• New Designs,  Stitching

    Thankful for Thee

    Good morning! When I dropped Sophie off to school a short while ago, the sky was painted in the most beautiful array of pinks and purples and blues, and the clouds rippled out in a way that made it all so dramatic! It was so breathtaking, and all I could say was, "Thank you, Lord." What a Great Artist He is.

    Here's my next release for this glorious season of thanksgiving! (Although my "art" certainly doesn't do justice for it.)

    Thankful for Thee tp

    Thankful for Thee

    Stitch count: 132 x 83
    Fabric used: 40 ct. Olde Town Blend (1 strand of silk over 2 linen threads) by R&R Reproductions.
    Threads used: Needlepoint Inc. silks (128, 964, 346, 981, 316, 967, 724, 694, 122, 587, and 991).

    The model was stitched by Rindy Richards and framed by Sherri Berkman at Total Framing.
    (I think that olive wood moulding is some of the most gorgeous I've ever seen!)

    If you'd like to use DMC instead of NPI silks, here are the colors you'll need:
    300, 646, 730, 822, 830, 844, 920, 3045, 3064, 3371, and 3865.

  • New Designs,  Stitching

    His & Hers

    Back in Virginia Beach at the Dyeing to Stitch retreat, I released this chart at the boutique. Your shops will have them next week, so if you'd like yours to set one aside for you, be sure and give them a call! Thanksgiving is my very favorite holiday (right along with Christmas), and I can't wait to finally have our family all together again. (I also can't wait to see who gets more of those sweet-honey-candied parts off of the Honeybaked Ham – myself or my dad!)

    H&H Stockings2

    His & Hers Thanksgiving Stockings

    Stitch count: 44 x 121 for each stocking
    Fabric used: 35 ct. Olde Town Blend by R&R Reproductions
    Threads used: Weeks Dye Works (Putty, Adobe, Chickpea, Oak,
    Cinnabar, Confederate Gray, Pelican Gray, Light Khaki,
    Oscar, and Onyx)
    Mini Rickrack trim in Cocoa and Cinnamon provided by: R&R Reproductions
    Buttons provided by: Just Another Button Company *

    (Finishing instructions are included in the chart pack.)

    * Shop owners, the button packs will be available through Hoffman Distributing.

    When I designed these little stockings, I envisioned Mr. Pilgrim being late in bringing dinner home, so to calm Mrs. Pilgrim's ire, he presented her with a large flower.

    I'm not sure if his plan worked, however.

    I'll see you soon with another Thanksgiving release! You may have already seen it on some blogs, but nevertheless, I'll be showing it soon, with all the info you'll need if you'll be wanting to stitch it.

    Happy Day to you!

    ETA: Both stockings are stitched over 2 linen threads.

  • New Designs,  Stitching

    Release #2: Halloween Delivery

    Yesterday I showed you Harvest Delivery, so today it's a new one! This one also debuted at the Dyeing to Stitch retreat this past week, and it's stitched on another lovely, brand new color from Ann and Pat at R&R: Chamomile Tea. As soon as the charts are back from the printer, I'll send it off to my autos and the distributors; I'm heading out of town again tomorrow, so if they're not back today, then they'll go out early next week. I hope you like it!

    P.S. There's a ghost somewhere in the piece. 😉

    Halloween Delivery tp

    Halloween Delivery
    Stitch count: 155 x 77

    Fabric used: 35 ct. Chamomile Tea by R&R

    Threads used: Gentle Art (Apple Cider) and Weeks Dye Works (Kohl,
    Terra Cotta, Pamlico, Whiskey, Stepping Stone, Kudzu, Taupe, Pelican
    Gray, Pecan, and Kris' Bon Bon)

    Stitches used: Full cross stitch throughout, over two linen threads.

    Framed by: Sherri Berkman and Total Framing

    I've got a few more new ones, but I think I'll space them out a bit and push them closer to November. I hope you're all enjoying this lovely Thursday, and I hope your day includes a bit of stitching time! See you soon, hopefully with pictures from the retreat. It was such a great time!

  • New Designs,  Stitching

    Harvest Delivery

    What a spectacular time we all had at the Dyeing to Stitch retreat in Virginia Beach last week! I took lots and lots of pictures, and will share them very soon, but first I wanted to get these releases shown to you!

    First up is Harvest Delivery, which I debuted at the retreat. The girls at R&R Reproductions were gracious enough to name a fabric for me, and I couldn't be more thrilled! I absolutely love horses, so the name they gave it was Plum Street Paddock – and it's what Harvest Delivery is stitched on!

    Harvest delivery tp

    Harvest Delivery
    Stitch count: 157 x 70

    Fabric used: 32 ct. Plum Street Paddock by R&R Reproductions

    Threads used: Gentle Art (Oatmeal, Apple Cider, and Nutmeg) and
    Weeks Dye Works (Kohl, Terra Cotta, Pamlico, Whiskey, Stepping Stone,
    Kudzu, Taupe, Pelican Gray, Pecan, and Kris' Bon Bon)

    Stitches used: full cross stitch throughout, over 2 linen threads.

    Framed by: Sherri Berkman at Total Framing
    Model stitched by: Nicole Neville

    I will be back tomorrow with the next release for October. These will be off to the distributors soon, and your shop owners should have them right after that.

    I hope everyone is enjoying their Wednesday! (That is what day it is, right? I'm still trying to unpack from the retreat, as well as the trip into DC… back to work!)

  • Market,  New Designs,  Stitching,  Travel


    I am finally coming up for air! Thank you for being so patient with me for orders and emails and now this overdue blog post.

    I accidentally typed "blob post," and I probably should have left it like that because that's what I feel like today!

    Market was such a wonderful, exciting time for me, and I am so happy I finally got to meet so many of you in person.. what a pleasure that was! Especially for Sophie, who got to hear more than a few dozen times, "You're Sophie! I know you from your mom's blog!" She loved every bit of it though, and still teases me that we weren't in the hotel for a solid minute when someone called out her name. (Hi Mona-from-the-Silver-Needle!)

    Here are a few pictures from around the suites I visited… I never made it off my floor except one time, and I didn't have my camera with me then. I'm really bummed because there were so many people I didn't get to meet, let alone take pictures of their new designs. But the few booths I did make it into were gracious enough to allow me to photograph their lovely things, so here they are, if you'd care to take a look. (I'm sure you've seen several of these types of photos around the blogosphere lately!)

    We'll start with my next-door neighbor, who is new to market this year. What a fabulous designer she is, with an equally-fabulous family!


    Her room was wonderful, and Sophie said it smelled delicious, like green tea. I was too taken with her displays and the banjo music in the background to notice the aroma, but she did have a very cool corner with chocolates and beverages (that I didn't get a picture of)…





    A little farther down the hall was Needlework Press… (Vickie's precious grandbaby was there as well, and what a little doll Zoe is!)




    Chessie and Me's room was gorgeous… and there's something about her models that makes them so photogenic! I think I could take pictures of her models all day.





    Let's go back the other way down the hall now…


    Walk faster…

    Here we've come to The Purple Thread… This was my first time meeting Sharon, and I just loved her!


    This was so cute!



    Hang on, Mike, we'll be in shortly…


    By the way, that lens he's holding is actually a very cool coffee mug that my sweet friend Connie gave to me! Isn't it the neatest thing?


    It came in very handy that weekend. Thank you so much, Connie!


    Next to The Purple Thread was Blackbird Designs. It's always a treat to go in their room!



    This hooked rug, in front of their "fireplace," made me swoon…






    I'm super disappointed I didn't make it to R&R's room earlier in the day, because I could have shown you linen nirvana… but I did manage to take a picture of the little bit that was left…


    Pat and Ann were kind enough to send me home with some of their hand-dyed trims and some beautiful linens,  and right now I'm loving Old Towne Blend. What a beautiful, soft color.. I'm in love! Thank you, Pat and Ann!

    And of course, what's a market without Shepherd's Bush? Sophie loved their room best, bc she was taken with the rows of bags waiting to be claimed by their owners. She said, "If I was a shop owner, I'd buy stuff from them just to get their bag."



    My very first linen project, back in 1992'ish, was a Shepherd's Bush design. I've been a fan ever since!


    I probably should have broken this post down to two days, but I'll keep going…

    La D Da! Love love love La D Da!


    My heart loves this one best, and I was lucky enough to be gifted with the chart and silks by a friend that is very dear to me. (Thank you again, my very dear friend…)




    Another neighbor close by was Dames of the Needle/Fingerwork. It was my first time meeting Elizabeth, and what fun we had!



    This was just the cutest thing…




     And finally, we have my room… I hadn't been to a market since 2007, so I forgot about how challenging it was to make everything fit where you need it to fit!


    My dad built my shelving, which I was very grateful for!



    I brought a few older things too…


    I had Salem Sisters III hanging over a lamp, and I loved the spooky light that was cast on it. But I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who noticed the way the spooky light was shining on it. Ha!





    And there you have it! Hopefully I'll get out to other floors next time, because I can only imagine all the fun I missed. But I couldn't stay away from the room too long, because Big Papa tends to tell tall tales in my absence; I even had someone tell me it was awfully nice of me to do the stitching for all these patterns Mike designed.

    Say what?

    Until next market! Thank you for stopping by. 🙂


    P.S. On Sunday evening, there was a knock on our room's door, and sweet Teri from Shepherd's Bush was holding one of their booth's bags for Sophie, complete with a Shepherd's Bush purple t-shirt inside. 🙂 Now that's a very sweet thing!

  • Market,  New Designs,  Stitching

    In Case You Haven’t Already Seen Them…

    …Here are the last three releases I had for market (which was absolutely wonderful, by the way!):

    This is Ladies' Maids… there are 50 different maids on this piece; no two are alike! Miss Rindy Richards stitched this one for me, and also surprised me with the most darling fob with my favorite maid stitched on it (she had asked me which was my favorite, but I thought she was just asking because there were so many!). I'm going to have to take a photo of it to show you, because it really was just too cute! (Thank you again, Rindy!)

    LM fb

    LM tp 1

    LM tp 4

    I love that Rindy only stitched half the x's in the windows, because it really brought the window panes to life. I wish I'd remembered to put that on the chart instructions, but I didn't. 🙁

    LM tp 3

    Fabric used: 36 ct. Vintage Fawn by Lakeside Linens
    Stitch count: 350(w) x 195(h)
    Threads used: Weeks Dye Works in Dove, Mascara, Battleship, Graphite, Taupe, Pamlico, Tin Roof, Galvanized, Charcoal, Parchment, Bullfrog, King Mackeral, Caper, Brick, Cinnabar, and Grits.

    Next up is Love Thy Neighbor, which features a Tilly-and-Effy-inspired feline duo… I thought it was appropriate to use them as the "neighbors" because they don't live together in real life, and when they get together it's amusing to see their love-hate relationship unfold. Mostly they love each other though, after they've worked out their differences. 😉 (This model was stitched by Kathy Krause, who unfortunately had to spend her time stitching this while resting a broken foot. Thank you, Kathy!)

    Love Thy Neighbor tp

    Speaking of one of the photo-bombing devils…


    Fabric used: 36 ct. Vintage Examplar by Lakeside Linens
    Stitch count: 144(w) x 76 (h)
    Threads used: The Gentle Art in Sarsaparilla, Old Hickory, Wood Rose, Walnut, Shaker White, Heirloom Gold, Brethren Blue, Forest Glade, and Pecan Pie.

    And lastly, here is My Dearest Friend (stitched by beautiful Nicole Neville!), inspired by the love letters written by John and Abigail Adams…

    MDF tp fb

    MDF tp 1

    MDF tp 2

    Fabric used: 40 ct. Vintage Gray by R&R Reproductions (fabulous new color!)
    Thread Count: 195(w) x 108(h)
    Threads used: The Gentle Art in Old Hickory, Honey Dew, Piney Woods, Country Redwood, Tarnished Gold, Toffee, Brandy, Cameo Pink, Wood Trail, Dark Chocolate, Brethren blue, Faded Rose, and Old Brick.

    By the way, the date on the sampler is stitched in Algerian Eyelet, and reflects the year John and Abigail were married.

    The outstanding frames for both My Dearest Friend and Love Thy Neighbor were done by the extremely talented and lovely Sherri Berkman at Total Framing in Fairfax, Virginia! If you give her a call at (703) 426-0660, she can get these done for you, as well as any other stitching you may need framed. She's got an amazing eye for color, and if you send her your piece, she'll send photos back to you of different moulding choices, and you go from there. Also, check out the Total Framing Facebook page, because you'll find lots of sales – sometimes even 50% off your framing order! Thank you again, Sherri, for sharing your talent with all of us. 🙂

    Market was so much fun, and I can't wait to share with you all the photos I took! I was only able to leave my floor once, so I didn't get photos of too many suites, but I did grab several of the ones who were on the 5th floor with me. 🙂 I'll be back soon to show them to you, so you can get a feel for what the designers' booths were like. It's heaven, being surrounded by all those new designs and threads and linens!

    One last note: if you are interested in any of my releases from this weekend, please let your shopowners know.. if they were not able to attend market, the distributors will have them very soon! And to each of the shop owners and designers I was privileged to meet in St. Charles, it was a pleasure! I very much enjoyed chatting with each of you and being able to put faces with names. What a marvelous weekend!

     See you soon!

  • Market,  New Designs,  Stitching

    Three More Days…

    For years I've wanted to own an antique sampler.

    Or I at least wanted to be able to look at one.

    But mostly I wanted to own one.

    And then I met my friend Tanya of The Scarlett House, and now I own one. Or maybe it's more than one… I can't remember exactly, and that's the story I'm sticking with.

    The moral of the story is this: If you want something bad enough, Tanya will persuade you to get it.

    The 1837 Crown Sampler was the very first antique sampler that came to live with me, and I love dearly. What attracted me to it was the lovely coral and salmon-colored floral band on it, as well as the verse, which can also be found on other samplers from this era. I remember feeling so excited as I removed the sampler from behind the glass and just held it in my hands, marveling that someone worked on this very piece 176 years ago, by candlelight. It was breathtaking to me! Then I drove it over to my mother's house, and my dad stood by with the smelling salts as we swooned.

    Here is a picture of the original sampler:


    And here is the reproduction of it (which was first presented to the Sampler Guild of the Rockies back in May of this year):

    1837 Crown tpjpg

    1837 Crown Sampler

    Stitch count: 294(w) x 229(h)
    Fabric used: 32 ct. Vintage Examplar by Lakeside Linens
    Threads used: Weeks Dye Works in…

    Holly (2 skeins suggested)
    Oak (3 skeins suggested)
    Bright Leaf
    Havana (2 skeins suggested)
    Teal Frost
    Confederate Gray
    Pea Coat
    Pelican Gray
    Kudzu (2 skeins suggested)
    Light Khaki

    For those of you wondering about the name of this sampler, you'll find two crowns stitched in Pea Coat in the top portion. I love the symmetry of this beautiful sampler, and I found it to be a very enjoyable piece to work on. It actually went by rather quickly!

    And for those of you who have been following Katrina's progress on hers, I'll have you know she's supposed to be framing it today, but is outside as I type this, mowing the lawn instead. 🙂 She came up with an outstanding conversion for hers, using a softer palette that included one of our favorite Gentle Art colors, Mountain Mist (in place of WDW Confederate Gray)…

    Katrina tp

    I liked Katrina's conversion so well, I decided that my next reproduction will have two colorways: one that is true to the original, faded colors of the antique, and one that is a bit more lustrous and overdyed. 😉

    As far as market goes, I've got everything boxed up and ready to load into the car. My only fear is that it won't all fit, in which case I'll need to get a side car for Soph and Mike to ride in.

    Wish me luck, and I'll see you soon!



  • Market,  New Designs,  Stitching

    Four More Days…

    I am completely overwhelmed and very, very grateful for the response this sampler has gotten since I presented it those in my track at the Shepherd's Bush retreat last year. It was the first time I had been to Tina and Terri's retreat, and I had no idea what to expect or what others expected of me, so for my design, I used the best inspiration I could think of: my mom. I thought about what she would like in a sampler, and that's how A Yuletide Welcome came to be!

    A Yuletide Welcome TP

    Stitch count: 333(w) x 172(h)
    Fabric used: 36 ct. Vintage Buttercream by Lakeside Linens
    Threads used: The Gentle Art (GAST) and Needlepoint Silk (NPI):

    GAST: Brandy, Walnut, Gold Leaf, Grecian Gold, Piney Woods (2 skeins suggested), Pumpkin Pie, Shaker White (2 skeins suggested), Heirloom Gold, Espresso Bean, Mulberry, Wood Smoke, and Wood Trail.

    NPI: 344, 125, and 127.



    (An alphabet is included for the over-one personalization on this chart. Other than this area, there are two very small areas that have over-one stitching on them: the pear's leaf and the holly on the reindeer's collar.)


    Now I'm in the mood for the Christmas season!


    Mom finished her piece earlier in the year and sent it off to Jill Rensel to be framed. As usual, Jill did an outstanding job on the frame, and it almost makes me want to stitch it again! ….. almost. 😉 And mom's stitching is absolutely perfect, and even though I tell her this every time, she just blushes and says something like "Oh, it's not," and hopes that I'll say it again. LOL – just kidding, Mom!


    FYI: Mom changed the personalization from black to red. I love it!

    For those of you who asked, I won't be releasing the Lady's Pinroll yet that I designed to go with this chart for the retreat. Sometimes the little accessories that accompany a sampler require several tutorial pages, so maybe one day I'll gather them all and put them in a book, for those of you who couldn't attend a retreat, but would like to have the littles. 🙂

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I hope you have lots of things on your list that you're excited to get from market.. for me, market is a highlight that happens twice per year, when my favorite designers come out with so many fun, new things, all at once! (Please keep your fingers crossed that Sophie and Big Papa can hold down the fort a moment or two so I can buzz through the rooms to see what's new!)

    P.S. When I was going through the Yuletide Welcome photos from October, I ran across some photos of the Yorkie that were mixed in, as she was watching me assemble the retreat kits.


  • Market,  New Designs,  Stitching

    The Countdown to Market Begins!

    I'm so excited, I can hardly stand it! I haven't been to market in several years, so I forgot how much commotion goes on beforehand.. I've even had to put Sophie to work, bagging charts and running through room-drills (since she'll be one of my booth associates), timing her on pulling charts accurately and presenting them to the shop owner. It's been like Plum Street Boot Camp around here, but she's very excited to do it. (Big Papa will also be joining me, but I have a hunch he's only going along in the hopes of catching a baseball game – not to mention being in a room full of women.)

    I'll have 6 newish/new releases this weekend in St. Charles, 3 of which you may have seen online here and there. But I'll show them here again, in case you'd like a heads-up on the supplies you'll need if you'll be having your shop owner pick one or more of them up for you.

    First up is a design I released at Attic Needlework's Sampler Symposium back in January of 2012. It's called A Lady's Trimkeep, and to go with it, I've designed a little lady and her little companion perched on top of her hat. This companion piece uses two of the new colors coming from The Gentle Art, and let me tell you, they are beautiful colors in person! (Cottage Blue has subtle shades of mocha in it, and it's one of my favorite colors by The Gentle Art.)

    A Lady's Trimkeep & Companion tp

    A Lady's Trimkeep & Companion
    Stitch count for the Trimkeep: 195(w) x 62(h)
    Stitch count for Companion: 79(w) x 49(h)

    Threads used are from Gentle Art: Raven, Soot, Wood Trail, Cherry Bark, Terra Cotta and Cottage Blue (these last two will be available at market).

    Please note that the chart states that the Trimkeep was stitched on 36 ct. Vintage Examplar, but both pieces were stitched on this. I somehow omitted the fabric information for the Companion!

    The frame for the Companion was done by my sweet friend Sherri Berkman of Total Framing. Her taste in moulding is fabulous!

    I'll be back tomorrow with another one you may have seen, along with its list of necesseties. 🙂 I hope you're all having a lovely Monday!


  • New Designs

    Promised Lamb

    This is releasing today, so your shops should have them soon! (I was a little behind in getting them to the distributors this time.)

    PL tp

    Here's what you'll need to know if you'll be stitching this design:

    The model was stitched on 35 ct. Liberty Gathering Gray by R&R Reproductions, and the threads used are by The Gentle Art in Faded Rose, Cameo Pink, Pomegranate, Garden Gate, Portabella, Old Brick, Parchment, Brandy, Endive, Old Red Paint, Wood Smoke, and Oatmeal. The stitch count is 198(w) x 140(h), and the gorgeous frame (love love love it!) can be ordered from Total Framing in Fairfax, VA, by calling (703) 426-0660 and asking to speak with Sherri Berkman. (And thank you, Kathy Krause, for your beautiful work on the model!)

    I suppose this is a bit of a Christmas-themed design, but I do believe that the message is one that could be displayed year-round. 🙂

    And Mom, I hope you approve of it, since I put the deer there for you. 🙂

    I hope everyone's summer is going beautifully! I've been enjoying every single day of it, and refuse to complain of the heat, since it seemed that winter lasted forever here in the heartland. I'll be back soon with pictures from our July 4th weekend.. what a fun time that was!