
See You Soon!

Tomorrow I'll be headed to Virginia Beach for the retreat at Dyeing to Stitch this weekend. I'm so excited to be one of the teachers there this year, and I look forward to meeting lots of new stitching friends! For those of you attending, I hope you all like what I've put together for you. 🙂

Thank you to my oldest daughter, Bre, for coming up with the little extra that's in the kit, and to Sophie for lots of bagging and clipping and sticking and stacking.  And thank you to Sabrina for her visits from school to keep me company as I kitted, and thank you to Mike for putting up with the neverending boxes sitting around, either waiting to be unpacked or waiting to be broken down and taken to the trash. 🙂

I leave you with a picture of little Effy Thimbles, who used to claim my dough bowl for her napping spot when she would visit. She's almost too big for the bowl now!

Effy tp


  • Kim

    Wish I was going to the retreat, instead I will be getting double knee replacement on Thurs, wanna trade me????? lol have fun…… xoxoxox

  • Robin

    Have a fabulous time and safe travels! I can’t imagine anyone not liking what you have designed.
    Robin in Virginia

  • Linda

    Have a wonderful time and enjoy the old and new friends. Nan Lewis always remarks on her blog that Ann at Dying to Stitch is the best. They will love you. Do you pack a coffee pot?!


    Hi Paulette,
    I am one of the lucky ones who will be at the Dyeing to Stitch retreat! Cannot wait to meet you and I know I will love the project….I love everything you do!

  • Charlene♥SC

    Have a wonderful time — wishing I had been able to make it, too. I’m sure the SC girls will keep those needles flying! Effy T is still adorable – just a bit bigger!

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