Friends,  Good Things

Nothing In Particular Day

I got the most wonderful package in the mail last week, from my dear friend Chris. Once in a while Chris will send something along that is completely unexpected, and this particular something was accompanied by a note that said "Happy Nothing-in-Particular Day!" (Btw, Chris is the most fabulous gift-wrapper, and tends to details that I would never even think of; while I'm spending time looking for a stick-on bow in the party aisle at Target, she's perusing the much-more interesting Aisles of Chris's Imagination.) (And is it "Chris's" or "Chris' "? Either way, she's got the imagination!)

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For some reason, I'm one of those people who thinks if I open a package carefully enough, I may be able to re-use the wrapping on another gift some time. It's not out of a desire to be frugal, but rather bc I hate to see beautiful wrapping go to waste. However, I'm never careful enough, and once I hear that tiny accidental rip, the game is over and I tear into it like my mother on Christmas morning.

Here's what was inside! What a sweet Nothing-In-Particular Day surprise!

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Isn't that the most adorable tiny coffee mug? She made it into a pincushion with the sweetest pins from Just Another Button Company. I love love love it!

And take a look at this…

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I was completely blown away by this sweet gesture. I just sat and stared at it, thinking that in a million years I never would have expected that someone would actually stitch one of my designs, personalize it, and give it to me as a gift! It was the most thoughtful, wonderful gift to receive.

Thank you so much, Chris! They are happily displayed in my home, and whenever I see them I'm reminded of your friendship and how you can turn a nothing-in-particular day into a very special one.


  • ~Monique

    Since you asked: a singular noun already ending in “s” becomes possessive by adding just the apostrophe… no additional “s” 🙂
    What a great surprise!

  • Siobhan

    Okay, I was just about to comment and then saw your twitter updates (I haven’t checked my Twitter feed in a few days) and the question from Sophie. ROFLOL!! So funny.
    Your package from Chris–OH MY GOSH!!! What an amazing gift! The wrapping is incredible and the present itself is just adorable. Love the mug, but the pinkeep is, as they’d say here, beyond words.

  • Margaret

    What a sweet gift from Chris. I love it! It’s all so special. The little coffee cup is wonderful — and the personalization on the pinkeep. Wow!

  • Anna

    Can you let Chris know that I celebrate Nothing in Particular Day?
    The MLA and Economist handbooks both require ‘s, so Chris’s rather than Chris’. Chicago Manual of Style is more flexible. Usually you only drop the ess when it is difficult to pronounce, or when dealing with the names Jesus, Moses, Socrates, and Xerxes.
    So, Chris’s is correct.

  • Paulette

    That’s what I mean about the “s” and apostrophes! It seems that every time I think it’s one way, I read somewhere that it’s incorrect. I remember being told two different ways in school as well, by two different teachers. Ah well, if the point get across, then I guess it doesn’t matter! Maybe I’ll just start referring to Chris as “Christine” and then I won’t have that problem. LOL

  • Life with Kaishon

    What an absolutely WONDERFUL friend. I love that she was able to brighten your day : ) We all need to do things like that so we can make the world a better and more beautiful place!
    PS Her wrapping IS sensational. WOW!

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