

 Power tp 6

It was shortly after this point that Sophie's bff was heard to say, "It feels like we're Pioneer girls!"

Which leads me to ask a burning question: Why didn't Laura Ingalls just text her dad with "Pa? Can you bring the wagon by and pick me up from the schoolhouse now? Nellie is being mean again."

I was looking down at my camera settings, trying to see them the best I could so I could take Brea's photo, and she quickly rearranged herself for the camera, without my knowing. Of course, I didn't realize she'd done that until I looked into the viewfinder to see how the photo came out.

Power tp 7
I'm so proud.

When the lights and power came back on, there were shouts of happiness from the bff's, and Breanna went back to texting.

We interrupt this program to bring you a few moments from the beautiful country of Germany, where my middle child happens to be…

There she is in a teen club, not realizing that her mother, who is in the USA, can spy on her via Facebook.

Bean German Club
And here she is with Katie, on a rooftop beach. In Germany. Why don't we have any rooftop beaches?

Germany 18
And I love this tunnel of flowers! Why don't we have any tunnels of flowers? (If you check my mom's blog, I bet she has a tunnel of flowers in her backyard somewhere.)

Germany 19 
We now return you to your regularly-scheduled program

I wanted to go to a farmers market last weekend, but I was mistaken on the days it would take place. Instead of turning around and driving back home, Sophie and I stopped into Jones Brothers Cafe and had some lunch…

Joonie tp 1 
A few days later, I headed back out. But not to attend the farmers market; Breanna hadn't gotten to try the tart yogurts I'd been raving about at Jones Brothers, so I decided to take her there – and to snap a few pictures of her around the area while we were at it…

Breanna tp 2
Breanna tp 3
Breanna tp 1 
Suddenly, she was distracted by something on the wall…

Breanna tp 4
Breanna tp 5
Breanna tp 6 
It was an ant. This modern girl, who loves all things techno and gadgety, was enthralled with an ant. You'd have thought she was a pioneer girl or something.

On Monday I took Soph to a brand new city pool. She'd been waiting not-so-patiently for it to open so she could try out the superslides! However, when she was finally able to do so, the idea was a little daunting… but she decided to face her fear and climb the long stairway to the top.   

Pool tp 1
There she is on the right, getting instructions on how to slide down properly…

Pool tp 2 
She squeezed her eyes shut and went for it!

Pool tp 3 
…And was very happy she did.

Pool tp 4 
Back up she went, about 400 more times…

Pool tp 5
Pool tp 6
It was during this pool visit that Sophie's ears suddenly began to hurt. She had been complaining for a while that they seemed to be popping, so the next day I took her to the doctor. Turns out she has allergies, which are causing her ears to misbehave. She now has to take allergy medicine, which is a sad thing bc it has taken the edge off of her usually bright temperament. Even having her favorite food – grilled steaks - at her favorite place to eat – the back porch – did nothing to put her real smile back on her face.

Cookout tp 1
Cookout tp 2 
My girl now knows what it feels like to experience the awful side effects of antihystamine tablets: welcome to zombieland, Sophie. I've lived there myself on occasion – although your dad would say it has nothing to do with allergy meds. I'll show him zombie.

And that's about all I have left to get caught up on. I'm very excited to see my brother and sister and niece and brother in-law tomorrow, although I'm not looking forward to what the altitude will do to poor Soph's ears. 🙁 Hopefully her cousin will be able to make her smile again.

If you send me any emails, I won't be able to respond until after the 24th. Until then, thanks for taking time to visit my blog, and I'll see you soon!


  • joann tx

    i second natalie’s post! hot and humid does it!
    if sophie’s ear’s feeling better i imagine she’ll be in the pool day and night!!
    have a great visit! loved all the pics!

  • Margaret

    Great doings around your place! Have a great, fun, safe trip with Sophie! I hope Sophie feels better soon. Antihistamines are not fun!

  • Robin

    Love the power outage shots – I can totally make out a “B” in the candle drawing pic. GREAT shots of Breanna & the echinacea. Love the bokeh. 🙂
    Poor Sophie – I hope she feels more like herself soon!
    Have a grand time in the Great State of Texas!!

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