Family,  Holidays

Memorial Day Cookout

My parents invited us over for one of their fabulous cookouts this evening, and as usual it was… well… fabulous. My dad smoked some ribs and chicken, and Mom clearly spent the entire day in the kitchen. Deviled eggs, potato salad, homemade bbq sauce, beans, pico de gallo, guacamole, homemade ice cream, caramel nut bars, and who knows what else! All we provided was a cake and our appetites. (That's what my mom always says when I ask her if I can bring anything: "Just your appetites!" she says.)

Mike brought over a new lawn game… something about monkeys and balls. I never did figure it out.

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Maybe it was monkey bars and balls? Oh, I don't know. But Sophie and her friend Jenny had fun with it.

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Here's Major Pain. He's Friday's brother, and such a sweetheart…

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Sabrina spent the better part of the night spoiling him…

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Sophie let me take her picture while Jenny was hiding for a game of Hide-and-Go-Seek (plus it gave her an excuse to open her eyes while she was counting)…

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Mom always has the best bowls and pitchers and fresh garden flowers!

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(I don't need pretty pitchers bc my kids just drink out of the kitchen faucet and Mike drinks straight from the milk jug, which annoys the frapp out of me, but he doesn't really mind.)

This is the only picture Mom would let me take of her; she's coming through the door from the deck with a plateful of ribs…

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The peonies from my parents' back yard are so beautiful…

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Here's Bean on the deck outside…I'm going to miss her so badly when she leaves for Germany in a couple of days…

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My mom bought these really cool food tents for outside. I'd never heard of them before, and I loved them!

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Mike thought they made great mosquito-net hats, which probably annoyed the frapp out of my mother.

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There's not a whole lot that annoys my dad. He usually keeps his thoughts to himself.

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The weather was beautiful, Mike left the bored games at home, and the food was absolutely delicious. The whole evening was just…well, fabulous.  


  • Cari

    Paulette – Thanks so much for sharing your FABULOUS evening! Looks like everyone had a great time! Have a good week!

  • Margaret

    Looks like you all had a great time together! Your mom is like me — no pics allowed is what I always say too. 😀 Sabrina to Germany — wow! Is it for the whole summer? Hope she has a great time! I know it’ll be a wonderful experience for her!

  • Catherine

    Another great outing with the Stewarts!! Thanks for sharing – now do share more about Sabrina and Germany!

  • Robin

    Looks like a wonderful evening! Thanks for sharing the fun with us. How long will your dear girl be gone? It will go by quickly, I’m sure… have a great week!

  • joann tx

    oh thank you! reading about your memorial day reminded me of the times we’d go to my aunts. good food, family and games! lots of games! 🙂
    i understand your mom and the picture thing…i’m the same way, but tell her she has nice jugs…er…pitchers….that was a lemonade pitcher in her picture wasn’t it? 😉
    a trip to germany? i’ve got second cousins over there in partenstein. my aunt’s the only one who’s been there, i think? tho they came to the states one year? what fun sabrina will have!!!

  • Chris

    Family, fine weather and good food. What a perfect way to spend Memorial Day.
    Love your June header, especially the glimpse of Olga. Who are the handsome (pretty?) zebras in the middle frame? Have I missed a chart along the way?
    Chris in NY

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