Crazy Kids


One of my favorite things about Sophie is that no matter whose birthday it is, she's in the mood to celebrate it. She truly has a gift for making one feel absolutely special on their birthday, and I hope we made her feel the same on hers.

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After presents, we took her to one of her favorite restaurants, The Olive Garden…

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(Btw, Sabrina got her that cute strapless top – and a bandeau – she's wearing.)

I got her a few fun little things from Aerie (since she's a big girl now and loves to shop where her sisters shop), her Meems and Pops got her some fun stuff from Justice for Girls (since she still loves little girl things, and won't be able to shop there for much longer), and Big Papa got her something she's been begging for…

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Breanna and Sabrina used to have a trampoline, but as Sophie said, "It finally passed." She was ecstatic when she woke up on the morning of her birthday and saw the instructions for assembling the new one laying on the countertop.

We had a cookout that night, and many hands (not mine) made short work of putting the trampoline together… until I noticed that the entire bouncing part was attached upside-down; time stood still as every eye turned toward me in a most unkindly way, and I suddenly felt like I was the next course in a cannibal birthday celebration. However, after recomposing themselves, Mike, Bre, Adam and Sophie went to work undoing what they'd done…

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…and soon all was set aright.

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Happy, happy birthday, my sweet Joonbug. You are absolutely special.


  • Ginny

    Oh, sooo special she is! I love and adore her beautiful smile. She truly is your littlest gift from God. 🙂 Hope Sophie had a wonderful 11 filled day!!

  • Robin Hager

    Oh to be 11 again! What a sweetheart she is! I love her nickname…Joonbug. My dad used to call me “doodlebug” when I was a girl. You always remember those things. Be careful on that trampoline! I don’t want to see ya’ll on America’s Funniest Videos!

  • Lynn in Alabama

    I love that girl! I love your designs and I enjoy your family so much. But I must say, Sophie is the what I enjoy most on your blog. You are so blessed to have such a special daughter. The joy on her face in picture after picture makes my heart feel good.

  • Margaret

    Awww, what a special girl you have there. She’s growing into a beautiful woman — rather scary to think! Glad she had a good one. Great pics!

  • Peggy Lee

    A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your sweet girl. She’s growing up so fast!
    I would love a trampoline but I’m afraid my bladder is no longer trampoline-friendly. Sorry if that’s TMI but if I don’t laugh about it I’ll cry!

  • Cathryn

    AMEN to the special!!! God bless you Sophie! You’re a sweetie and looking at all those pictures absolutely put a GRIN on my face! 😀 Cathryn

  • Lynn

    Gotta tell you Sophie, that looked like it was an amazing day! Happy Birthday! Olive Garden is one of my favourite spots but there isn’t one anywhere near my home. I have to visit my sister in the states when I want to have dinner there.
    Enjoy that trampouline. It looks like sooo much fun!

  • Anja

    Liebe Sophie !
    Herzliche Glückwünsche zum Geburtstag von der Familie Müller aus Deutschland !
    (Dear Paulette, don´t think that I forgot you. We are all very well, but not many special things happen. I will write a letter in the middle of June. I tell you, when I send it.
    Your stitching friend, Anja)