
Sweet Boy

Hi, Friday-boy!

Friday tp 2 

Guess what! You get to go to the groomer today! Doesn't that sound like fun??

Friday tp 3 

What's wrong? Why won't you look at me? Is it something I said?

Friday tp 1 

Don't worry, boy. You'll smell dirty-doggish again in no time. 

I promise.


  • joann in tx

    well, i’m my two dog’s groomer. and i keep telling them they are getting a bath sometime this weekend. sometime when i muster up the energy! LOL!
    and i keep reminding them how good they’ll smell when we are done! i don’t think they believe me.

  • Laurie in Iowa

    You’ll get lots of cuddling when you get home from the groomers… baths do have their rewards.

  • Cari

    I was just thinkin’ about Friday!! He’s a handsome boy, he is!! Hugs and have a great weekend!

  • Robin

    Love little Friday with all your heart. He looks like a sweet boy. I just lost a Labrador that was like my baby on Wednesday. Remmie was his name, and he was a precious member of our family. Friday has been through a lot, living with those other “interlopers”! I think he needs an extra treat or two!

  • Danielle

    What a great dog! Friday looks like a perfect kinda guy, smell and all! I hope he had a very good day.

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