• Family

    Good News

    I can't thank all of you enough who took the time to write in and leave comments about Sabrina's surgery. How nice it is to know that people are thinking about us and praying. Thank you!

    It was a long day at the hospital, and Sophie was looking forward to getting up early and going with us; however, I do believe the wait got to be a bit too uneventful for her…

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    Sabrina is recovering well, and we got the news yesterday that the growth in her throat was a benign polyp. Thank the Lord! We're loving the sound of her new voice, and even her friends are amazed at the difference. (Sabrina has sounded sick and stuffy for the past 1-2 years, so that we never got to hear what she was supposed to sound like.) And because the polyp was taking up so much of her airway, she had a difficult time breathing – especially at night.  She said she still can't get over how much air she gets now in just one small breath!

    The things I take for granted.

    Thank You, Lord, for knowing all along that my girl was just fine. I love You.

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  • Crazy Kids,  Family

    Surprise, Sabrina!

    I'm a little late in getting this posted, but I wanted to share with you some pictures from Sabrina's surprise graduation party. I say "surprise" bc she didn't know we were going to make it into a celebration; she knew we were going to have a family barbeque, but she was unaware of the balloons and gifts she'd be receiving, which made it especially fun to pull off.

    Sabrina chose not to have a traditional open house, instead opting for a small family gathering. Some of her peers were quick to point out that they thought this was a lousy idea, as an open house was a surefire way to get extra money for college. She reminded them that she wasn't from a large family (with lots of aunts and uncles), and didn't expect friends or neighbors to give monetary gifts… but it still bothered her that she may have made the wrong decision – if her peers were correct. After all, how was she supposed to pay for her textbooks? And what about parking permits and extra campus fees?

    So we decided to make it as fun as possible for her, so she'd realize that she hadn't made a silly decision after all.

    We started with my mom's famous orange punch… she gets quite a tongue-thrashing from family members if she tries to leave this off of any menu!

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    A tray of buttermints representing UNL, where she'll be attending this fall…

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    My dad helped with the decorating…

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    Little Miss Natalie was fairly punch-drunk by the end of the night…

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    This is the best potato salad ever. Ever, ever, ever. I can say that (even though I made it) bc I didn't make up the recipe. So that wouldn't really be bragging. 🙂

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    Btw, we also had grilled chicken, pulled pork sandwiches, beans, and lots of other things…

    Like cake. Ice cream cake, actually. And from the looks on these people's faces, you'd think it was a rare delicacy…

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    Sabrina's sweet friend Kate came to the party…

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    She brought Sabrina some very sweet gifts, like a new pair of painted shoes! (I don't have a picture of them, but they're wonderful!) And you've got to see this… look what else she created for Bean…

    Kate's Gift

    The photo on the left is one I took in Colorado, and Sabrina posted it to Facebook. Kate took that photo and sketched it onto a tote bag for Sabrina! Is that not the coolest thing ever? Kate, you are so talented!

    Remember how Sabrina wasn't expecting any monetary gifts from anyone? Remember how I told you she doesn't have a large family? Well, unbeknownst to her, she suddenly had relatives coming out of the woodwork…

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    …and each of them had gifted her with cash.

    You see, Bre and I gathered as many old, unused cards (okay, so they were all Christmas cards) as we could find, and I made a visit to the bank. We then piled the cards and money in the middle of the table and started writing congratulatory messages out to Sabrina from the likes of "Cousin Beuford" and "Aunt Hildegarde." And let's not forget loveable "Uncle Jack and Uncle Rooney." And my personal favorite, "Your favorite step-dad, Fran." (Bre, what on earth was that about, may I ask?)

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    Natalie was getting a little concerned that all of the dollar bills were for Sabrina, and not herself…

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    …And then she became downright annoyed.

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    So Sabrina gave her the job of money-holder…

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    Needless to say, Sabrina was very happy to discover so many new and generous relatives, as now the stress of paying for textbooks and parking permits was fairly covered. There were even some non-relatives that sent her a lovely card: "Sabrina, we've watched you grow into an interesting-looking young lady. Congratulations, Dr. Spenky and Associates."

    I thought it was cute when she later exclaimed, "I get presents? Are you serious?"

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    Sophie got her a Pillow-Pet, which is something Bean had wanted for Christmas, but didn't get…

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    And here's my favorite photo of the night: she got a new Flip! video recorder, which made her a very happy girl…

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    (Btw, she also got that new Huskers tank from Victoria's Secret that she's wearing.)

    It was such a fun night, and I'm so happy we were able to pull it off for Bean. Being the middle child, there isn't a whole lot that's just about her, so we wanted it to be wonderful. And speaking of wonderful, look what my sister and brother in-law gave to her:

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    A trip to Texas, to visit all the places printed on that sheet of paper! (Aud and Shaun, I can't thank you enough.)

    The rest of the night was spent finishing off the punch, playing Apples-to-Apples, and being our loud, boisterous selves.

    Oh – and bubbles! Mom always has a ready supply of bubbles on hand for our family barbeques…

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    And clearly, Natalie wasn't the only one punch-drunk.

  • Family

    A Gnome in the Hand

    Mike made a third and final trek to Kansas this past week to bring home the remainder of his parents' belongings. Among all of the boxes and totes crammed inside the Uhaul was a container full of lawn ornaments that I'd specifically stated he did not have to bring home.

    However, Mike has never been one to throw anything away, and if he had his way, Hoarders would be asking him to sign on the dotted line so they could give him the 15 minutes of fame he longs for.

    When Mike toted into the kitchen the box full of faded, chipped, and downright unsightly ornaments, he asked me where I'd like them put. I simply said, "The Good Will is fine," and he replied, "But don't you think they'd be pretty all sitting out in the yard?" I stared at him, and with a resigned "Okay," he walked back outside with the box.

    We grilled out that evening, and while the steaks browned I sat on the wicker loveseat and looked around, marveling at how green and full everything had gotten with all the rain we've had lately.

    And that's when I spied something odd among the spirea…

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    Through squinted eyes, I took a closer look…

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    You've got to be kidding me, I thought…

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    I shuddered.

    I growled.

    This was right up there with that time he took the Yorkie statue – also from his parents' house – and put it under my pillow with a note that said, "I love you, Paulette, and I'm so glad I came to live with you."

    I took a few deep breaths in an attempt to calm myself, when I was faced with yet another shock:

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    All I could do was stand there and stare, mouth agape.

    What would you do? Pray tell, what do you DO with a man such as this?

    And why does a scene like the following not surprise me?

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    (Did I mention downright unsightly?)

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  • Family

    Pomp and Circumstance

    My girl graduated from high school this past weekend. She wasn't feeling very well, but was glad to walk that aisle and receive her diploma nonetheless.

    It was very difficult finding good seating in the auditorium, and I ended up in the very back, hoping I could get a few somewhat decent shots of Sabrina. When she got to her seat, I saw her looking around, trying to find all of us; with the hundreds of faces looking downward at their class, she couldn't spot us, which made me sad. I kept wanting to shout out, "We're here, Sabrina! Here we are!"


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    About 3/4 of the way through the ceremony, they finally came to the "S" surnames, and Sabrina's row walked to the front…

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    At last, I'd maneuvered myself to get a great photo of her receiving her diploma! I was poised and eager, holding my breath, and my shutter finger was ready to capture the shot of the day…

    "Sabrina .. Stewart," the administrator called…

    (There she is! My baby girl! My little strawberry-haired baby girl!)


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    I couldn't believe it. This was the one photo I was waiting for, and it was disastrous. I kept asking myself, "Will someone please remind me why I secretly sold Mike's left kidney so I could buy this lens?" over and over again. It wasn't until a few moments later that I realized it wasn't my lens, but another culprit:

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    The onstage flash and camera rig. What timing. Ugh. 

    I then recalled that last year the school sent out photos of the graduates to each family, and I was happy again. I'm sure they got a much better shot than I could have anyway.

    So I continued on with watching my darling girl head back off the stage, diploma in hand, and back to her seat…

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    Congratulations, class of 2011!

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    Sitting in the back of the auditorium, I watched my Sabrina walk toward the exit…

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    Again, she started to look around (she had actually seen her proud dad earlier, but I was sitting in a different spot than he was), and I believe she was just about to give up spotting me, when suddenly – finally…

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    …My girl smiled at me. It was then that I started to cry. I put my camera down and held my hand to my heart and told her I loved her. She answered by putting her hand to her heart and told me she loved me too, and out into the sunshiny day she went, waiting for us to come find her.

    I am so proud of Sabrina.


    Once outside, amid the sea of green gowns, we tried our best to spot her. Finally, Sophie had the idea of standing up on a concrete block to yell out, "Sabrina!!"

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    It worked. 🙂

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    (Her dad gives the best, warmest hugs.)

    Pops was so proud…

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    In front of the courthouse…

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    (We'll be here again for Joonbug in 2018! I need to remember to take another picture exactly like this one when she's wearing her cap and gown.)

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    And yes, I'll take another of this one as well…

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    Sabrina, your dad and I are so very proud of all you've accomplished. You're a delight to us, and we love you with all our hearts. I know I speak for your Meems and Pops as well, and as dad said in your card, "Grandma and Grandpa are in Heaven, clapping and cheering the loudest."

    Congratulations, my girl.

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  • Crazy Kids,  Family,  Good Things

    Paulette Who?

    My goodness, it's been ages! How have you been?   

    It's that crazier-than-usual time of year around here, what with all of the end-of-the-school-year events taking place, my youngest girl's birthday, doctor and orthodontic appointments, graduation preparations, and Bre dragging my bum to the gym every day. Here's just a bit from the last couple of weeks…

    My Joonie had a birthday! She turned eleven, and is very proud of that, thankyouverymuch.

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    Sabrina is teaching herself to play the guitar, with the help of Friday…

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    Bre has started training for a marathon (to take place in September), and has changed her Le Clic photography blog to The Rising Runner. Instead of feeling guilty that she hadn't been taking a photo each day, she decided to get inspired by documenting her journey from occasional jogger to marathon runner, keeping track of her self-training progress and sharing a runner's recipe here and there.

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    Missy is still making lovely patterns on my carpeting, as well as breaking the sound barrier with her screechy announcements anytime one of us is coming or going…

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    …and Tasha is still channeling her inner Yoda.


    Sophie and some friends recently tried out for the end-of-the-year talent show, but her little dance group didn't make it. 🙁 Good try though, Sophie!

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    Sabrina was awarded a $500 scholarship from the Rotary Club… Congratulations, Bean!

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    Adam has started training for the marathon with Bre, and comes over to play with Sophie a lot, even though he pretends he's there to visit Bre. 😉 (He feels a kinship with Sophie, since they're both the youngest in a family of five, and Sophie adores him for that.)

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    Sophie took 2nd place in the 60-yard-dash at her school's track and field day…


    …She also played her last volleyball game and had fun at the season's end pizza party…

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    I shot another wedding! This time for two of Bre's best high school friends, Brooke and Alex. My Canon Sister Jaime shot with me, and we had so much fun working together. It was quite a learning experience!


    And finally, my sweet Sabrina has a few not-so-fun doctor appointments ahead of her. She has an angiofibroma in her neck that needs to be removed, as well as several cysts in her left sinus. We've been puzzled by how sick she always is, getting frequent colds and not being able to breathe at night. (We don't even remember what her regular voice sounds like, she's been so stuffy for over a year now.) She meets with the head-and-neck surgeon on Friday, just after her commencement practice (yes, my girl is graduating!).

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    Please keep her in your prayers, if you would?

    And that's just about it for Chez Stewart! I hope you all have been enjoying your first days of summer (well, almost!), and hopefully I'll see you soon! 🙂




  • Family,  Good Things


    Hi everyone! Bre and I have been trying for a week to get her photo uploaded to a contest Smashbox Cosmetics has been running… the winner gets a trip to L.A. and a bunch of Smashbox goodies! Anyway, it's for fun, and Breanna dreams of a shrine full of mascaras. Ha!

    If anyone out there has a spare minute (another ha!) to vote for her, that would be so awesome! Thank you so much! Here's the link: Smashbox "It" Girl Contest  (Oh, and the only down side is you do have to have a Facebook account to vote.)

    Btw, the reason we kept getting the photo rejected is that it wasn't perfectly centered when we sent it in, but we didn't know that at the time. You've seen it before, but here's the photo we submitted:


    Again, thank you so much – and if you don't have the time (or care to spend your internet time voting), then we understand! 🙂

    Good luck, Bre! My fingers are crossed that you'll have more mascara than you have lashes for.

  • Family,  Holidays

    I am loved.

    Our house can be a loud, crazy, and demanding one, but it is also one that is full with love. And I am so very blessed that my family doesn't choose to show their caring only on Mother's Day…but yesterday was a more pronounced version of how sweet they can be.

    I mean, who wouldn't want to wake up to this? 🙂

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    It was a lovely day, and although I didn't get a picture of my sweet husband, he made it a special day as well.

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    I thank the Lord for my crazy, loving family.

  • Family

    Home Again

    My girl is home for the summer, which makes me one very happy mom…

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    The only problem with this, however, is that she'll be expecting me to go to the gym with her.

    (When does school start again?)

  • Crazy Kids,  Family,  Friends

    Ladder Ball and Other Nonsense

    This past weekend we had a cookout, and Bre brought her friend Adam (who had just gotten himself a mohawk for an '80's-themed party). After our burgers and sides and Sophie's Incredible Orange Edible, Mike decided everyone would enjoy a game of Ladder Ball (also called Monkey Ball), so outside we went…

    Here's Adam, looking fierce, focused, and ready to dominate:

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    But he'd better watch out for Soph, who has her dad as her partner…

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    During warmups, Bre whacked herself in the top of the head…

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    And while she recovered, Mike got ready for his big move…

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    There he goes!

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    Bre's up…

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    An excited spectator…

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    And an excited player…

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    When the game was over, the winners congratulated each other…

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    …Although Mike took the lion's share of the congratulatory cheers…

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    When Mike and his lowly teammate started to do their victory dance again, Bre decided she would rather pretend she was on their team the whole time…

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    …Than admit to losing.

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    Sabrina had to leave for work before the games began, so she and her dad went at it the next day…

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    And if you thought MIKE was bad when it came to winning, you ain't seen nothin' yet.

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    Adam, if you never come back to the Stewart House, I will understand.



  • Family,  From My Kitchen,  Holidays


    It was such a pretty day this past Sunday, and I'm never in more of a mood to bake than on a bright Sunday morning, when the house is quiet.

    I decided on monkey bread, bc one of the most heavenly aromas in the world is warm yeast bread baking, and hot coffee brewing. And bacon.

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    Just before it was time to shape the dough and set it in the oven, my littlest Easter chick came downstairs. (She's always the first one up on holidays.)

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    She was very excited to receive a much-longed-for fragrance in her basket. It's called Carried Away, by Bath & Body Works.

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    She smelled marvelous for church.

    And Papa Bear looked marvelous for church.

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    (She wasn't quite ready for the picture, as she wasn't zipped up yet, but she was gracious about it.)

    Bre wasn't home to get in on the picture, but Mike snapped a photo of me and my two other sweet girls…

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    Bre did make it home in time for this, however:

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    I hope you had a lovely Easter Sunday!

    If you'd like the recipe for the monkey bread I made (which originally came from Martha Stewart, but with my slight changes), here it is:




    1/4 c. water
    3 1/4 c. flour
    1 large egg
    1 tsp salt
    1/4 c. granulated sugar, plus a pinch for yeast
    3/4 c. milk, warmed
    2 T. shortening
    1 pkg. yeast

    1. Put the warm water and pinch of sugar in small bowl; sprinkle yeast over top. Stir; let the yeast soften and dissolve, about 5 minutes.

    2. Place shortening, warm milk, sugar, salt, and egg in mixer bowl. Grease Bundt pan and a medium bowl.

    3. Once yeast is dissolved and foamy, add it to mixer bowl; mix well. Slowly add flour. Knead by hand for 5 minutes or so. Place in the greased bowl; cover with plastic. Set dough in warm place and let rest 20 minutes.


    1 stick butter, melted
    2 tsp. ground cinnamon
    3/4 c. light brown sugar

    4. Put melted butter in a bowl. In another bowl, mix brown sugar and cinnamon.

    5. Shape dough into 1/2" balls and then roll in butter and then brown sugar mixture. Place into prepared Bundt pan.

    6. Cover with plastic wrap; let rise about 1 hour or until double in size.

    7. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Bake 30 to 35 minutes. Let cool 15 minutes in pan.

    8. Turn bread out of pan; cool 20 minutes on rack or plate.


    2 c. confectioners' sugar
    1/4 c. milk

    9. Make icing: In a small bowl, stir milk into confectioners' sugar. Drizzle over bread.

    Enjoy! And be sure to have a fresh pot of coffee to go with it. 🙂