Crazy Kids


Around the age of 10, Miss Sophie pleaded with me so often to let her wear mascara that I finally gave in. After all, it's tough living in a house with 3 other girls who love their makeup, and you're the only one who is unfortunate enough to only need 2 minutes to get ready to go anywhere.

Now that Sophie is getting ready for middle school, she's decided that mascara is just a bit too elementary for her, and has begun the arduous task of convincing me that she needs to have a bit of an older look about her before school begins. She believes that this would be accomplished with a little harmless eyeshadow – and perhaps a smidge of eyeliner – but nothing too crazy, of course. Despite the fact that images of Mimi from The Drew Carey Show keep appearing in my mind's eye, I have agreed that some very light eyeshadow would be acceptable, but I'm not ready for eyeliner on my little girl  middle-schooler yet.

Especially after seeing her recently with no makeup on at all. Oh my, how I love this child's face…

Tp 1

She was sitting at the breakfast table with her older sisters, and they were all having a real conversation, with no arguing whatsoever…

Tp 2

Pretty soon her sisters started telling her that she needed to smile with her eyes more open, so she gave it a try…

Tp 3

"No, no, no!" they cried. "You must open your eyes and smile bigger!"

So she tried again…

Tp 4

(I do, in fact, have photos of their demonstrating how one must smile properly, but like their baby sister, they aren't wearing any makeup. And trust me when I say, if I want to keep peace with my older girls, I had better not post any of those photos.)

Sophie, your smile is perfectly perfect, and you were quite a good sport about it when they teased you. Which is a good thing, since you may be needing their advice on makeup soon.

Tp 5

P.S. I doubt that you will, but if you ever get the notion to apply more makeup in the girls' restroom once you get to school than I allow you to leave the house wearing – and I find out about it?… I will suddenly show up at your school to have lunch with you, and I will be looking like Mimi from The Drew Carey Show.


  • CarolG

    This is really hysterical! I have two daughters and we still refer to Mimi a lot – there is a woman we don’t particularly care for who actually does wear toooo much makeup but not nearly as much as the real Mimi who we still refer to as Mimi. It is really nasty on our part but brings a smile to my face every time I think of it.

  • Courtney

    I don’t know if your husband ever did this…but my dad is a firefighter, and picked me up from school once in a fire truck, and I almost died. Maybe being picked up in a police car with the lights and sirens for “cosmetic offense” would be a good punishment? :o)

  • connie

    She does have the sweetest face. I had a friend who dressed up like Mimi one year for Halloween. She was a hoot!!! I love the “Cosmetic Offense” idea from above. I think our girls started with eyeshadow at about that age. Mascara came a bit later. She is a sweet girl. Baby steps Mom!!

  • Littlebit

    ROFLOL! Sophie is too pretty for makeup..yes, I know..I’m her MeeMee, so that means less about now. Sophie..if I see you looking like your mom..I mean MiMi on Drew Carry, I will march straight into your school room and..and..well, I will think of something, trust me! M is for mascara..eye is for eyeliner. LLLLLLLLY

  • joanntx

    what you see is what you get
    and what a beautiful fresh young
    face sophie has as is…she doesn’t
    need any makeup to hide her beauty!
    guess i agree w/mee mee….!!! LLLY!!!

  • Margaret

    Oh my! So young for makeup! But yes, I can see how it would be tough when every other girl in the house can wear it. Sophie, I love how you look au naturel! Good luck!

  • marylin

    no need for makeup sophie she is very beautiful as this, your other two girls as they are sublime look like their mom, my daughter with me Heloise to 9 ½ years and she prefers lipstick …. Oh those girls!
    friendships de France

  • Lynn

    I understand why Sophie wants to wear makeup too but she has such a gorgeous complexion! She’s such a natural beauty. Just those dimples alone are a charmer.
    My family used to tease me as well about the way I smile. My eyes always seem to close and try as I might I couldn’t make my eyes open any wider.

  • Julie McConnell

    Too funny Paulette! I remember those days with Abby and Amy. Amy isn’t such a girly girl so she often goes without makeup and it does not bother her in the slightest. Sophie, you are a beautiful girl so here’s hoping you don’t go overboard on the makeup. And for God’s sake, do not and let me repeat this DO NOT put more on once at school. You WILL get caught and your mom WILL show up as threatened and the embarrassment will be hard to live down.

  • Loretta John

    Auh, she looks like a sweet girl. It seems like she won’t do that “adding make-up at school” thingy, ’cause she would obey you. She doesn’t even want to see you looking like Mimi from The Drew Carey Show! Haha! It’s funny when her smile and eyes turned bigger. She’s cuter when she smiles naturally. Good job taking care of your three girls! A moment like that must’ve given you the nicest feeling ever as a mom. 🙂

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